
Ask and find stories thread

OP is looking for any simple story mainly about gf trying to please her bf by gaining weight. I have never found one like this, which is really odd, because I though that would be everyone's kink here.
I feel kinda bad for posting an ask since no one is really posting here, but I need a hand. I'm looking for relatively recent, like the last year or two, Steven Universe weight gain stories not written by MasterArchfiend. I'm getting a little tired of reading my own stuff.
There was a thread before the last wipe asking abou Volkenfox's stories. Did anything ever come of that?
I would like to see if you know any good stories set in the future, i have only found very few like those.
Anyone have any stories about women becoming immobile blobs in a harem for a master?
Any stories about alien pregnancy leading to obesity and immobility?
I'm looking for an older story, I can't remember the title or artist but the content is fresh in my mind.
it features a scifi setting where a single person is sent to a alien planet on a diplomatic mission. this planet and its inhabitants are very simular to ours except they take drastically more calories to function than we do. They're metabolism is much faster so the food is much more calorie dense. anyway weight gain ensues followed by some unwilling stuffing, as it turns out the whole post was a set up.
Anyone might has the possibility of finding Target Weight? The Kate bishop weight gain, I believe, definitely know it's been missing for a while.
Any stories about binge eating disorder and resulting weight gain?
Does anyone know of a fanfic with starfire, raven, and terra gaining weight? Everyone is separated and a wildly wonky like character is the villain.
>>22 (OP)
>>OP is looking for any simple story mainly about gf trying to please her bf by gaining weight.

How about "Out of Control"? It's quite the ride
any stories out there about a girl with a split personality ones a feeder and the other's a feedee
Looking for stories in which the main character gains, but then the side character starts gaining as well. Sort of like the "I Hate My Twin" story thats been around for awhile, if people remember that.
There was this one story where a woman moves from mexico to the us with her sister, her grandfather was a very fat and famous chef or something, and she gets kidnapped by this hollywood producer who has a wife who's into it, but stays skinny. eventually his wife gets fat, and the girl runs away, and opens her own restaurant back in mexico, but the guy comes back and the story ends with him funneling her or something after she refused. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I think I read it on FantasyFeeder
There was a story on DA I found before the recent massive shit show they turned the search feature into. It involved a skinny woman in a future society where everyone was fat. She was there to gain be brought to "an acceptable weight" but the computer in charge decided her attitude was still negative toward society so it decided to make her massive. I've tried every search term I can think of and no dice.
Yeah buddy! Thanks. Worst part is I follow him and that never came up in a search.
Looking for some Steven Universe weight gain stories starring any of the three lazulis, preferably not by MasterArchfiend. Something either new or buried via time.

If that is not something one can help with, then perhaps some of the work of CaptainPencil who used to be on DA many years ago and wrote some great stories for Pokemon and Megaman Battle Network.
Long ago in a distant land, one of my first godiwishthatwereme.jpg moments was reading a deviantart story about someone eating some kind of donut which made him gain weight for every step taken. It follows him from normal sized to near immobility. I remember a sequence on a bus where he becomes almost too fat for the doors. At the end he reaches his bed and begins to embrace his size.

Had to have been eight years ago, minimum...
Looking for some My Hero Academia stories. Any story is fine. BBW, weight gain, inflation, water, whatever.
Searching for 2 stories. 1 for sure was on fantasy feeder or deviant art for a beif time. About a dad secretly feeding his daughter and wife at the same time. 2 was somewhere and was about a woman who gives up her kids at some medical clinic and proceeds to be funnel fed industrial style with other women. Contained large weight gain and lots of lactation.
Does anyone have stories about the day to day life of a blueberry girl? Like she's permanently stuck in the fully inflated state and has adjusted to it?
Probably more out of left field for most of the request. But does anyone know any stories with giant food? Or stories with a world made out of food?
I'm looking for a story either involving rotund ladies giving a belly job to either a guy or a futa. That or a story where a woman/futa gets off on how big they are and the sloshing noises that their belly makes
Did some posts get deleted a couple of days ago? I could swear someone wrote a "waking up fat" story here.

I'm looking more "waking up fat" stories where a girl wakes up fat or gets bodyswapped with a fat girl.
Yeah, site lost a bunch of posts
Waking up felt wrong. Normally Josie would be roused by the clamour of her alarm, the insistent beeping shaking her from her slumber in a few moments. Today though… today she drifted slowly out of sleep, struggling to consciousness as though straining to swim to the surface of a pool. She spluttered awake, squinting as the harsh light from her bedroom window blinded her, and struggled to get her bearings.
There was something on top of her, some sort of thick, heavy blanket pressing down on her chest that was making it hard to breathe. Her eyes still screwed up against the sunlight she tried blindly to throw it off, but it seemed somehow caught around her limbs, making it difficult to even raise her arms enough to toss it away. Her breath caught strangely in her throat and she wheezed, confused by the daze of a deep sleep and unable to free herself from this burden that was pinning her to her bed. She was beginning to panic, struggling to make out the shape of the crushing blanket atop her through the lurid glare of morning sunlight. Finally, her eyes adjusted to the light enough to let her make out… skin?
A horrified gulp escaped her as she stared down wide-eyed at the immense, quivering mass of pale flab that was her body, utterly unable to recognise it. Gone was the toned, trim form she was used to, replaced by a sea of bulging folds and fat rolls. Her belly swelled massively up towards the ceiling, a huge sack of flab clinging to her midsection that was almost crushing her with its sheer weight. Her breasts now sagged flabbily off to each side, bloated and enormous and completely unrecognisable as the modest bust she was used to. Her arms were impossibly thick, sagging slabs of flab almost swallowing up her elbows, pathetic muscles burning from the recent exertion. Even her face was fat; she could feel flab clinging around her throat, bunching up into an extra chin as she stared down at the absurdly obese body before her.
This couldn’t be her body. This was her room, her bed, but this wasn’t her body, it couldn’t be… and yet there was the familiar birthmark on her wrist, albeit almost swallowed up by a crease in the soft flab of her wrist, there was the same constellation of freckles across her chest that she’d always had. Her skin was slick with sweat, pale and pallid and stricken by red, spidery stretch marks, but it was undeniably her own.

She finally found her voice and managed to let out a strangled scream, and a moment later her mother hurried into the room. She looked the same as ever, at least – perhaps a little wearier, her face a little more lined with worry, but otherwise the same as Josie remembered her.
“What’s wrong, sweety?” she asked anxiously, and Josie blinked. Her mother hadn’t called her ‘sweety’ in a decade or more. Still, there were more important things to worry about right now.
“I-I’m fat!”
Her mother looked a little sick.
“I know, sweety, I know,” she patted Josie’s fat arm reassuringly, “It’s okay.”
“No! It’s not okay! I-I’m not fat!” Josie squealed. If her chest weren’t crushed under the combined weight of her belly and breasts she’d probably be hyperventilating, “Wh-what happened?”
Her mother sighed, sitting down heavily in the chair next to her daughter’s bed.
“I know, sweety, it’s my fault. I should have had more control over you… I shouldn’t have let it get so bad when you were so young. But you always wanted more, more more, always said you were starving hungry… I felt so bad seeing you hungry. But I know, I should have been stronger…” she rambled, and Josie stared at her without comprehension.
“Wh-what? That’s not… that’s not true! None of that happened!” Josie wailed, managing to heave herself into a sitting position with a mighty effort. She felt the unfamiliar feeling of flab sliding over itself between rolls and folds, her belly slumping over to bury her thighs as she dragged her swollen body into a sitting position on the bed, “H-how am I supposed to go to university like this? I- I don’t think I can even walk!”
“Sweety, you didn’t want to go to university,” her mother said, looking a little concerned, “You wanted to stay here with me. We joked that you’d miss my cooking too much, remember?”
Josie shook her head in horror, feeling flabby chins quiver beneath her jaw with the motion. The pale bulk of her huge, bloated body took up almost half of her vision, spreading out around her on every side. She felt as though she were drowning in a pasty ocean of flab, quivering and wobbling like waves as it was with her panicked breathing.
“I- I have to get my body back. I was- I was thin!”
That made her mother laugh.
“Oh, sweety, you’ve always been my chunky little girl,” she chuckled sadly, “Always one hand in the cookie jar. I should have punished you for it, but you were so cute… cute, but never thin.”
“I was! I was- I was thin…” Josie wheezed, already running out of energy in this new obese form. There was an unfamiliar feeling boiling within her, and after a few moments she realised that it was a ravenous hunger, a hunger far stronger than any she’d felt before. Her mother seemed to read her mind, quickly jumping to her feet.
“Ah, your breakfast! I’ll go and get it. Pancakes and syrup today. I hope you’re hungry - I made extra, since you complained that it wasn’t enough last time. I’ll bring it up for you, don’t worry.”
And before Josie could stop her she was gone, vanished down the stairs to fetch whatever sort of breakfast could leave a nineteen year old girl so obese that she could hardly sit up in bed without help.

This… this couldn’t be happening. She wasn’t fat! This must just be some horrendous dream. She thought back on the past few days, remembering the preparations for uni, the trips to the gym and the sensible meals… but somehow they already seemed blurry, overpowered by the gnawing ache of hunger writhing deep inside her enormous, swollen form. She had to find a way back to her thin body, her real body, she stressed urgently to herself – but her train of thought was interrupted as her mother reappeared with a platter of pancakes, and the divine smell of sweet, fatty food swept over her, obliterating anything in her mind but the burning urge to gorge.

not mine but found it on the old bbw-chan site
Does anyone have the text of a Tale of Immobility, by Sara E Bene?
Guys, doe anyone have this one by chance?

It was about Makoto and Haru being inflated by soda dispenser machines and Makoto tries to roll Haru until her arms blow up and she tries belly bumping her until she's immobile, I'm trying to reach out to the author and asking politely to restore it hopefully, anyone else can ask politely too if nobody saved it
Hey, can I use this thread to ask for paid stories? Because, I´ve been trying to get some of stories for a while now from Kindle, specially the works of Olivia Shellby (https://www.amazon.com/Olivia-Shelby/e/B0863HXC8S)/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
I frankly want to read them all, but the ones I´m trying to get the most are Plumpening the Priestess (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089FC93Z2) and Fattening my amazonian girlfriend (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B089W83DD3)
If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.
Here's an example of her work:

"I was sitting in the first pew of a chapel, dressed in button-down business attire while making diligent notes through wide, bright eyes and slanted maroon spectacles, when suddenly the ground beneath me began to quake open into a giant crater of white hot magma. Glazed in the stuff arose a bus-sized mass of red lobster shell cloaked in black smoke. As the smoke started to clear, I could just make you two iridescent red slits for eyes slanted in a permanent frown, but seeming to possess all the mirth of the wickedest of imps. The congregation gasped in horror, petitioning God in vain and fainting coldly on the spot, some running for their souls, the preacher the first among them, howling “I thought this all a money scheme!,” others frozen in terror and grotesque interest. A low guttural growl began to emerge from the creature, though it filled the room as if by surround sound, and it was only after the first few words the enormous crimson beast could be understood by my pathetic human ears. “Give me your most virtuous virgin, and I will spare the lot.” Suddenly, as if of its own volition, my body rose into the air toward him, chest first, my breasts heavy with the devil’s milk as they popped off buttons revealing a deep cleavage that heaved under its own weight and my righteous trepidation. An eagle-sized talon strummed its path around my tense, wriggling body as the creature’s deep frown lines set into the grin of a mad man. Like a child handling a small doll he teased off the rest of my clothing, and when my tight skirt stuck in my hefty hips a swift claw ripped it away like the fragile snap of a butterfly wing. I winced, determined not to whimper, imploring God’s angels to intercede, to save me from my horrible fate. After all, I had been the most reverent observer, and had never felt the touch of a man inside me. Would I be turned inside out? Would I be torn to shreds, my body broken and my soul damned for all eternity? I thought all these worries and a thousand more as he industriously stroked his meter long staff, as long as most broomsticks and as thick as a can of Folger’s coffee. “Come, my sweet,” he implored, and his guttural growl was now silky and charismatic. “I will make it so your body can receive me.” He slid a talon into my unrelenting womanhood, and I was surprised to find it warm and painless. A thrill of anticipation ran through me. I held my breath. “Now feed your lord and master, he is famished from his journey to Earth,” he moaned, and with his enormous talon deep within my womb, my breasts popped open entirely to supply him. As he fed I felt dizzy and intoxicated, the heat of his journey still fresh upon him, wafting its way all through my body, soot dancing teasingly through my hair, his fanged teeth gently tugging at the milk that was inside me to serve him. I prayed to God not to feel this way, this yearning to know more, to feel more than I had ever known from man before, as his talon receded in and out of my throbbing maidenhood. Blessedly he finally slid his talon out, and I laughed beside myself, relieved the ordeal was over. I was still a virgin in the eyes of the Lord, though I sank to remember how enthralled I had become, and criss-crossed my arms over my heaving, half-drunken breasts. When suddenly the whip of his tail grabbed and wrapped itself all around me, confining my arms like a straight jacket as I kicked in terror. He slowly lowered me toward his gigantic cock, my legs swatting and spasming violently, my eyes the size of half dollars, my lips pursed with fear. His forked tongue ran its way down my naked body like a mother cat’s as he hissed treacly, “Don’t worry my sweet. This will be over in a moment. Unless, that is, you find you enjoy every bit of it–then you will belong to me, with me, for eternity.” The sonorous strum of his voice eased me, his ashy smell of his breath intoxicated me, and I found myself relenting as he slowly, slowly put me on his hard, veiny throbbing cock, sinking me deeper and deeper onto it until I was completely full and could fit no more. He slid me up. He slid me down. He pushed it in. He slid it out. I moaned from outside myself. I longed to pray to someone for forgiveness for the thrill I was now imbibing, but I had forgotten whom? For that name was a lifetime ago. I now belonged to the beast licking its forked tongue all down my body, lingering on my ass crack, into my ass, and jutting forward agily onto my labia, my clitoris. I groaned and went limp in his strong arms as he fucked me breathless, his cock swollen perversely within my tight lips, blood oozing gently down my legs to combine sweetly with the smell of earth and hearth akin to that of a comforting winter’s fire pit. At last, he stopped, placed me on my knees, and invited me to suck. I could barely wrap my mouth around the tip of his mighty sceptre, but entranced with lust I sucked like a baby at a bottle. Freely he spilt forth his cum down my willing throat, and I was delighted to find it had the consistency of maple syrup, the taste of the morsels of a fine patisserie. Figures, I mused, all of the flavors of decadent, indulgent delights. The sin of gluttony. He continued to spit forth the gravy elixir, and I found myself needed more and more, greedily sucking all of it, my body beginning to grow before my very eyes, until I was filled like a fatted pig, my belly swinging, my thighs popping out, my breasts engorged with his lifeblood and my own sugary sweet fat. “Now,” he muttered as I guzzled gratefully the last drops of fattening juices, “Will you go with that guy”–he jerked his head to the preacher cowering woefully behind his wife, his pants soiled–”Or will you be mine?” I felt what remained of the floorboards beneath me creak under my new weight as I stood to full height. I carefully retrieved my ash-sooted spectacles and notepad of righteous impressions. I rent each in half. “Take me,” I smiled, and with a flash, his talons were upon me, and we were barreling down through the seven layers of hell."
does anyone know of stories involving weight gain, nuns, and temptation? please link if you do
someone has MUNCHausen by proxy (SSBBW, XWG) Part 2 from: STC9892
Any story about an obese girl who tries to lose weight, but her friends trick her into gaining even more.
Can any one share Don´t deny the Boss? It´s a premium story over at Fantasy Feeder..
I remember a story about a girl who writes stories on DeviantArt and is jealous of the success of those who write fat fetish stories. She reads one that describes her spontaneously gaining weight and then it actually happens.

Does anyone know this story? It's on DeviantArt.

Any and all of their work would be highly appreciated.
Asking again. A teen Titans story about terra, starfire, and raven gaining weight. They mostly gain individually until they meet up. Villain is like Willy wonka.
Anyone know any good quality Little Witch Academia WG fics? Preferably with focus on Lotte or Amanda but any'll do
Is there a story where a bhm is owned by a spoiled rich girl, that treats him like her pet?
I really like this. Do you have a page where you post more stories?
There was a story on DeviantArt about four women who had a sleepover at a large house and ended up getting magically fat. At one point one of them goes to greet a pizza boy in very revealing clothing. I think it was multiple parts. Anyone have any ideas as to what this story was?
looking for force feeding stories (female) with a good amount of humiliation please
I know this could be /alt/ territory, but I'm looking for a stuffing/WG story with first-person/reader POV, anyone got good ones?
Looking for any good scifi stories.
looking for a story bout a girl being given a wish granting lamp by a friend or something similar and it being a genie
and the genie feeding her massive amounts of cake as she rapidly gains weight
Is there anyone who has a stash link to Zerpz’ “Blobs in the Velvet Ring”?
Does anyone remember a story where a woman gets a ring and move fat from one person to another? And she can’t move far from her base weight.
Anyone have some good reccomendations for XWG? Either through sheer god old gluttony, feeding, or something involving reality changes?
There are two stories I'm looking for one is an old story by I think airgrenade about a girl who tries stealing from a farmer but get caught and inflated till bursting. The second is this girl trying to cas an inflation spell on some bullies in a food court only to find out they were advanced spell casters and turn the spell back on her.
There was a story on DeviantArt about four women who had a sleepover at a large house and ended up getting magically fat. At one point the mousy one goes to seductively greet a pizza boy in very revealing clothing. I think it was multiple parts. Anyone have any ideas as to what this story was?
There was this story maybe from xjarvisx about guy who met this girl with massive fat ass in the gym, then they went ona date at his housle where he fed her various food making her fat ass even bigger, it ended with a sex scene

Does Anybody have or know where to find it?

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