
One of my favorite tropes, but I don't think I ever saw a thread for this. Post any stories you have/made of families that are fat, (or are mostly fat).
Husband and wife Dylan and Amanda have recently decided that they are ready to have kids, but there’s a catch; Dylan is a chubby chasing feeder to whom Amanda promised that if she got pregnant she would let him fatten her up to his hearts content. Apprehensive but not wanting to renege on her promise Amanda comes up with a compromise; she will gain weight for Dylan if he agrees to gain with her to which he agrees. As wifeys pregnancy progresses hubby indulges in all his feeder fantasies, starting tamely at hand feeding her treats working up to funnel feeding and finally doing her doggy style while she eats cake like a pig. Amanda for her part takes to mimicking Dylan’s actions and becoming a pretty good feeder in her own right. As the happy couple continues to indulge in as much greasy, salty, sugary, fattening junk food as they can stuff down their gullets they find themselves easily a hundred pounds heavier by their child’s due date. Amanda’s pregnancy steadily progresses until finally the two are gifted with a healthy pair of bouncing baby twins. A boy and a girl. The couple thinks that their gaining adventure is over, Amanda especially looking forward to shedding the weight, but like all other diets before theirs it’s all easier said than done especially as the twins need lots of attention taking away from any time the parents could dedicate to exercise, to say nothing of how addicted they’ve become to all the sugary goodies they’ve gotten used to devouring over the past nine months. Deciding to just go with the flow until either there weights plateau or it becomes absolutely necessary to lose weight.

As time goes on things take an interesting turn when Dylan and Amanda find themselves overfeeding the kids out of habit, but instead of worrying about it they think their kids look even cuter with more baby blubber on them. By the time the kids (Gavin and Samantha) are toddlers they are both nearly two hundred pounds each and their parents are well over four hundred. Food is the center of family life, with no nook or cranny not holding something edible. At every meal they eat like it’s there last, glutting themselves to the max on the richest most fattening food they can get with no person leaving until they’re absolutely ready to explode. Burst buttons, popped seams and other wardrobe malfunctions are so common that the family has adopted a policy of at home nudism, preferring to let there immense obesity cover them. Amanda is still producing milk and breastfeeding the kids, wanting to make sure her baby’s are getting all the nutrients they can get, making them just a bit fatter around the edges. ‘Fatty’, ‘Pig’ and other such derivatives are treated as compliments, with both parents making sure their kids know that there is nothing wrong with them being big and that their size is something to be proud of.

This is more of a world building blurb than a story, but I figured this would be a good way to bump this thread. Hopefully someone will be interested in this idea enough to make a full story about it.
wow, nice. Can you write more, pleas?

And more

Will you write about the school period of children?
This is just a summery of the story at the moment. If I do decide to continue it will be in much better detail. And as for chronicling the kids growing up; definitely.
Bumpin this
God that was so hot ! bumping for a sequel or a proper story !
Does anyone have the PRPR Academy story by scx from old dimensions?
Does anyone has the "Insatiable Aspers" story by Crude Atoms?
Its a paid story.

Also is there a paid content thread here in /elite/?

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