
I'm looking for stories prominently featuring girls eating where a lot of description is given to her filling out her clothes. A recent example I like a lot: https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view?id=308762

It ending in the clothes being taken off/ripping and sex is a plus too.
Fluffy, whipped creams. Cakes tiered as high as her head. Confectioner’s sugar floating down on the scene like snow. These were the daydreams Lady Daphne was so rudely yanked from by the sensation of her corset being tightened yet again. Yank.
“Oh surely, there’s no need for modifications,” her mother assured their dressmaker, smiling nervously. Another desperate tug. “We spare no expense in corsetry for our girls!” she readjusted her grip for another pull on the straining ribbons while Daphne gasped for breath. “Just let me get this cinched and you’ll see!”
“Well, milady…,” the dressmaker held up a hand, appearing worried not only for the seams of her handiwork but also for Daphne’s evident discomfort.
“Daphne!” her mother hissed through her smile. “Help me out here.”
“All due respect, milady. But any further and Lady Daphne won’t be able to walk, let alone dance. I assure you, letting out the dress a bit won’t detract from her debut.”
Daphne nodded enthusiastically. Her mother, clearly defeated, loosened the reins and allowed the corset to slacken. Looking down, Daphne enjoyed the ability to take long, deep breaths again, her belly swelling and falling as she did.
Why was it so wrong that she enjoyed the more lavish things in life? No one batted an eye at her mother or father, sparing no expense on the finest home furnishings and art pieces. The only difference was that while they wore their lavish taste on the walls of the home, Daphne wore her indulgence on her ever-expanding waistline. Despite what others might say or think, she was secretly proud of her evolving figure. What point was there in attempting to exude wealth if you simultaneously strove to maintain the body figure of your average street beggar? To Daphne, her curvaceous body adorned in the latest London fashions and on display at every debutante ball was proof of her status on every level. And she hoped she could win the attention of the perfect suitor who would gladly feed her decadent sweets as she lounged in the sitting room. But her mother clearly had other ideas.
“Another modification? But it’s only been a few weeks since the last one. I can only imagine her father’s face when I have to tell him the news,” she finally relinquished the ball gown over to the dress maker, who began mapping out her alterations. “I probably shouldn’t say this, Ethel, but at this rate our fortune is going to be whittled away on one daughter’s dresses alone!”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that milady!” Ethel reassured her, gently. “I would have called on you anyway! I want to make sure Lady Daphne's dresses are the talk of the town before she sets foot on any dance floor. She’s a beautiful girl. And once I’m done with her, she’ll be simply magnificent.”
“We give you our gratitude. I’ll return in a week’s time to fetch your finished work.”
“Actually,” Daphne piped up. “I’m sure I can manage on my own, mother.”
Her mother seemed surprised. “Are you certain?”
“Soon I’ll be a married woman! It’s high time I practiced managing my own affairs. ”
“Very well,” she smiled. “I leave you two to sort out the details then. I’ll see you at home, dear! I’ll send Geoff with the car to fetch you.”
With that, Daphne was left alone with Ethel. Together, they poured over the latest trends to make sure all of her dresses were still fashionable. But Ethel was skilled at adding small, creative details that could potentially spark a new trend of it’s own if they were lucky!
After sorting through piles of fabrics and color samples, the two were finally free for some girlish chatter between friends. Because, in truth, they were very close friends. Daphne was always there to support Ethel in her pursuits. And Ethel aided Daphne in her more taboo pursuits.
“So,” Ethel prodded with a mischievous grin. “I see our plan has been working?” She gestured towards Daphne’s soft, round belly.
“Oh yes,” Daphne ran her hands over her stomach, raising her petticoat higher so Ethel could see the results of their secret work. “What do you think?”
“What do I think?!” Ethel gave her belly a gentle squeeze before running her finger tips along her waistline. In order to even reach the spot, she had to use the other hand to lift her now hanging belly out of the way. “Daphne, you’ve nearly doubled in size since I last saw you! I’d say this is a job well done!”
Almost as if she couldn’t help it, she grabbed a tape measure and hurriedly started measuring her growth. She wrapped the tape measure around her bust. “Clearly your mother isn’t thrilled,” she joked.
“Oh, it’s turned her into a terror at home. She hardly lets me eat anything anymore! If it wasn’t for you hiding baskets of treats in the garden or sweets in my dresses before returning them, I’d still be thin as a stick!” Daphne made a face, sucking her cheeks in to appear gaunt and ghoulish and causing both girls to nearly fall over in a fit of laughter.
“She fears I’ll never find a husband if I continue to fatten up.”
“Well~”, Ethel’s eyes were full of mischief yet again.
“What? What do you know that you’re not saying!”
“There’s been heated gossip going ‘round about a certain eligible bachelor that just might cast your mother’s fears aside forever.”
“Oh really?” Daphne started getting dressed again, but she stalled a bit for this new information. “Who?”
“That’s just the thing! Everyone seems to know every detail about him but his name,” Ethel stepped over to help Daphne situate her clothes. “But the rumor is that he’s practically snubbed every attempted match in favor of journey’s to far off lands where the women are more ‘plump for the picking’.”
“How mysterious! Well, don’t delay with the dresses then. Because I fully intend to go to every event I can in hopes we cross paths!”
"You can count on me, milady. I won't disappoint." Ethel tied her sash and not so inconspicuously stuffed her pockets full of candies as she heard Geoff arrive with the car. “I'm going to let your dresses out a bit more than usual this time. So eat well, don't disappoint me!”
Daphne patted her pocket with a knowing smile. "You can be certain I won't!"
Gladys had become to prideful in her gluttonous, the 26 year old college grad had just spent a whole night stuffing her fat face with wings and pizza. Groaning she tried to put on her office dress she bought over a month ago, the dress felt tighter than before and her beer gut showed but Gladys didn't mind, she thought it complimented her bigger form. The sales associate she had flowing red locks and stood tall, much taller than the other girl workers at 5'9, most of the weight went straight to her beer gut and thighs as she had to up her size to a XXL after her jeans had ripped inside a cafe over a month ago. Gladys worse these fine dresses because she wanted to impress Tom, a single 6'4 guy who had just become the head manager, he was about 6 years older than Gladys but she didn't care, she liked older mature men anyway. Tom was a big man but not fat more muscule than anything else, Gladys liked being around him she would use her husky voice and try to show off her fat curves. She always got what she wanted and she would make Tom her husband and future trophy wife. Days had passed and Gladys had already outgrown another oversized dress, her date night with Tom had gone almost too perfect until he got a business call and had to end it, but she lucked out as her dress had begun to rip after she dug her face into her 6th pasta bowl. Going around the mall the next day she picked up some 3xl shirts and shorts, and a oversized red robe which she couldn't wait to seduce Tom with. Her gut rumbled after the shopping she ordered 5 boxes of Chinese takeout and a dozen donuts from Marcos donuts next door as she stuffed her face in the food court, she enjoyed the looks and stares people gave her, she knew Tom was a rich man and she wanted no more for him to out a ring on that finger and she would be rich, she knew from the beginning Tom would give her a life of luxury and get pampered and spoiled by him. Their latest date night had ended with the two back in toms loft, as they fell into the bedroom where Gladys revealed her big voluptuous form to him "Like what you see?" She said grinning evilly as Tom locked lips with her as quickly as she said that. Gladys was sure tom would eventually propose as they going on dates but he never did, and she was starting to be discouraged. She had already outgrown another clothing size and had to order hand made clothes online which she was not happy about.

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