
Are there any decent longer stories around? Short stories always seem to rush the weight gain too much. Preferably something with a dominant female feeder, but I'm open to anything really.
The Alice story on devientart is over a whopping chapters now.

Very slow yet consistent progression and character growth. I don’t really remember the early chapters as much, as I read them years ago, so perhaps they haven’t held up as well, but I can say with confidence the latter half has been very good. Considering that’s at least 60 chapters, that’s a good amount of material to chew through.

Author is Mcoddles on devientart
anything by STC9892 is great, and a lot of their stories are slow-burn. definitely worth checking out.
I agreee, STC has good stuff.
I copy all stories I like into docs and save em locally; generally I put all the stories of one author into a single doc. Almost 700 files now.
Videos900, SLDB (fantasyfeeder), NoviceFa are just a few that have long stories which I find pretty good.
I don't even bother saving stories that are only a few hundred words unless somehow they're truly exceptional, and they're relegated into a "various" file.
I really liked "Heidi" by hgee, specially the second part (the first was told from the pov of the landlord, I found that a bit strange).
Also, "The Sacred Ritual" by gain234 was quite good.

it'd be nice if you could upload those to wetransfer, anon
tha number 900 you wouldnt happen to have any of Gaining Grapes stories that were deleted. "Gaining Subscribers" or "Health Hazards"
thirded, STC is a really good writer. his "mistress next door" is a dominant female feeder fattening up a couple. most of his other stories dont involve feeders though, and the weight gain is mostly caused by the protagonist just being a greedy bitch. his "army wives" and "moving back home" have a pretty great length in particular
warning though, some of his shit goes is REALLY dark. a woman has a fucking miscarriage in one, one is about a woman feeding her daughter to death after the death of her husband so they can all die together... it can go from morbidly hot to maybe a little too much for some people
Moving Back Home went from some of the hottest shit I've ever read to a chilling nightmarish tragedy that I still think of when I can't sleep.
There used to be a story called "Freedom" back on the old chan a long time ago. It's about a girl tracking her own weight gain from athlete to borderline immobile blob. She's enjoying the whole thing, stuffings, her fat and growing body, unfitness, mobility issues, you name it. It's a long read. Here you go:

I translated the whole thing into german if anyone is interested.
Thank you very much!
server not found for the link you posted.
I'm interested in reading the story.
Only "gaining subscribers" is ringing any vague bells for me, but no I don't believe I have any gaining grapes stories. It is slightly possible that I have them buried in some "variety" text file. If I locate, I'll make available via this board.
Yeah gaining subscribers is a story about Loey Lane being fattened up by her Youtube partner and health hazards characters are named Vanessa and Emily
Has anyone got Monster House from Undertaker33 but NSFW version? I can't find it anywhere, and it's a little longer story

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