
Looking for stories where an obese daughter is supported in getting massive by her family whether they're aware of it or not
>>2979 (OP)
Fattening Female Responsibilities by Kyroz0

Due to a new amendment or whatever but the government, all young women who have reached 18 years old will be fattened to immense sizes to increase their fertility, this is so we can produce more humans.
So Christina (the main character) is coerced by her mother and latter down the the liner her husband to become extremely fat.

Warning: the writer is a bit of a newbie when describing weight.

Pushy Mother By obesityforever

Mother decides to slowly brainwash her teenage child (Brittany) through similar methods of Stockholm syndrome. By first slowly feeding her larger portions everyday and if she refused she was forced to eat an even larger amount of food. Then giving her praises whenever she gave into her gluttony, causing the girl to subconsciously eat more for bigger praises.
After that the mother cuts content with the outside world by removing Brittany from school and yelling at her when she talks back. After that she “teaches” her daughter to call her mum or mummy, then she continues to corrupt her daughter with bigger portions and fatter food. This causes Brittany to mentally slightly devolve into a child, where she gets scared of a kids movie scene.
Then my favorite part, the mother starts by tightening the collar by forcing her daughter continue to eat even when Brittany complains that she needs to pee. This soon causes Brittany to accidentally pee herself and the mother coddles her and starts make wear diapers.
After a massive feast at a buffet restaurant, the mother finally makes her daughter into nothing but an extremely obese baby.

Stuffing Becky by gghost646

While not a parent feeding kept her story, it’s a good story where a boyfriend creates a relationship with a girl that he soons fattens, fucks and ridicules to the point of becoming a 1000 pound baby machine blob of fat.

Big Baby Lilo by Chubby-Chimaera

Nani, new to learning how raise a sister ends up learning how to raise a toddler and starts putting lilo into diapers then starts fattening her up with fatter and fatter concoctions on her birthday.
Bump, I've gotta see more

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