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Looking for reccomendedations of "kafkaesque" expansion/weight gain/inflation smut. Some of the qualities I'm interested in:

-the cause of transformation is unknown or unexplained, and this is distressing to the characters

-characters having undergone transformation struggling to live their lives with their new, altered bodies

-characters horrified by their inexplicable situation and doing their best to work through it, despite the constant, anxiety-inducing reminders that they have been a victim of a force they don't understand

-focus on characters' relationships with their families and loved ones following their transformation, and how the transformation has affected these relationships

-realistic physical, mental, and societal reactions to expansion

-a general lean more towards horror than eroticism, though eroticism would still be inherent given the physical nature of the transformation

I feel like these are hard to come by. It's not what most people look for in their smut, and it requires someone not only interested in writing about it, but skilled enough to pull it off. If anybody has come across any stories like this, I'd love to see them.
You make it sound more like you are interested in cosmic horror than anything truly Kafkaesque. Sadly I don't think i've really found any Kafkaesque stories but i hope this thread can turn some up.

I came up with a story a long while ago that I never finished or put out and don't know what I did with it.

it was set in a world where due to limited space and resources a morbidly obese young woman struggled to lose weight... there were no parks or gyms for instance. Her doctor recommended her for weight loss surgery, but this led to a bureaucratic nightmare for her.

The system was so full of desperate people who were dangerously obese that the waiting list could take years, but her place in the queue remained stagnant as people far heavier than her needed the surgery more.

She grew more and more frustrated as she tried to navigate the system and find help (gaining weight from stress eating all the while) until, upon consulting with her doctor and several clerks, she was informed her only option was to gain weight. The only people who were managing to get the surgery were hundreds of pounds heavier than her, and if she every wanted to be thin again her best option was to purposely gain weight until she became eligible for the surgery.

The nightmare continued a lot like that, and even though she climbed the list and she found that no matter how obese and unhealthy she became there was people always ahead of her because they were also trying to game the system and were purposely gaining weight.

it ended somewhat abruptly with her giving up, I think finally coming to the realization that she had destroyed her body and her life and she sunk into a gluttonous depression; It then switched to the doctors perspective unable to contact her to let her know she had finally made the list and gave up after she didn't answer.

That in itself is pretty Kafkaesque; someone trapped in a horrible system that nobody will help them through or explain to them, that kind of "nowhere to turn" nightmare logic. It's not exactly what I'm interested in, but it sounds interesting nonetheless.

I guess I'm more thinking about "The Metamorphosis" in particular. A story where someone wakes up and their body is physically altered with no possible medical explanation or cure, and an analysis of their struggle to live a normal life afterwards.
Also, fuck — I didn't mean to tag OP as spoiler

Pretty close, yeah. Not exactly, but in the same neighborhood
Hope someone finds more soon. I'm also interested in this genre but this was pretty much the only example I remember encountering.
wish he would come back

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