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A thread for those darker stories about fat women. Subject may include bullying, force feeding, health issues or even death.
you have no idea how hard I'm judging you right now
dick is hard, I'll give a bump
Erika’s elective (picture for reference)
“It’s not a simple procedure, but it is a routine one,” said the doctor. Like most high schools participating in the ‘national tradition’ of tankery, Kuromorimine GHS retained a full-time campus medical staff and surgery ward. A simple nurse’s office was something only seen in smaller, less prestigious academies, where the students only risked the usual bumps and bruises of school life.

“I can assure you that the risks are minimal with proper care. It’s a relatively new procedure, so she would be the first student at this school to undergo it, but our chief surgeon has performed the operation at three other schools just this year, and each of those girls are doing just fine.”

Maho Nishizumi listened carefully, following along with a stern look on her chubby face, her dark brown hair brushing her plump cheeks. She was no stranger to the medical ward herself, having come in dutifully for the full spread of routine checkups and examinations expected for a girl of her considerable size. It was expected for a team captain to be a little pudgy, the better to sympathize with her hardworking athletes. Maho took things to the next level, weighing fully double what most of her peers did. At a whopping 986 pounds, anyone who saw her could be assured that she took to her duties with the utmost seriousness.

The doctor continued to list off possible complications and side-effects. Out of habit, Maho tried to cross her arms, before remembering that the heavy mass of her beachball-like bust, neatly concealed under her uniform, took up far too much space for the move to be practical. Frustratedly, she settled her hands on her hips instead, embracing the three-foot span of her enormous slab of a body. Maho wasn’t here for a checkup today, of course. As team captain, she was also directly responsible for those on her team who were no longer capable of managing their own healthcare. Every one of her team’s ‘tanks’ had signed a comprehensive waiver and power of attorney enabling her to make decisions in their stead, and it was for this reason that Maho was appearing for Erika Itsumi, her loyal adjutant, and currently Kuromorimine’s strongest competitor.

Maho broke in suddenly, her voice low and husky. “She has been...huff...briefed, and she has indicated her approval. She...huff… understands it’s quite a commitment.” Her chins wobbled as she finished speaking.

The doctor wiped his brow. “Well, the dentures are very good these days… we’d fit her for them as part of the process. That said… given the… invasive nature of the operation, I’d still feel most comfortable obtaining the patient’s direct consent.”

Maho nodded solemnly, her features submerged in the bulging fat of her cheeks. “I can’t….huff... fault you for that. Let’s go and...huff... talk to her.” One slow, plodding step at a time, the half-ton brunette grunted and heaved her body around and towards the exit, her titanic breasts not covering her knee-obscuring gut where it threatened to hang out of her skirt. The doctor followed her out to the medical hangar, a large warehouse-like space that could be sterilized and prepped for surgery, carefully descending the metal staircase while Maho silently waited for the heavy access lift. Below her was Erika. All of her.

Erika was preposterously, unimaginably fat. Long past immobile, she sprawled over a heavy duty transport platform that stretched almost from end to end of the spacious hangar. Despite being wide enough to park a set of schoolbuses side by side, the space seemed positively cramped. Maho fumbled with her collar; the sheer heat of Erika’s vast presence rendered the room noticably humid. Over the past several years of training, Kuromorimine’s ‘ace’ had pushed herself and pumped herself to ever more inhuman sizes, finally attaining the coveted ranking of Pzkpfw. ‘Tiger’ Ausf. B, the only student to have managed the feat in years. The blob in front of Maho now weighed over 75 tons, a sprawling, sweating, shapeless behemoth only recognizable by the mop of messy sandy-blonde hair. Maho smiled; she made sure Erika’s hair was washed and brushed properly before each competition, before her tanker’s cap was carefully placed on top of her fat-swaddled head. But now, out of uniform, stripped down to her bare flesh for her check-up, she barely even registered as human. Even now, as technicians poked and prodded at her, the enormous blonde blob was suckling insistently from a tube running down from a feeding tank in the ceiling. At this size, her system was simply not used to being empty, and it avoided problems to keep her pleasantly full and taut at all times. She just thinks of it as good training, of course, Maho thought to herself, fondly. There wasn’t a single moment when Erika wasn’t trying to get even bigger.

‘Erika? Wake up.”

Erika blinked to awareness. The soft voice of her commander called out to her. She’d been stationed in the hangar for half an hour as Maho and the doctor ran through the formalities, and in that time she’d drifted off into a gluttonous, thoughtless trance, guzzling deep from the provided tube. She stretched, as much as she was able, her weak muscles tugging uselessly at buried joints, limbs covered over with fat. They didn’t move, but she didn’t mind that. Though Erika had lost more or less all the remaining flexibility in her arms and fingers over the last year, she still found it reassuring to check from time to time that they were still there.

She felt a heavy pressure on her chest. Despite Maho’s advanced obesity, the brunette had disembarked from a crane-mounted inspection platform and was clambering onto Erika’s body, nestling up against her neck and chins. Reluctantly, she spat out the tube, letting the end tumble down her chins. Far out of reach. She couldn’t turn her head to look, but the commander’s kindly face came into view.

“Are you...huff... feeling okay? I can have them turn up...huff...the oxygen for you. Would you like that?”

Erika grunted in the negative, and felt momentarily embarrassed that her commander had noticed the heavy panting. She was used to the burden of thousands of pounds pressing down on her, but the additional weight of Maho was causing her some strain. She took another wheezing gasp of oxygen, as much as she could get through the little pressurized plastic tube in her nose, and grunted a ‘no’ one more time. It was the best she could manage under the circumstances. Erika’s cheeks, like enormous soft pillows, rose up on either side of her face, filling half her field of view. Her jaw floated on top of a thick cushion of blubber, her cheeks merging with her jowls, and so she was starting to struggle with the effort required for simple syllables, let alone full sentences. Maho wasn’t her official radio operator, but the team captain was knowledgeable enough, and had known her for long enough, that the two had no problems communicating, despite Erika’s increasing wordlessness.

Hence the reason they were there today.

“The doctor wants your personal...huff... sign-off for the procedure,” Maho muttered gently. The doctor nodded from the platform. “Can you give him a...huff...sign of consent? A thumbs-up, or a ‘yes’, either will do.”

Erika took a moment, still catching her breath. The surgery was said to be straightforward, and most importantly, it was legal under the rules of the Tankery Federation. As a tank increased in size and weight, she naturally lost more and more of her mobility. Erika had been lucky, all things considered; she had kept relatively little of her weight in her face, and had thus been able to retain the ability to chew and speak unhampered at weight classes far beyond where others began to struggle. Now, however, the sheer poundage building up around her face was starting to limit her ability to open her mouth, restricting her to narrower-gauge feeding tubes and interfering with her overall intake. The fix was simple -- make a little room in the jawline. After all, it had been years since she’d chewed anything, and without her front teeth there would be space to install a heavy-duty tube mounting instead. The rubberized mounting would ensure comfort, and she wouldn’t have to worry about a thing as she was pumped with lard, free to grow as large as she pleased.

Erika felt a shiver run through her. The consequences weren’t lost on her -- with the feeding rig in place, she would go from effectively unspeaking to totally mute. She would have to rely on moans, groans, finger twitches, and eye signals to communicate. Over the past month, she’d been training extensively with her radio operator in nonverbal signals, specifically for this day. She licked her lips.

Of course, she wanted it.

Over the years, Erika had gorged herself stupid on flavourless gainer shakes, feeling her body become more and more cumbersome, losing her freedom bit by bit as she committed herself to the tankery lifestyle. First her slim figure, then her stamina, then her wardrobe. Her ability to see her feet. Her ability to use standard chairs, then standard doors. Then, her ability to heave herself up out of bed without assistance. Then, her ability to waddle unaided. Then, her ability even to stand, confining her permanently to her bed. Erika began breathing hard thinking about her journey, about how the loss of her mobility only emboldened her to reach her ultimate potential. Her cheeks flushed as she recalled the last time she’d fed herself, long before she’d lost the flexibility to do so. The day her feet no longer made contact with the floor, ending even her idle daydreams of regaining her mobility. The tons coming one after another, the stretch marks piling up on her increasingly heavy gut as it spilled out far past her buried toes.
And now, at over 75 tons of blonde overfed lard... With this surgery, the sky was the limit. It was really just one more step in a long journey, one that would ensure that it continued for a long, long time to come. Erika wanted nothing else. To spend the rest of her days growing, without an end in sight, without a single worry other than how fast she could gain, under the watchful eye of her beloved commander, and above all, to stay number one...


Erika blinked back to reality. She made eye contact with Maho, whom she could barely see over her mountainous cheeks.

A slight nod of the head, a twitch of her thumb skyward. That was all she could manage.

Maho smiled warmly. “Then let’s get to it.”


Several months later...

“Um, Commander? It’s time for Erika’s check-up. Everything’s fine, but they want you to sign the papers...”

The mild-mannered Koume Akaboshi opened the double doors of Maho’s office, munching on a donut. Her broad hips and overfed double gut took up much of the frame. While she’d been required to keep her weight manageable as part of an active tank crew, she’d let herself go a little after becoming Maho’s personal assistant, and as a result the uniform that fit her perfectly at 450 pounds was now rather hopelessly inadequate on the heavily apple-shaped girl.

Maho was in the middle of a grand feast at her desk, half a roast pig laid out in front of her. She wore a bib the size of a small blanket in an effort to keep the sauce off her gargantuan chest. Her ongoing growth had resulted in the remodelling of her desk, and now Koume couldn’t help but glance at the commander’s pale, flabby legs, straddling an immense belly apron that reached the ground as she sat, flanked by two enormous breasts that came down to past her knees. The brunette burped, and wiped her chins with her napkin.

“Tell them I’ll be right there.” Koume saluted and left as Maho began the laborious process of heaving herself to her feet, readjusting her hanging folds and seizing hold of the grip bars mounted on her desk. She grunted and gritted her teeth, pulling hard, and slowly she rose from her seat into a standing position, grateful that Koume wasn’t there to see how red in the face she was getting. She took a moment to catch her breath, and slowly began to shuffle around her desk and out into the hallway. She grimaced as her knees bore the weight of her obese body; it wasn’t easy to shift upwards of 1400 pounds from place to place, and she had to admit that retirement from the sport was starting to look inevitable. At the very least, I could start using the competition platform like Koume keeps saying, she thought to herself. She put it out of her head and tried to focus on putting one foot forward at a time.

Mercifully, after the last couple of renovations, the hangar was just one door away. Maho emerged out into the cool, air-conditioned breeze, and watched as the last of the medical technicians finished their measurements and clambered off Erika’s immense, nude puddle of a body.

Erika was, simply, huge. Ever since the surgery she had increased her intake immensely, and she was now growing at a stunning rate. She had met and crushed Jagdtiger classification within a matter of weeks, and according to the scale, she now weighed an astonishing 115 tons, well on her way to doubling her mass. She hadn’t spent a single moment after the procedure without the feeding tube crammed into her mouth rig, cranked up as high as she could take. Even now Maho could see the gentle swell of her belly as Erika squeezed down gallon after gallon of feed into her pressurized stomach. Despite not having spoken a word in months, Erika’s ambitions were clear.

She was now finally in the running for the legendary Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus ranking, an accomplishment that would make her the fattest student in Kuromorimine history. At over 207 short tons, this ranking would also make her the largest living animal on Earth. Erika thirsted for it. The rate at which she depleted the 1000-gallon feed tank was proof enough to her handlers that she wouldn’t settle for anything less.

Maho glanced at one of the monitors set up at the side of the vast hangar, with its camera feed focused on Erika’s face and hands for ease of communication. Erika looked the same as she usually did these days; a deep scarlet flush across her absurdly fat face, her eyes fixated on the digital weight readout mounted high above her in the ceiling, watching the numbers with rapt attention as she suckled on the hose every hour of every day. Even her face was substantially fatter, her neck mounding up and around her head as it was crowded by her rising backfat, her cheeks blocking her view to the sides. She was starting to sink into herself, trapped as she was in her own rising form, her arms pinned in place at her sides, spread-eagle in her own flesh. Her long silver hair, uncut for months, spilled out over her backrolls. She was totally immobile, a colossal mass of creamy flab, covered with bright red stretch marks as she continued to gain with reckless abandon.

“You know, the more I watch her, the more jealous I get,” said a voice. Maho turned laboriously to her side. It was Leila, the twintailed girl on monitoring duty, sitting at her desk and staring dreamily up at Erika’s mountainous form. “I’ve spent so long helping her get here, and now it’s like she doesn’t even need me anymore,” she said wistfully, with a glance at the older feeding pumps used for tanks in training.

Maho drew a deep breath, mouth hanging open as she huffed and puffed. Her knees were aching from the short walk over from her office. She could feel the sweat pouring from her, rolling down her face, as she strained to keep her gargantuan form standing. She shifted her weight uncertainly. “Is the doctor….still…here?”

“Ah, well...Koume told me you’d been having trouble lately… that you could use more hands-on assistance…” With a sinister, high-pitched giggle, Leila walked up and brazenly seized hold of Maho’s immense belly apron, her thin fingers reaching deep into her sweat-lined love handles. Maho looked at her with surprise.

“You don’t have to worry. I already signed the paperwork for you. Why don’t you just take a nice, long lie-down…” There was a dangerous smile on Leila’s face.

Maho looked up, at the hulking silhouette of her onetime subordinate. Ultimately, the burning sensation in her thighs won out. With a sigh, she allowed Leila to gently guide her, pushing her up against one of Erika’s soft thigh rolls, and placing one of the spare nozzles in her mouth. She gently allowed herself to slump to the floor, her legs taking up positions on either side of her gut as she settled in. The much thinner girl proceeded to gently knead and caress her belly rolls, whispering encouragement as the morbidly obese brunette gave in and started to drink from the hose.

Erika didn’t notice. Her whole world was the tube, and she continued to guzzle, and guzzle, and grow, and grow...
Pushy mother by obesityforever

I plodded down the stairs. Mum had made dinner you see and she gets really mad if I’m late for meals. She says, ‘you’ll never grow up big and strong if you don’t eat enough!’. As I walk over to the kitchen table I see a bigger plate than usual.

“Why have you served me this much mum?” She looks over at me with a stern face.

“Well Brittany you have been wasting food for too long and it’s wrong! So, from now on, you will eat everything I put on your plate.”

“Why though?!”

“Because I decided this Brittany! You will do as you’re told!”

So, I did as I was told. It looked like there was enough pasta to feed a family of four on this plate, but I daren’t not finish it in case I triggered my mother’s fury.

After an hour, I finally finished and I dragged myself back to my room and laid in bed. Why was she doing this? I rubbed my stuffed middle and groaned in pain. It wasn’t gonna be this bad all the time, right? I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up the next morning still feeling better after last night’s dinner. Just how did I eat all of that? I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I’m grateful to my metabolism, it looks like last night’s food baby has almost completely gone. I am quite slim, I have a flat stomach, slender arms and a modest chest, however I am a little pear shaped. My legs are a little bigger to me proportionally, and my bum is also a little larger. I’m also very short. 4 feet 9 to be precise, although mum says its fine because I’m still growing. She says I get it all from her, which I believe. Apart from some baby weight she never managed to get rid of and the fact she is about average height, we share very similar bodies. I walk downstairs slowly. I’m in no rush, it’s the summer holiday season so I don’t have anything to do. I turn into the kitchen to see my mum just putting my breakfast down. My mouth drops open to see it’s a huge stack of pancakes, dripping with butter and syrup.

“Mum, why have you given me this many pancakes?!”

“I told you yesterday, you keep wasting food, so now you will eat everything that I make you”

“I’m not eating all of this!”

“Then would you like to be punished?”

Brittany knew those words. Her mother’s punishments were… vicious at the very least. When she meant punishment, she meant something more along the lines of torture. I didn’t want to eat all those pancakes, but I also didn’t want to be treated like a prisoner. I look away from her and seat myself in front on pancake mountain. I picked up my knife and fork and slowly ate through it. The pancakes were so delicious. They were perfectly fluffy and just melted in my mouth, but here were too many of them for me to eat. I got three quarters of the way through before I gave up.

“I’m full…” I leaned back and rubbed my tummy

“Brittany, you still haven’t finished, eat up.”

“Mum I can’t I’m so full” the pain was unbearable. I felt like I was about to pop.

“If you get up from this table then I will give you a punishment you little madam”

I groaned. This was gonna be nasty. I picked up my knife and fork and decided to take huge bites. That way I could finish it faster. I never knew eating could be so painful either! Every mouthful was met with pain and urge to make it stop, but I soldiered on. After half an hour I finally finished it, I rubbed my bloated stomach and groaned in pain.

My mother came up to me and wiped my face for me. “Good girl! Why don’t you go sit on the sofa okay?” she assisted me as I trudged over to the sofa and laid down. She stroked my hair and smiled at me. “Keep it up baby” she cooed. I didn’t know what she meant at first, but it soon all became apparent.

Over the next 2 weeks, it became apparent that I was gonna be eating a lot. The portion sizes my mum served were huge, and I mean HUGE. There was enough for at least 3 or 4 people on my plate every single meal. I had originally planned on meeting up with my school friends at some point during this time, but I was too stuffed with my mother’s cooking to even get dressed. I soon came to realise that my mother’s behaviour was quite predictable. If I at everything on my plate without complaining she would praise me. If I refused to eat it all she would be icy and irritated with me. So, I quickly adapted to eating everything on my plate and she rewarded me, movies, pc games, anime stuff and so on. Her favourite reward to give me was to let me choose the TV channel and cuddle me as we watched TV. It also started to become my favourite reward. I felt safe in my mother’s arms and she would stoke my head and shower me with praise intermittently.

What didn’t feel safe however, was my body. My flat tummy has started to round and push outwards, and my legs are looking a little chubby. The dead giveaway that I’ve put on weight though is my clothes. I can't get any of my jeans over my bum anymore! And my t-shirts are getting tight on the chest too! seeing as I haven’t left the house for 2 weeks it’s not a disaster yet, but I'm down to tracksuit bottoms and the largest shirts in my wardrobe.

It’s halfway until dinnertime and I'm lying on the sofa cradling my full belly when my mother comes over to me.

“I brought you a snack Brittany!” She presents me with a plate with what must have been at least 15 brownies. I looked at her with a surprised face.

“Mum… why are you giving me all these brownies?”

“Because I want you to eat them honey!” She gave the honey a sweet tone and smiled at me with her eyes closed “And if you don’t eat them then I’ll be very disappointed in you…”

That was all the encouragement I needed. I didn’t want to piss her off. I hastily started to feast on the brownies and oh my gosh. They tasted absolutely divine! Despite eating a ridiculous portion for lunch, I managed to get the first 13 down without any let-up. Whilst the last 3 were a struggle. This marked the first real change in my appetite, but of course I was too busy being praised by my mother to care. This happened again the next day. I would be laid on the sofa watching anime in-between meals and she would come and bring me massive plates of snacks and make sure I eat it all. My stomach’s constant stretching was starting to take a permanent effect on me. I was getting hungrier much quicker than I used to and I was starting to find it easier to eat my mother’s mammoth meals. Which in turn, was starting to make me gain weight quite quickly.
This wasn’t too important to me however. After years of disdain from my mother, she was finally being affectionate towards me, and it felt so good. She even bought me some cute pink pyjamas to wear and they fit me so well!

Little to my knowledge, I wasn’t going to be fitting in these for very long.

About 2 weeks later, as I was about to sit down in my pink pyjamas, I heard a might rip from behind me. I shot up quickly and looked at my bum. I couldn’t see anything, so I felt around the back and found I’d put a huge hole in the back of them. I sat down and I began to cry, very quickly followed by my mum rushing over to hug me.

“What’s wrong baby?!” She asked as she gently held me

“Mummy *Sniff* I'm fat!” I began to cry with renewed vigour.

“Shhhh it’s okay baby, it’s okay, mummy loves you very much. Why don’t I get your blanket from upstairs so you can snuggle up warm whilst I go and buy you some new clothes?”

I looked at my mother “*sniff* okay mummy”. She smiled and went upstairs for my duvet whilst I put on my favourite anime, sailor moon. My favourite character is Usagi because she is so brave but she is also lazy like me. I’ve always hated homework.

About 20 minutes later my stomach starts rumbling. It’s usually around this time my mum would bring me a half gallon of ice cream or a batch of giant homemade cookies. I ignored these feelings for 5 more minutes until I saw the sailor moon crew go out to eat. Which is when I paused it and I knew I had to get something to eat. I paused sailor moon and went over to the cupboard. I found 8 packs of Oreos and strawberry milkshake powder. I took all 8 packs and made a blender full of milkshake for the Oreos and returned to the sofa and sailor moon.

I couldn’t fathom why I had made this much food, but I was so hungry I couldn’t bear the thought of taking any less. I ate through pack after pack like it was nothing and the milkshake did an excellent job of washing it down, it was a good thing I had 1.5 litres of it.

About 20 minutes later as I was on my last pack of Oreos I heard the door close. Holy shit it’s my mother! She walked into the living room and looked at me, surrounded by an empty blender jug, used Oreo packets and crumbs. She spent a second taking it in and then a huge friendly smile appeared on her face

“Are you hungry darling?”

A panic ran through me “Mum I'm sorry I was so hungry that I -“

“I'm so proud of you Brittany! You’ve nearly finished your snack! Let mummy help you!” She swiftly came to my side, opened up the last packet of Oreos

“Now open wide baby” she cooed as she put the first Oreo in my mouth whilst showering me with praise and affection, and one by one, the Oreo packet was emptied. Almost as soon as it was finished my mother praised me harder than I’ve ever been praised before and she followed it up by cuddling me and then, rubbing my belly?! I was shocked at first, but I was too full to resist. Plus, it kinda felt good?

2 months later, and it’s become apparent that the summer holidays have been lethal to my body. I can’t live in denial any longer. I really am fat. The gap between my legs have closed and be replaced with squishy fat and cellulite. My butt has gotten bigger, and widened with my hips. I used to be so slender and now I can't get any old clothes past my knees. I’ve grown a jiggly belly now which hangs over my waistband.
My arms are soft and squishy and I'm starting to develop a double chin. I can’t even believe my eyes when I look in the mirror. At least my mother has been buying me clothes to wear or else I’d be screwed.

I sighed and went downstairs, this isn’t what I wanted but I couldn’t do anything about it right now, I couldn’t go against my mother’s words.
“Morning baby! You hungry?” Oh yeah, she almost always calls me baby after the Oreo incident.

“Yeah mum I'm starving!” This wasn’t a lie, I was almost always hungry now. Mum kept feeding me larger meals and I had to eat them all

“I'm going to high school, tomorrow right? Have you got my uniform yet?”

She turned to me with a slight concern in her eyes “You still think you’re going to high school?”

At that moment, it felt like something had punched me in the chest. What did she say? Of course, I was going to high school, right? Surely?

“What do you mean mum? I'm going to high school tomorrow with my friends”

“No darling, you’re being home schooled.”

“What?! Why?!”

“Because high school is dangerous! So many bullies and social pressures! Its better if you can stay at home where I can look after you” She smiled at me

“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS MUM?!” I stood up and I was about to leave the room when my mum shouted at me


And that was it. In the space of a minute, all my hopes and dreams for high school had gone out of the window. I felt crushed. So, I did what I did best. I just ate. The increase in portions and the epic taste of food meant I was starting to develop a serious food addiction to my mother’s cooking. Everything she said was law, and I couldn’t beat the law. So, I just did what my mother wanted. I ate.

I came downstairs the next morning to see my mum holding a huge plate towering with waffles. She told me to sit down

“What’s up mum?”

“Brittany its time you remembered your Ps and Qs. Every time you want something you must ask ‘please Mummy’ and when you get it, say ‘thank you Mummy’. On top of that, you must always call me Mummy. If you do not then you will be severely punished. Have you got that?”

I looked at her, fear in my eyes with the reality that she was serious.

“Yes Mummy”

For the rest of the day, I was terrified of my mother, or Mummy as I now call her, but I daren’t defy her. I didn’t understand why she was doing this. I just wanted to go to high school, make new friends, maybe fall in love and then graduate into life’s next adventure. Not spend every day with a full belly watching anime. Don’t get me wrong I loved this, but I didn’t want to do it all the time.

After breakfast the next morning, Mummy came and sat next to me on the sofa during my after-breakfast batch of cookies.

“So, I know you’ve been spending a lot of time indoors and I also know you're upset about being home schooled. So, I thought we’d go to the movies after lunch! It’ll be really quiet and they are currently re-running the Disney animated films, so we can go watch Beauty and the Beast together! What do you think?”

I nodded my head in agreement “Yeah I really like that film Mummy!”

“Then it’s decided, Mummy will sort everything out so don’t worry about it! I’ll even get your clothes ready for you to change into!” She ran off upstairs and brought down some grey tracksuit bottoms and a new pink T-shirt that said ‘Princess’ along the middle. Ever since mum has been buying me clothes she really had an attraction to the colour pink, she says it makes me look really cute.

After another one of my mother’s notably huge meals, we headed out to the cinema. This was really my first time leaving the house in about 2 months, mainly because I had daren’t ask to go anywhere for feel like I had the energy to do so. I was nervous to say the least. It also didn’t help that these tracksuit bottoms were very feature hugging. They struggled to contain my ass and I could feel that when I sat down in the car. The shirt fit well, but the lettering was stretched along the front where my belly pushed against it. When we walked into the cinema we paid for our tickets and my mum decided to buy me snacks. 2 large popcorns and 2 large sodas, which was strange, especially because that wasn’t very much to eat. Regardless, we sat ourselves down in the VIP seats in the cinema and started watching. It felt good knowing that we were the only 2 people in the room, guess that’s what happens when you go to the cinema at 1:30pm.

Less than halfway through the film I had was astonished to find I had eaten all of the popcorn. I wasn’t even aware I had eaten it! My Mummy certainly was though, she leant over and gave me her handbag. Puzzled, I looked inside to find it was filled with sweets! My tummy rumbled as I said, “Thank you Mummy!” and continued watching the film watching the film.

The wolf chase scene began. I’ve never been okay with this scene ever since I saw it and started crying as a child, even now it scares me. Just after it started, Mummy held my hand, as if she knew I was feeling unconformable. This both surprised me and made me feel better. I calmed down a little and continued eating the sweets while still holding Mummy’s hand.

After the film and a whole handbag of sweets, mum took me to McDonalds. I didn’t ask her to, she just assumed I was hungry. Which, in fairness, I was. She bought me 3 quarter pounders with cheese large meals and 2 McFlurry’s.
“Thank you mummy!” I said as she gave me my meals. Which I ate without a hitch.

“When we get home baby, shall we watch some anime together?”

“Really mummy? You want to watch my anime with me?” I was so puzzled. She had never been interested in it before

“Sure! I want to cuddle up to my baby girl with some snacks and spend some quality time with her!”
And sure enough, when we got home, that’s what happened. She brought me a dozen doughnuts and cuddled me as we watched sailor moon together. I hadn’t realised it before, but mummy really cared about me! She does everything for me so I can be happy. Mummy really does know best!

The next 3 months left me putting all my faith in mummy. I didn’t talk to my friends, I barely thought about anything else other than what mummy said. I had concerns in the back of my head about my weight, but mummy reassured me that I was her adorable baby, so I thought nothing of it.
I woke up, it was time for breakfast! I lugged my heavy body out of bed and began putting my fluffy pink pyjamas on. I glanced at myself in my mirror and I was greeted by an almost unrecognizable person. My face had fully softened up. Sporting a large double chin and puffy cheeks. My belly was a far cry from what it once was, hanging over my waistband, and was beginning to develop an upper roll. My boobs had also grown, going from their modest B cup to a solid D cup. My hips had widened and softened greatly, carrying my fat legs, covered in cellulite and widening enough to make me waddle instead of walk. I turned around to inspect the other side of me. My ass had ballooned in size, developing a shelf at the stop and swallowing my panties with ease. I was also sporting a tetrad of back rolls. It seems my arms were also at the forefront of my fattening, now hanging with soft, warm fat. Even my fingers and toes were plump.

I giggled as a shook my belly, mummy told me it was fun to play with my body, and she was certainly right! I didn’t hate the way I looked anymore, in fact I quite enjoyed it! I squeezed my lower half into my pyjamas and threw on a shirt. I know these pyjamas are tight, but mummy will get me new ones when I need them. I smiled and plodded downstairs for my breakfast.
“Please can I have breakfast mummy!” I announced as I strolled into the kitchen.

“Of course you can baby!” she lowered a stack of 10 huge waffles in front of me, smothered in double cream and chocolate, served with 2 pints of strawberry milkshake.

“Thank you mummy!” I practically pounced upon my humongous breakfast like I hadn’t eaten in days, but in truth my stomach was so large and so greedy that I couldn’t say no to it.

My day then went about as it usually did. I would spend all day on the sofa, watching anime and eating the food mummy gave to me. Then when she had a little free time she would come and cuddle me and feed me. I loved this life. However dinner was possibly the worst meal I had in my life.
It was like any normal dinner, mummy gave me 3 meat lover’s pizzas to eat and lots of fizzy drink, and of course I happily obliged. I did however feel the need to visit the toilet, so I began to stand up when...

“What do you think you're doing?” My mother was looking at me with an icy stare.

“I'm going to the toilet mummy” I replied

“No you aren’t, you're going to eat your food”

“Mummy I need the toilet though!”

“Finish your food and then go”

I groaned as I sat down. I really really wanted to go to the toilet, but I couldn’t disobey mummy. Instead I tried to eat the pizzas as quickly as possible, however, I couldn’t seem to get them down me fast enough, and my bladder was crying for release. I tried to get down from the table again.

“I just told you that you will finish your meal!”

“But mummy I - “

“Sit. Down.”

I did as I was told, rubbing my thighs together in desperation to keep it held in. I had no other choice then do keep eating and drinking. The moment I swallowed 6 giant gulps of Coca Cola, I felt a warmth spread underneath me and a spilling sound on the floor.

I had wet myself.

I instantly began to cry as I was unable to hold it back. Mummy rushed over and began to comfort me.

“Shhhh it’s okay baby girl. It’s not your fault you couldn’t hold it in” She stroked my head whilst I sobbed into my grease covered hands. This event marked a shift in my reality.

The next day, mummy put me in diapers. I couldn’t believe it but my argument was shut down immediately. I was told that I would use this when I needed to ‘go potty’, and that mommy would change my diaper, so I was not to ask for a change. It was so embarrassing to crinkle whenever I moved, but thankfully, I barely moved at all.

Halfway through my morning snack of a gallon of ice cream, I felt my bladder start to ache. My mum was in the kitchen making lunch and I wouldn’t be able to get past her to use the toilet. I had no other choice. I relaxed my bladder, pee soaking the diaper under my pyjamas and thankfully it didn’t leak. The feeling of my warm diaper underneath me was actually somewhat pleasant.

An hour later my mummy called me for lunch. Before I sat down she grabbed my padded crotch and game it a squeeze

“Yep, you’ve had a little accident. Good girl” she planted a kiss on my cheek and rubbed my head “I’ll change you after dinner baby” she cooed.

After a surprisingly bigger meal than I was used to, mummy laid me down on the floor and began changing me. It was so embarrassing feeling the chilly air in between my legs as mummy wiped down my legs and womanhood and began to powder me up. Once the straps were fastened she pulled up my pyjamas and helped me get up

“You’ve been such a good girl! Why don’t we go for a treat tomorrow!”

“Really mummy?! Where are we going?!” I practically bounced with excitement

“The all you can eat on the other side of town baby!”
The next day, it was buffet time! Mummy was exciting me with the promise that she would fill up all my plates for me.

“And my piggy little baby is gonna eat it all up, isn’t she?”

Mummy had never called me a piggy before, but the tone of voice she used must have meant it was a good thing to be a piggy, right? She finished changing my diaper and said:

“If you need to go potty while we are there just go sweetie, everyone knows babies need to use their diapers”

“Yes mummy!” I followed with a giggle as she helped me get my huge body off the ground. She then held my hand and led me to the car. I loved mummy’s attention. She always knew what was best for me and always made me feel safe and secure. Mummy put me in the car and fastened my seatbelt for me. She had put me in the back and put the child locks on.

It was a short drive to the buffet, but having not eaten for 2 whole hours I was a very hungry baby indeed. My diaper crinkled underneath me as I wiggled in anticipation. My mouth was watering knowing I was going to eat so much food!

Upon arriving at the buffet, I was greeted by the smells of food. Spices and sugars wafted in the air with a heavy touch of grease. I struggled to keep the saliva in my mouth as mummy guided me to our table. My diaper rustled as she sat me down and handed me a glass of Coca Cola and skipped to the buffet queue. She brought back 2 plates. One stacked with pizza slices of all different varieties and the other containing a mountain of fries plastered in salt. I started to dribble at the sight.

The moment the plates hit the table my hands sprang into action, one hand grabbing pizza and the other grabbing fries by the fistful. I didn’t care about the fact I was covering myself in sauces and grease, I needed to get as much food into me as possible! Mummy returned with a stack of fried chicken and double cheeseburgers. I didn’t even say thank you. I just grunted and continued to eat. Mummy says my appetite is so large because she loves me so much. If that’s true, then the more I eat the more she’ll love me, right? My arms wobbled as I shoved 2 pieces of chicken into my mouth and washed it down with my second milkshake. I didn’t care about getting food over my pink shirt. I just wanted to eat more! I was euphoric.

After my 6th plate I felt my bladder start to ache. Of course, I relaxed and went into my diaper instantly, and topped up the new space in my stomach with another milkshake, however during my seventh plate a different feeling came over me. My bowels were in need of attention.
I was yet to use my diapers for this function, so I was very nervous about it. Mummy was looking at me with such a huge smile. I knew I couldn’t stop eating yet. After forcing 2 more handfuls of fries down my throat I relaxed and let nature take its course. A huge fart erupted from my rear end and I began to fill my diaper. More farts accompanied the massive load as it spread out of my diaper and kicked up a huge smell. Upon this, other customers began to leave, unable to cope with the shit that had spewed from my bum. Mummy on the other hand, practically squealed with excitement.

“Did you just poopy baby?”

I gulped down a massive mouthful of milkshake “Yes mummy”

“Good girl! You knew you couldn’t hold it so you used your diaper like a good little baby piggy” She started to receive stranger looks than I was getting. She then began to feed me my tenth and final stack of food. I happily ate it up for her. It felt incredible to eat with a soft, warm load in my diaper. It was so smelly but so reassuring, I knew I could eat as much as I liked and not worry about having to stop halfway through.

After finishing the last plate. Mummy helped me up and walked me to the car. I could barely move. My belly was heavy and tight with food and my butt was heavier from the massive poop I had left in there. Mummy kept praising me all the way to the car. Telling me what a good girl I was and how proud of her piggy she was. Upon getting my huge body into the car, she announced that we would stop by McDonalds on the way home, to reward my excellent behaviour.

“Really mummy! You mean it?!”

“I do baby! You are gonna be one full girl tonight!”

Needless to say, I slept like a baby that night.

‘I'm getting really fat now’ I thought to myself as I rocked back and forth, trying to get out of bed, my diaper crinkling loudly. Whenever I tried to do anything I would gasp and wheeze and sweat would pour from every part of my body. It was at this moment that mummy came into my room to help me up.

“You know I’ve had an idea honey.”

I looked at her, I didn’t know what she was going to say so I didn’t ask her what it was. Talking was effort anyway

“I'm going to move your bed downstairs, then you’ll never have to worry about getting out of bed again!” She beamed with energy after this proclamation.

“That -huff- would be really nice mummy! -URP-“ I hated walking, it was too much hard word and the stairs took forever to travel up and down, so never dealing with stairs again sounded like heaven to me! Oblivious of course to the fact my mother was going to make me, immobile…
After messily making my way through a 12-course meal, or breakfast, as I knew it my mum had finished setting up my bed in the living room in front of the TV. She also stacked around 15 pillows up so I could rest my back up against it. And after about 15 minutes of fat jiggling and huffing, I was finally comfortable in bed, anime on the tv 24/7. Mummy also said that there would be no need to get up for changing or meals now, as she could do them right here.

My mind should have been screaming at me. I should be thinking to myself to stop eating, to exercise, to run away, to actually DO something, but no such thoughts came. With almost no effort at all, I leant back and chugged a 2-litre bottle of soda like it was a quick sip, and continued watching my anime.

About 2 hours later and countless numbers of unhealthy snacks, mummy came over to me with a big baby bottle. And not just big, as in HUGE. It must have held a gallon of liquid easy, maybe a gallon and a half. And it looked full of something brown.

“I got your lunch piggy!” she smiled and swayed side to side

“Wha is it?” I dribbled and followed with a gruesome fart

“It’s a smoothie baby! Double cream, double chocolate and brownie ice cream, and a bag of sugar!”

“Gimmie!” I reply and I start to make a grabbing motion with my pudgy hands. Mummy helps me tip it into my mouth and I start to suck on it. The moment the sweet mixture hits my mouth a feeling of hunger passes over me and I lose control. Food is more important to me now than anything else. When I'm eating food, I cannot focus on anything else, I can’t even count to 10. My brain now hard wired to place food above all else. Here I lay, thousands of calories being poured down my throat as I wet my diaper. And all I can do is moan in pleasure. Mummy’s eyes, overcome with love for me as she makes me fatter, unhealthier, slobbier…

Of course, I don’t know any of this is happening. I'm too engrossed and addicted and stupid to do much anymore. All I can do is be mummy’s perfect little piggy and eat more and more.
After finishing near 15,000 calories in one go, mummy rubs my belly as my behind lets a rancid fart go, lasting for nearly 20 seconds, followed by the messing of my diaper. I could feel myself slipping now. Almost as if I had been drugged. I started to lose the feel in my body and my mind started to feel blank. What was I doing again? Was I eating or watching anime? Why was mummy rubbing my belly again?

I slipped off into the nothing.

Where am I? Why can't I move? Have I been kidnapped? Everything is so dark in here, and what’s with that screen? Why do my eyes hurt just to look at it? What on earth is going on?

I start to panic as I hear footsteps, I look over and squint, is that my mother?

“Morning sweetie~! How is my cute little piggy today?”

Piggy? Oh god… oh no… I know what’s wrong now…

My worn and weary eyes finally adjust so I can see, the truth my mind has been hiding from me. I am a massive blob of fat.

I can feel my fat all over, my neck is huge, making it so hard to turn my head. My rear is huge, I don’t think I could stand up even if I tried. That is if I could move my legs of course, such useless limbs that store hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of fat. I couldn’t even do it with help either, my arms are too heavy for my feeble and unused muscles to shift, leaving them draped along my huge body. My belly of course, so vast and weighted, just anchors me down, it must weigh more than 3 whole people alone. Other senses start to kick in, I smell myself and wish I hadn’t done. I reek of body odour, when was the last time I had bathed? I could feel the sweat all over my body, I was dripping with it. My rolls were greasy with sweat and… food build up? It seems I can't even eat properly, as I'm covered in sauces, crumbs and oil. I then let a huge fart go. It smells worse than a septic tank, but I noticed something else. I had an item of clothing on. I tried to look over at my behind but, it did nothing except maybe it moved a back roll or two. Then I heard a crinkle…
It couldn’t be right? Although deep down I knew what it was. I was in a massive diaper. I could feel its warmth as I began to pee in it… wait I'm pissing myself?! Why can't I stop this?!

“Feeeeeeeeed meeeee mummy” I heard a wail. Who said that? It wasn’t my mother that’s for sure. Which means, it was me?

I worked it out now, my mind had separated the thinking part of myself from my brain. It was easier to be ignorant of my life and consciously deal with what I had become, a blobby baby.
“Of course sweetie! Open wide~” My mummy came towards me with what looked like a hosepipe
I decided to just let it happen, there wasn’t anything I could really do to resist it anyway. I let her put it in my mouth and I relaxed, releasing another rank fart into my diaper. I soon felt this thick, chocolatey liquid flood my mouth and my brain started to fizz. I giggled and wiggled, well, as much as a land whale like myself can.

I soon started to feel the pleasure I was receiving. My brain was getting such pleasure from food and being able to feel it consciously was making my heart race. My faculties started to fail even my conscious mind. I could feel my toes wiggling and my butt relax with more and more huge explosions of gas, pelting my diaper with specks of poop.

I wanted to stop eating, I wanted to scream for help, but I couldn’t. mummy had made me so fat and needy that my existence depended on her, and her existence was to make me fatter and more spoiled by the day. I was so helpless, but I didn’t want to be helped, I wanted, no needed to eat more!
As I was becoming more and more pleasured, mummy started to come and play with me. First, she rubbed my sweaty belly, and even began to put her finger in the deep pit known as my bellybutton. This sent me into a frenzy, I sucked harder and harder on the tube, wanting more as my endless stomach capacity. Just how much more could I take? Mummy then started to play with my arms, telling me how cute and special I was. This prompted me to relax whilst still sucking as much as I could.
This also seemed to have the effect my mummy wanted, because as I relaxed my bowels just let go. I felt the heavy load, vacate my body. The feeling was incredible! It was so warm and stinky, I loved it! Wait… I loved it? What’s happening to me?
I kept going, filling my cute diaper with my waste. Mummy practically bounced and squealed at this. she said something, although I'm not sure what, words are hard when your mind has regressed this far. I quickly worked out that she had just upped the flow, but I welcomed this, I had a lot of space inside me to fill!

I finally started to understand the point in all this! I wasn’t meant to think! I was meant to just eat, use my diaper and sleep! This is a wonderful life I’ve been blessed with! Why did I want out? This was bliss.

I used my diaper again, the warm pee mixing with the mushy poop in my diaper, it felt so warm and comforting as I kept slurping the mix from the tube. Mummy started playing with my belly again, she knew it helped me eat more! Especially when she played with my belly button! It was wet and warm in there from my huge sweaty, smelly body hehe!

I don’t know why I was scared by this treatment. I haven’t felt this good in my entire life! My mind has removed everything of importance from me. I don’t know anything anymore, not even my own name.

The tank empties and I let a huge burp out. Mummy told me it was 44 seconds long! I was so happy that I poopied myself again! It pushed my diaper out and mushed up against my behemoth bottom, all the way to the top of my diaper.

I giggled “I wuv wu mummy” and farted again.
“I love you too princess”

Why did I cum to this?
This is fantastic dude. I would love a continuation with Maho as a blob and Leila starting to gain
I dare to add two versions of one of the Eastern folktales about very fat and lazy spoiled women in English translation. Sorry for the English of this translation, it is not mine and not professional, but its literal. There are obscenities there, but it is the erotic folklore of old, so it is expectable. The story was printed among several other erotic foktales in Russian, in one of cheap numerous curious books on erotic in literature and folklore:


One man of Mashhad married a relative according to a long-standing familiar obligation. She was a very beautiful girl, full-bodied, but very spoiled, lazy, sensual, vain, and not used to know refuse in anything. She cared only about her delights, amusements and the pleasures of her body, she was gluttonous, voluptuous, lustful and shameless. But her husband loved her very much and indulged her in everything. He accepted with joy any pleasure of her, neglecting if she behaved properly or not.

Soon she got very fat, lazy and shamefully overspoiled. Though she got very fat she could still reach her am (vulva), got (anus) and feet and could get up and walk without assistance, so she well could do all things for herself, but it took efforts from her and so it seemed too strenuous for her as she was very lazy, so she wanted to be served and nursed in all things, and her husband approved for her all she wanted. One wouldn’t believe what an impudency and laziness she exercized without a drop of shame. She didn’t want to dress up in her inner rooms and didn’t want to rise on her feet even with the assistance, so she lay there naked on her place or crawled there naked on her fours. She satisfied her both natural needs on the spot, going on the nappies with the help of maid-servants who held widespread her legs, her behind and her feminine part just while she was going from her front and her behind, and then cleaned her and got rid of the waste. They fed her by hand and spoon, dressed her and undressed her, wiped her and bathed her and oiled her like a baby, though she was able to do all this by herself. They satisfied her lust with their hands, their tongues and some shameful devices. And moreover she used to do all of this in presence of her husband, and he found nothing to contradict in it and only repeated: “I’m glad when she feels pleasure and enjoys her life”.

It got to the point that when she was having a conjugal intimacy with her husband she demanded that her maid-servants assist her by holding her legs and her fat "am" (cunt) keeping all these her parts widespread during all the intercourse, because she was too lazy, too heavy and had too large belly to do it easily by herself. And she demanded that they caress all her places of lust and pleasure too while her husband was inside her, to increase her pleasure. And her ill-fated husband still did not see anything bad in it and repeated: “When her pleasure increases, how will not my pleasure do the same? She is my wife!”

She indulged her body and all its urges and desires so much that she could soil herself and wet herself under him just during intercourse with him, feeling no shame and thinking about nothing except all her bodily pleasures/satisfactions which she had at once at the moment. But even this didn’t cause his wrath, and he repeated only: “If it happened, it was only the call of nature. Why to be upset with something that can be washed and cleaned off immediately?”

She was so impudent and fond of herself that when he entered the inner rooms to meet her she immediately began to tell him about all what was happening to her since wakening up this day – how she pissed, how she ate, how she was bathed, how she was satisfied in her lust, how she defecated, as if it were matters of great importance and achievements for which she could be praised. And this madman really praised her for all of this. “Oh how nicely you’re eating, how nicely you’re crawling, how nicely you’re climaxing, how nicely you’re pissing, how nicely you’re going from your behind, how beautiful you are in all that you’re doing!” - he exclaimed with tenderness. All the sounds she produced – laughing, snoring, burps, farts, moaning and screaming of her lust, puffing and huffing, fizzing of her urinations and gurglings of her bowel movements – all was like a sweet music for him and her maids.

There was even invented a special language at home for all that she was done. When she ate, it was called “a fruitful holiday for our house”; when she slept, it was called “a relaxing holiday”; when she moved, it was called “a breathtaking holiday”; when she was bathed, it was “a pure holiday”; when she got aroused and had her juices pouring from her am, it was called “an affluent holiday”; when she got quenching of her lust (got an orgasm), it was called “a sweetest holiday”; when she was massaged and lay all quivering like a lump of fat from the fat-tail of a sheep, it was called “a heart-shaking holiday”; when she burped, it was called “a sonorous holiday”; when she farted, it was called “a resounding holiday”, when she urinated, it was called “a little holiday for our house”, when she defecated, it was called “a big holiday for our house”. And as she didn’t do anything except the said things, at any moment her maids could inform her husband about all that was happening to her, whoever was present at this moment near him.

He could receive guests in his reception/assembly room, and at that moment a maid could come from the inner rooms while he feigningly exclaimed to her: "Oh, what a joy it is for me to see and receive my guests!” Then the maid used said, as if answering to his words: “Oh, verily we have a little holiday for the whole our house now!" or "We have a big holiday now" or "Oh, we have so fruitful and, in addition, so sweet holiday!”, or even “Oh, we have so fruitful, and so big holiday together with a lesser one, and so sounding holiday, and all it at once”. And the latter phrase meant secretly that his wife just now had made an abundant bowel movement under herself with many loud farts, and pissed too, right while being fed by her maids - she used to do even so in her laziness and self-indulgence Thus her husband could learn all that just happened to his wife, depending on how the holiday was named, while the guests did not understand real meaning of all these sayings and thought that it was their presence that was called a holiday with all these magnificent and pompous words.

But one day he was receiving the guests in one room while his wife (who did not know it) indulged in her pleasures in the inner rooms. She sat naked on her bedding, having nappies, as always, under her, and her maidservants fed her. She was eating, eating, eating and eating, and she showed such a gluttony that the maids were surprised because even they had not seen her so gluttonous before. She wetted herself under herself in the middle of feeding, not even waiting for her legs and feminine part to be spread, and she didn’t stop eating for a minute, but only leaned back, and some maids washed her below, while others continued to feed her. She was tired and sweaty, and no longer sat down or moved either a hand or a foot, but she continued to recline, leaning back on the pillows, while the maids continued to feed her with their hands. And the maidservants exclaimed, one after another oh, how big our fruitful holiday is today! Finally, she began to fart loudly and it became clear that soon she would have a bowel movement, but she did not stop eating. And finally, she began to go heavily from her behind just while laying as she was, and she shamelessly continued eating without interrupting for a second and only moaning with pleasure. But at that moment, the new piece that had to come out of her behind occurred to be especially thick and big. So it stuck in her behind hole, clogged it and was nearly bursting it from inside, so she wetted herself in fear and cried out "Ah, it hurts, it hurts in my behind hole, it can’t go out, it hurts my tender got (anus)! Run to my husband and call him, tell him I am in trouble!”

But the maid that ran for her husband was too young and untaught. When she stepped into the hall, the owner thought that may be something had happened, and feigningly exclaimed in presence of the guests, as usual: "Oh, what a holiday we have today!" And the maidservant wanted to explain that the lady had eaten too much and therefore, while relieving herself, she got one of her pieces of excretion stuck in her behind; but the untrained maid was confused with all these conditional words and began to mutter unclearly: “Oh, our fruitful holiday is so big, so big, so our big holiday is so big, so big, and we stay and stop amidst of our big big holiday!” Having muttered these words, she ran back to her mistress.
(cont. in next post)
(continuation of previous post). So her master, hearing only this “big, big, big”, didn’t understood anything, decided that nothing had happened and did not move from his place. Meanwhile, his wife, suffering from the fact that her "got" (anus) was painfully stretched out by the stuck thing, did not know that he was with the guests, and seeing that he was not coming, she wept and fell into such despair that, naked as she was, crawled on all fours to her husband, forgetting even to ask the maidservant where he is and what he is doing. The maids were so confused that they did not stop her. Thus, moving with a flat-faced face, and thus not seeing anything in front of herself, except the floor, and not thinking about anything except the pain in her fat behind, she crawled on her fours, naked, puffing and sweaty, into the hall before the eyes of the stunned guests and shouted: "O my love, help me, I have a big holiday, but my gift is so big that it’s stuck in my tender "got" (anus)!" With these words she raised her head a little and saw the astounded guests and was so frightened that from her fear added to all her strain and efforts with which she crawled, everything at once came out of her behind and she produced a real mountain of waste from her behind in front of them and abundantly poured it with a flow jetting out of her "am" (pussy).

So all their secrets were revealed in the instant, and her husband was disgraced in front of everyone because of her. He didn’t know where to go and had to sell his house for nothing, to leave with his family as quickly as he could from Mashhad away, no one knows whereto, trembling that the rumors about their shame and debauchery would catch up with them in any new place where they would try to settle. And this was a deserved punishment for him for how he indulged her.

AN OVERSPOILED WIFE (another version)

One rich man married a girl, she was very plump and pretty, but very lazy, lustful and impudent. She had not got affairs with other men but only because she had no taste for it. Otherwise she thought only about her relaxation, her delight and her bodily pleasures and satisfactions, especially about three places of hers, her am (pussy, vulva), belly and got (anus) and all their needs, desires and pleasures. She even didn’t want to dress up with permissible wealth and adornment, neither for the prestige or pleasing of her husband, nor for her own vanity, but spent all her time in her rooms, pleasing her body and receiving pleasures for it and for those three places of hers.

She was so lazy and conceited that the maidservants assisted her in everything - they bathed and washed her from head to toe, and even accompanied her into the latrine, attended her there and supported her there by the arms and from behind, while she was squatting and doing her business, and then they washed, cleaned and wiped her front and behind, and all this time they praised her for everything that she was doing there: "Oh, how nice and well you piss, oh, how nice and well you go from your behind”, as if she were a spoiled baby being trained to do it in a proper way.

She was so impudent that she aroused and satisfied her lust by rubbing her am (pussy) with her own hands and demanded her maidservants to do the same to her.

Moreover, she used to do all the said in presence of her husband, and he had allowed it. He even took part in attending and washing her in the latrine and in pleasing her am (pussy) with hands, and he indulged that by her demand her maidservants assisted her and caressed her while she had intercourses with him to increase her pleasure.

Her mother was a good and pious woman, and knowing only part of her daughter's vices and habits, she condemned her. But the daughter answered her: “My husband has nothing against it, and I receive pleasure, so who does it feel bad from what I enjoy?” Finally, her mother said: “It is a pity that faith, modesty and pudency are nothing for you; I can’t tolerate this and leave, but you must know the wise saying: “The shameless one is destined to start in an inappropriate / wrong time/way, to stop with it in a wronger / even more inappropriate time/way and to end it at the wrongest / most inappropriate time/way!”

With these words she left so as not to return, while her daughter considered her a word for the useless stupidity of an old woman.

Soon, from all her gluttony and laziness, she got very, very fat. Though she still could reach her am (pussy) and got-hole (anus) and could walk a-waddling, she was so fat that she almost reached the point where she would lose her ability to do all this. But since she was already assisted with everything, it did not make much difference, with the exception of a few new shameful things. Because of laziness and fatness, she almost always refused to stand up and walk now, and spent almost the whole time in place in her rooms, fully naked. She relieved herself onto the nappies on the spot where she sat or lay with the help of her maids, and then they cleaned and washed her on the spot. They fed her from her hands, and helped her in intercourse with her husband even more than ever. Id she still had to move, she preferred to do it on all fours and crawled on her fours, panting heavily after the very first step. And her lack of restraint and her spoilage reached the point that when she felt a need to relieve herself while being fed, she used to go immediately under herself on the nappies that were under her and interrupted her meal only for a time while she was going, and began to eat gluttonously again as soon as they were beginning to clean her and wash her nether parts just after she finished to do her business.

Her husband still didn’t speak a word against all of it.

And then one fine day she ate in her rooms, while her husband suddenly had to secretly meet one important guest and received him in his room, while his wife didn’t know about it. This time, she ate with even much more gluttony than ever before, and when in the middle of the meal she felt an urge to relieve herself from her front and her behind, not only she did not wait and began to go immediately under herself on the nappies as usual, but. moreover, didn’t stop with eating. She screamed “feed me, feed me!” and continued to eat while emptying her bowels and streaming from her front. Her maids thought: “Oh, even she did not allow this to herself up to this day”, and so her mother’s first word came true: the shameless woman began her business in a most inappropriate time/way. But because she had so much ate on this and previous day, that thing what should have left her behind, suddenly turned out to be too big, and got stuck in her got hole (anus), clogging and stretching it unbearably, and she screamed from pain and fear. So her mother’s second word was fulfilled, that what she started at the wrong time stopped at her at the even more inappropriate moment. And since she was no longer accustomed to think about anything other than her body and its needs, she mindlessly crawled crying into her husband’s chambers to het his help, and since the folds of fat on the back of her head and on her shoulders prevented her from raising her head while crawling on all fours, she moved face down, not seeing anything except the floor. So she crawled naked into her husband’s room, not seeing that there was a guest and shouting: "Oh, I got it stuck in my soft behind, help me!" Her husband and guest uttered screams from the shock, and thus she understood her circumstances and was so frightened that because of her fear everything rushed out from her behind and so she made a huge pile in front of them and poured it abundantly from her slit.

Thus her mother’s third word was fulfilled that she would have finished at an even more inappropriate time than she had started and stopped, and she and her husband were completely dishonored.
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I should not have found these stories to be so hot, I don't even like scat... yet the pure indulgence and ancient charm of these "lessons" got me hot and dizzy, wow. Thank you for sharing.
>>2567 Thank you, i also want to say that though all these tales have some common points with slob and scat fetishes, therecare much differences too. These tales give, so to say, " clean and hygienic" parallel variants of slob and scat fetishes. Body needs and their satisfaction are emphasized, as eell as lazyness, but heroine never remains dirty and soled, she is cleaned immediately, there is no play with waste (its just evacuated), no smearing etc, the heroine never relieves herself ON anyone ' s face or body, she just exhibits these processes and satsfactions of her bofy to her lover, relatives and maids etc. It is not her waste, but her body, all her bodily needs and their satisfaction that attracts attention in these tales. Its in fact exhibitionism and voyerism with utter bodily hedonism, not scat in modern sense. I saw somewhere a formula "pooping exhibitionism versus scat" to express this difference. Same difference is with slobby things - modern slob fetish includes lazyness + dirtyness as its result, and the heroine likes her dirtyness or hss nothing against it. But in tales in discusdion there is another combination: lazyness + being clean due to constant care and pampering,and the heroine wants to be clean and receives this pampering, she would have been dirty without this pampering (or she will have to do all her hygiene by herself), but she doesnt want be dirty and receives full care to avoid it without her own efforts.Her farting is emphasized, but the aromatisers neutralize the bad smell, she sweats but she is cleaned and her body odor is nice. So all of it is rather far from scat and slob in modern senses.
“If you can get up, you’re free to walk out that door and leave forever. I won’t chase you, I won’t stop you. Just get up and leave.” Of course, I knew she couldn’t do anything. She was 19 years old and 685 pounds on a 5’3 frame. In less than a year, she’d gained 135 pounds through eating pure junk. Or rather, being forced to by me. She hated her weight, having been fat all her life. I won’t spill the details of how she came into my life, but at 550 pounds and only 18 she was clearly not trying to be skinny. Numerous plea’s by her family did nothing, so I did what anyone would do and decided to let her give in. She loved being around me, amazed someone loved her despite her size, she couldn’t believe it. The weight crept up, and only a few months into our relationship she had gained 50 pounds. When she crossed 600, she did get scared. She wanted to stop, and that’s when I stepped in. She was restrained at all hours of the day, being force fed pure slop to make it so she couldn’t leave.

This led to now, with me finally letting her go if she could get up and walk away.
“Cmon piggy, you can do it. You know what’s gonna happen if you don’t leave now.” Fear filled her eyes, as she tried in vain to get up from the bed. Her face was red, exhaustion taking hold. Such a fat, obese piggy. I couldn’t wait to fatten her more. She started to cry. “Please let me leave, I don’t wanna do this anymore. I miss my family, my home, I don’t wanna be fat anymore.”

I came close to her, my face inches from her. “Piggy, you said this is what you wanted. And I’m giving it to you. I’ll let you try one more time to get up and leave. If you don’t succeed, then I’ll assume you don’t really wanna go and we can get back to work. Half a ton won’t reach itself.” I walked out of the room as she struggled to get up. I went to the kitchen and began preparing a calorie bomb of gain shakes. She never got up.

1 year later

“How’s my princess doing this morning?” Her dreary eyes were void of emotion, only the constant sound of her sucking down the tube showing any signs of life. “Today is weigh in day! Let’s see how much hotter you’ve gotten!” I took the tube out, and she gave me a look of sadness, longing for something. “I’m….too fat. Hurts to…..breathe.” I turned on the built in scale, the numbers rising. “You’re not too fat in any way, princess. In fact, you’re only-“ the scale stopped “-776 pounds!” Her expression showed shock. “I’m….too young….to be this fat…..” the bed creaked, before breaking. Her body jiggled in all directions, the jelly like lard mesmerizing. I became hard instantly.
“Princess, at only 20, you might be young” I walked to her rolls, finding an inviting one, “but you are not too fat, and you never will be.”

This is great.

Stories from a feeder's perspective are always a fun read.
“I’m not going to cum if you can’t jerk me off faster.” Of course, that wasn’t entirely true. Just looking at this 751 pound feedee was almost enough to make me empty my balls right there. But I had restraint. Despite her reddened and sweaty face showing obvious discomfort behind her CPAP, she kept trying to move her enormous arm up and down my shaft. By this point, it was coated with my precum, her fat hands slick with it.

“I know you can move faster than that. You’re not even 800 pounds-hell, Melanie used both hands and her mouth on me yesterday, and she’s at least 70 pounds fatter than you. I let her cum for hours after that.” And I wasn’t lying either. The 5’10 blonde had been rewarded well for giving me an insane blowjob-myself and another subordinate feeder pleasured her for hours, not stopping until she was drooling from cumming so much.

The current pig trying to jerk me off was Chloe, and she was having an extremely hard time. She was about 5’0 even, and her height was doing her no favors. She could barely breathe half the time, and her formerly hour glass body was completely ruined with the pure fat I had added to it. She was far wider than she was tall, and lost mobility when she crested 600. She had never been an athletic girl like Melanie, and it was showing now.

“You’re so weak, Chloe. What kind of 22 year old is so out of shape they can’t even give a man a good handjob? If you can’t pleasure me, then what’s the point of keeping you around? I may as well hook the tube up to you and feed you to a heart attack by the end of the month.”

Her eyes went wide at this. She knew her health was failing, but didn’t want the train to stop just yet. She knew I would hold true to my word-I’ve sent many unproductive feedees to the hospital in an unmarked vehicle, with a silver bullet or vibrator fast at work. Most of the time, the staff comes outside and gets to the blobs before too much damage can be done. There have been a couple that didn’t get lucky-the last thing they’d see would be nurses in pure disgust at a 1000 pound woman climaxing before her heart explodes.

Of course, I wouldn’t do that to her. She’s sweet.
“Move faster, piggy. Make me cum now.”
God was she trying hard. Her little fat hands were struggling to fit around my penis. She had extremely soft hands, never worked a day in her life. Her painted fingernails and rings were a nice girly contrast to the blob she was.
I was getting close. Her grip was so weak, but she kept trying. Suddenly, her heart monitor spiked heavily. Her face had a pained look on it.
“Chest.....hurts.....vision.....spotty... .”

I was about to explode.

“Chloe, if you stop because your heart hurts I will ship you in a UHAUL back to your family tonight.” She kept moving her arm despite a clear heart attack coming on. She lurched, tears forming in her eyes and her breathing erratic. I came hard, semen covering her fingers as I shot load after load into her side roll.
I laid my head next to her fat, catching my breathe from the session. She was still flatlining next to me.
“Help......it hurts......help” my hired staff had already entered the room, tending to her quickly. Maybe she will survive this one.

I moved to the far side of the room, where one of my other pigs had watched the whole thing.
“You ready, piggy?” Despite the feeding tube in her mouth, she shook her head eagerly.
from /trash/
>you are a super obese highschool student
>one day you trip and fall and hurt your leg
>you are so fat they had to call firefighters to lift you and bring you to the hospital
>at the hospital you gain weight during your recovery
>by the time your leg heals you are so fat a nurse has to help you out of bed and wipe your ass
>you are depressed about being trapped in your room forever
>parents enroll you at school for the disabled (like katawa shoujo)
>at the new school you have an extra large dorm room with bariatric bed and oversized bathroom
>school also provided a scooter to get around
>every evening and morning a nurse needs to help you with everything
>many of the other students tease/bully you for not being really disabled like them
Health issues are nice but bullying is better, especially if the two are combined
>800 pound almost immobile nerdy neet
>she starts streaming due to boredom and loneliness
>no facecam since she is ashamed about her weight
>starts growing a good sized audience
>one day a viewer notices that the streamer is constantly out of breath
>streamer makes an excuse but she tries to be more careful in the future to avoid letting out the truth about their weight
>one day streamer excuses herself to go to the bathroom
>she forgets to turn off mic
>audience can hear streamer's mother helping her off the bed and using the bedside commode
>once streamer is finally back in bed, she realizes what happened
>mortified, they shut off stream early and avoid social media
>trolls discover her and harass her into becoming a shutin again, despite her audience trying to be supportive
Anyone have good bullying stories?
A while back I remember reading this story about a woman that is fed to death and the story ends with her being force fed (I think her mum) and she dies of a heart attack because of a vibrator... Very dark stuff but I was curious if anyone could point me in the right direction or if anyone else had ever read the story. I read it on fantasy feeder years ago.
Was this written by a retard?
Well story is fine. I think that autor just used google translate.
There was one on here awhile ago about a girl who gets fat and then the boyfriend starts being cruel to her, saying he'll help her if she can get up to get the food. She of course can't and realizes she's hopeless. Anyone remember that one?

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