
Since the first thread got wiped in the double thanks snap on the site and no one seems to have bothered recreating the loli thread, we can post loli stories here again. Hurrah!
Oh yes, it’s back! I don’t know too much about fetish writing or anything, but I have an idea on one I can write. It’s a story set in a medievalish fantasy world. It’s about a 6 year old girl wandering down the road. A wizard gives her a cursed piece of candy that increases her hunger and weight gain. It isn’t much, but I just wanted to know if anyone thinks this sort of thing is worth writing.

Hey, nice, that's mine!
Idk, that is absolutely filled with stories that either never start, don’t end because they are incomplete, and is filled with paywalls that ask you to get a payed account to continue. (Normal non payed accounts apparently don’t work)
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>>202 (OP)
How'd you make a thread with no image, OP?!

You can continue, it just depends on the time of day and how much you've been messing around on there that makes refreshing the page work or not but the site really isn't worth suffering that since there aren't many good stories and they only last for a couple paragraphs so they'd be more like the prompts that people are doing these days.
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Like what? At least give your thoughts and hopes for fattened lolis if you're gonna bump the thread.
nice loli braps is where its at
I really like that picture of Lain. Where is it from?
>Produced the original premise with his loli generator.

What? Does anyone have any information on this? Is there a fat loli story generator out there somewhere?
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Dunno, got it from an imageboard. Surprising one of the few lolis with a cult following gets no fattening.
Oh my god this is perfect, its a quality loli story!! The idea of setting goals like that is pretty hot. Are there anymore like this?? Whos the author?
Author sent it to me on another platform and wants to remain anonymous but yes they told me they are planning on writing at least a second part.
Well thats good to hear, i really wanna see more of this!
as soon as i get it I will post it
I keep checking back to see if there's another chapter!
just discovered this thread. hella love the zoey story. hope there's more stories added too!
Got anything for Paula from Earthbound?
Not a lick; I don't even think I've seen anything good for Kumatora either.
Anyone got any for Connie from Steven Universe?
You got any Platinum the Trinity stories from BlazBlue?
The picture was only posted as an eye catcher and not a list. You guys really want these characters or were others you had a desire for?
Any Veronica from Dragon Quest XI?
Yeah Platinum's fine. There's not enough BlazBlue WG stories anyway so I wouldn't mind seeing Plat get fat.
Only for Jade but it would be pretty easy to make one for anyone who has played it since it's Dragon Quest so you have cursed equipment, magic items, and weird monsters.

Well BlazBlue was living its whole life in the shadow of the corpse of Guilty Gear. It would be an interesting character with three different personalities in play and their shared body plumps up with more and more fat.
The young versions of the girls from Ocarina of Time need a lot of love, they're all really great though specifically i have a big soft spot for youbg zelda
I could see Luna's constant need to stuff her face rubbing off on Sena and Trinity.

Another idea I had was something like Trinity splitting herself, Sena, and Luna, and spoiling the both of them.
>i have a big soft spot for youbg zelda
Is that big soft spot filled with her belly or booty?

You stick around as close as they have for years and you're bound to have one or two things rub off on you.

>Another idea I had was something like Trinity splitting herself, Sena, and Luna, and spoiling the both of them
How could you handle the male?
How about Jade fattening up Veronica?
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You mean like Jade wanting to practice new recipes and pushing Veronica into be her guinea pig since Veronica has a strong youthful metabolism?

Veronica helping Jade with a spell to keep the calories from affecting her but what both don't realize is that they're being fed into the caster until it's not just the energy but the actual food being stuffed into Veronicas belly and Jades own having grown capable of handling pounds of food and her appetite having become unmanageable along with it?

Jade using her as a meat shield against candy based monsters so that Veronica will get all the ill effects while she stays trim and nimble for fighting?

A yuri route?
Probably with Trinity attempting to feed Sena more since Luna keeps hogging all the food. Trinity wants the both of them to get their equal share as much as Sena tries to claim that he's fine.
No, I mean will he still be stuck with a female body or will he be a trap or look like a regular boy?
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Oh right my bad, I misunderstood what you said. He'd be a trap but would look like this.
Cute pic but that looks like it'd only work as a reverse trap. You're part of that big butted shota fad that was all over the place a couple years ago?
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Nah. I just think Sena is a cute boy. Plus mutual gain with Luna and Trinity would be nice to see.

I also meant to say that the pic would work better as a normal boy, not as a trap.
Relm needs more fatty love
a-any more loli slob?
seconding this anon's request for nastiness
Didn't the king have intentions of marrying her off to Ganondorf?

On the Final Fantasy wiki, it says that one of her loves is "big people"; what does that mean?
I've read your work before. Great stuff. I think that it might be the only fic of Connie being fat. I sure as hell can't find anything else and I ain't got the time to write any myself.

Perhaps some more fat Connie and/or maybe Peridot?
Jade from Jackie Chan Adventures
Rika from Digimon Tamers
Romin from Yugioh Sevens.

Just some random suggestions.
I'm glad you like my stuff! If I write about anything else, it might just be another Connie thing since I'm not really a fan of Jade, and am not familiar with the other two girls either (Rika's cute though!). Plus it gives me an excuse to expand on my Connie fic, since I've contemplated writing a sexier extension where Pearl and an even fatter Connie are getting intimate during a feeding session...

Though >>1359 has a lot of good loli suggestions as well! Between the OoT kids, Hanako, Namine, young Trucy, Roll, Yai, and Hat Kid, there's a lot of great lolis to choose from.
If i was going to give a shot for some Ocarina of Time writes what would you all suggest? The ideas i've goy are pretty basic so was wondering if anyone had something more interesting or unique in mind.
Link is dead, does anyone have the Zoey story?
Child Zelda is introduced to the gerudos, who i would imagine have a very high protein diet. They offer her a feast, not knowing how the gerudo diet affects non-gerudos. Fattening ensues

None of the links are working. Just keep getting a message about them being private.
Shit, just realized that it's because they've been flagged due to their content, lots of my fics have been flagged too. I'll get them posted somewhere else, then re-link them once I'm done.
It looks like the pastebin link was taken down. Fortunately, I save the story before it was removed. Posting it and part 2 below.
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Guess I remembered it wrong.

Have you ever seen Serial Experiments Lain?

I was originally thinking the King having her "fluffed up" to attract the eye of Ganon to strengthen their bloodline with the most powerful wizard in Hyrule or the status quo with Ruto cursing Zelda so that Link will be hers.

How about Ganondorf placing a curse on Impa so that worked steadily to twist her thoughts into something to keep Zelda too distracted or busy to keep the princess off his back which ends up with Impa having gaining a growing interest in seeing Zelda widen more and more.

You could also go with a mask designed after a fat womans face that's haunted by the Poe of the woman it was designed after, having been sent to Zelda and every night the Poe comes out to place it on Zeldas face to channel its hunger into her for the night and causing the princess to have nightmares of ravenous hunger and waking up with a bigger appetite with each night.

There's a mole in this thread.
God the Zoey stuff is so good. I wish there was more. This is EXACTLY the sort of thing I'm looking for
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>Nope, haven't seen that either
They got the creator of that to do the Tamers series which is why it's so much darker than the others. Take pic related; Jerri, even with the censored dub, eventually started feeling like she was a quick and easy way being given to her away from killing herself.

>Labeling your stories Lolicon
You're too truthful for your own good.

Thank you. Now we patiently await new stories and sequels.
Author said there is more Zoey coming.
Probably 2 or 3 more chapters depending on where they take it is what they said.
Does anyone have the Brandon/Brandi stories from /ceg/?
Reup pls? :c
Zoey? Zoey.

An old idea of mine: Digimon Adventure/02 except Sora, Mimi, Kari and Yolie partnered with Burgermon. Mainly Kari.

Dumb idea aside; anyone have any good Digimon loli stories? Especially Adventure or Savers if you have something that obscure.
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Yeah, you don't wanna give the same Digimon to three people on the same team. It sucks that they haven't really made anything other food themed digimon so you only have Burgermons and the Appmon, Cookmon. Mimi is rich and can afford her own food and cook so she would only need something to lure her into gluttony and stay in gluttony until her body is far too big for her to attempt losing the weight. Just go with Kari, she'd easily fall into it and her parents will be too happy she's gotten an appetite and is starting to look healthy to do anything before Kari is stuck only able to waddle. Sora will fall into line when both of her female friends start dragging her around wherever they go, with the unknowing tomboy being too focused on her friends changes to realize her own softening body. Now if you were focusing on the Digital World and not the real world, then logic goes out the window since you can have a village of Burgermon, Digimon hypnotizing the Digidestined into doing something fattening, and they have shit like pic related.

>anyone have any good Digimon loli stories
There's no such thing
There's lolis in that series?
Counterpoint to the first line: The Digi-Destined of Hong Kong have the same Digimon as their partners. Even the same Champion/Adult form so giving multiple characters a Burgermon just for the sake of fattening them up isn't unreasonable.

Why not? Digimon has been around for over 20 years, Adventure was like 98', 99' in Japan (The movie that served as the prequel to the anime). So how is there simply not any decent stories of a loli Hikari/Kari, Sora, Rika and so on? Just seems statistically off to me, but it's like reverse yugioh: 99% chance to get what you want and all that pops up is a zonk.

Savors has the MC's little sister and I think Thomas has a little sister as well.
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>The Digi-Destined of Hong Kong have the same Digimon as their partners
That's an easy one, the kid that got a partner had knockoffs of said partner made for the others. In all seriousness though, I think they only existed because the people who made the anime couldn't figure out what to do next which is why they never did it again after 02 ended.
Oh god, they actually brought them back for their attempt to remake 02.
I'll say this then, why waste two other spots when you could have two Digital lolis?
It's sucks realizing how right I was after looking through all the monsters that Digimon really is a Furry and Shotacon series.

You also have these two if you want to
Have a bigger variety of food https://wikimon.net/Daipenmon
Have an infectious element https://wikimon.net/Burpmon

>Why not
Digimon started back during the dark ages of weight gain and it fell off in popularity before the writers started pushing themselves to get good. No wait, I think there was something attached to Eishis Digimon pics but I think it was only Sora.
You'd imagine with her popularity but what I've read is about her being already fat and usually in some kind of relationship with Renamon and leaving me feeling that she wasn't acting in character.
>Just seems statistically off to me
You'd need a lot more production of Digimon weight gain stories to make it look statistically off.

>Get rid of the lolis and keep the shotas
The more I learn, the more I'm proven correct.
What's with this Zoey story I keep hearing about?
i dont have access to it
what do you mean?
each time i try to go the link this message keep popping up "You do not have access to the requested folder.
Please contact the folder's owner..."
try this link:
The absolute mad lad!
this reads like fanfiction now lol.
i feel like this isn't the original author.
Personally, I've been replacing the character names with the names of Sonic girls with this story.
Gimme a link to that shit lad
Whatever happened to that "Meet the Neighbors" one, with the guy Ted?
Good News and Bad News about the Zoey Story:

Bad News: For those that were wondering, yes that 3rd Zoey chapter was not written the OA and that archive account is not theirs. It really pissed off the OA and they stopped working on it for a while.

The good news is though the REAL chapter 3 is almost done and should be up by the end of the week. OA wants suggestions on how to upload it since paste bin is no longer a good place to do so.
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There was a story posted here a while back featuring a character named Lola which I attached to this post. I was wonder if a second part was ever written.
Zoey is incredible. As for where to post, I have no idea unfortunately.
ao3 could be one reasonable avenue, but you'd need to find someone willing to share an invitation code in order to make an account there
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That place is stuffed with the type of stories that the people who went out of their way to try and cancel smugtits, love. It's only a matter of time before they ban lolis. Stop wandering around and just jump on Pixiv..
Okay I will tell them about Pivix
Zoey OA here and I have a question for my readers.

Since I have been trying to keep in some realm of realism for the story I was wondering if you all would prefer if the girls cap out at a certain weight or breach into fantastical sizes?
I have three more chapters planned plus an epilogue and would like your input as to how big Zoey would be after a big jump in time, like ten or more years. Her weights for the following chapters are already set, it's just more the question of if she is able to keep gaining into absurdity during the time in between or does she realistically level out at some point in that time.
So just let me know which would be preferred.
Granted it may not impact my final plans entirely, just want to get a feel for what my audience feels about this when put into the more realistic context of the story that has been established.

Thanks in advance.
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Nice to see it worked out.

Unless something's changed, most or at least the most vocal want massive blobs of fat for lolis.
Fair enough I will wait for more replies and make my decision.
Also the bottom right image is how I envisioned Zoey would have looked going into part 2
I mean my question is more if Zoey gets to a ton. Is that blobby enough or do I push for absurd extremes that would result from her keeping the same gaining pace her entire life through her teen years?
Honestly, I am fine with her being up to two tons, though she will have a lot of health issues. The big trick is going to be how much it compromises everything else.

She is going to be essentially completely immobile, as well, so that will have consequences.
That's fair, and something I have been considering. As it stands at the end of part 3 she is closing in on 900 pounds already and has been only mobile in her forearms and some head movements. I will say health is going to be a big focus of the last few chapters as we start to see how betting to sizes that would immobilize an adult, impacts such a small body and what would come of that over time.
Since my initial post, I think I have decided that Zoey will peak decently high when the last chapter ends then fluctuate a bit through her teen years but remain roughly around that peak, perhaps even dropping a little as that seems more realistic to how a growing child through puberty would handle those fat reserves and how her metabolism would level out during puberty based on her caloric intake.
So a hard cap eventually, but how big she ends up in the end by the Epilogue I will leave in secret
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I wouldn't know, I was just saying what I've found by looking at and reading what the fat loli lovers put out. My cutoff feels more like it's around pic related. Still mobile and able to function in the world but stuck with a body that has a habit of accidentally knocking things over and getting lodged in places if she doesn't pay attention.
Zoey is already beyond that point though lol
Fair lol trying to not go too extreme but I sort of painted myself into a corner as it were with Zoey started rather big to begin with.

Tbh the entire idea spurred from a conversation about how that fat girl Jessica would have ended up if she hadn't been forced to lose weight.
That said, once I am done with Zoey's story I may do some "Tales from the Clinic" one offs about other, smaller patients.
Go for broke, I would say. She's already gaining weight faster now than she was during the first two chapters.
What is your context for "going for broke"?
>>2111 Ridiculous sizes are the best sizes.
Zoey did hold up all five fingers, after all. I think she wanted to be a whole lot bigger than one ton.
I guess Dr. Jacobs better start figuring out how to accommodate and care for these hyper obese instead of just the massively obese :P

That's by Mashuky. He never continued it, but I (nowaya) wrote a continuation-fanfiction sort of thing, if you'd like to see that.
That would be cool. Did you post it anywhere?
There's no such thing as too fat. Go farther than you ever thought, and then past that.
Requesting access to the zoey stories, interest piqued and it sounds adorable
Can you post it?
In regards to Zoey's future size, I agree with the others here. Please, go for broke :)
No content, only a profile
Make an account and you can see the content. Its locked behind age filter. Account is free...
Personally, simply based on the fact that her mother is going above and beyond to ensure Zoey gets the calorie and elasticity enhancers in stupendous amounts, I'd honestly say Zoey would be unlikely to plateu unless she suffered serious complications. ... if you really did want to limit it though, you could always have Zoey become resistant to the effects of thoe enhancing mixes.

I'm still going to stick with the crowd though, bigger is better :)
I see there seems to be a consensus, well then over the Epilogue time skip Zoey will just HAVE to balloon a bit then I guess. Will also be using this name from the Pivix account so you know it's me. No more imposters >_>

That said, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in attempting to draw dear Zoey for us.
I do not understand the lol
please post it
Many thanks nowaya. Are you coming back anytime soon? Miss your stuff, man. Even the non-loli

I'm considering coming back with a new non-loli-related identity, so keep your eyes peeled.
Any news on the next Zoey part?
Story summary: Chell is injected with a prototype immortal serum that makes her immortal but has the side effect of shrinking her down to the size of a loli. Warning: ABSURD WEIGHT GAIN AND IMPOSSIBLE SIZES.

Insert Generic Cake Joke Here (Portal WG Story) By chubby-chimaera

Chell awoke inside of a glass box, surrounded by walls of white panels and fluorescent lighting. She blinked several times before getting up out of her strange pod-bed and sliding her bare feet onto the cold, metallic floor. She was only wearing an orange jumpsuit bearing the logo of Aperture Science, a company she vaguely recalled volunteering for in the past. She came in with a group of other people around her age, given the jumpsuit, mentioning something about testing and experiments with artificial intelligence and genetic lifeforms... But, nothing after that.
As she got her bearings, finding clipboards and walking around every corner of the room, she came to a realization. There was no exit to this room. There was a strange, white panel that stretched to the top and bottom of the transparent prison she was trapped inside, but it was a blank wall with no visible means to open it.
Out of options, Chell sat down in the chair provided and waited patiently for someone, anyone, to give her some direction, left only with that now monotonous song droning in her ear over and over. Thankfully enough, someTHING did finally respond to her bleak silence.

“Hello, and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center. We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault has been a pleasant one.” The voice stated, startling Chell a bit at it’s robotic, yet somewhat human, voice. Chell realized this must’ve been the robot the scientists told her about, GLaDOS. “Your specimen has been processed, and we are now ready to begin the test proper.”
Chell got up, prepared to get started. She hoped this wouldn’t take too long, of course, she was mostly in it for the “Big Cash Reward” advertised in the news ad. Although, looking back, there were a LOT of asterisks and quotation marks around Big… And cash… And reward. It didn’t even seem like a real ad, now that she thought about it, more like someone wrote it in with a sharpie. But, Chell reasoned, she was really desperate for the cash.
“Before we start, however, we do have another experiment we will be testing congruent to your main objective.” GLaDOS explained. “We shall be injecting you with a serum commissioned by the late founder of Aperture Science who was searching for a cure for mortality. This test shall see how well subjects perform while under the influence of this serum.”
Chell noticed a long syringe being lowered down into the room, quickly jabbing itself into her arm, flowing with a strange, light-blue mixture. It entered her bloodstream and it was just as quickly removed, rising back up into the ceiling as it took its effect.
While at first nothing seemed to be happening, Chell slowly began to feel her body shrinking down. Years were taken off her body, shedding away the years as though it were the skin off an orange. Younger and younger her body became, reaching around the tens, then single digits! It didn’t stop until she was an incredibly youthful 5-year-old girl, the jumpsuit she wore somehow still fitting on her perfectly. It must’ve been some strange, form-fitting outfit… Regardless, the only thing on Chell’s mind currently was if this serum was permanent.

After a quick safety warning from the robotic host, which was interrupted by a brief technical/audio glitch, a strange hole opened up which GLaDOS referred to as a portal. She walked through, feeling much smaller in this now large environment at such a young age. Chell wandered through the linear pathway leading towards her first puzzle, a box and a button.
Normally, Chell wouldn’t have any trouble at all lifting and placing things, but as a child, she lacked the upper body strength to pick it up. Instead, she opted to drag the heavy cube all the way over to the button, holding it down and making her way over to the now opened door. She let out a sigh of relief, walking up to the door only to find something unexpected inside.
On top of a table was a simple, yet elegant chocolate cake. It had no toppings, just frosting and the bread, about the size of a dinner plate.
GLaDOS’ voice returned. “After every test you complete, a complimentary cake shall be awarded to you. As the tests get harder, the cakes shall become more rewarding, as well. It is advised you enjoy each cake before continuing to the next test chamber.”
Chell shrugged, picking up the cake and taking large bites out of it, her now childish mind enjoying it thoroughly! By the time she finished it, she felt much more replenished, especially considering she hadn’t had a bite to eat in hours! Or more, depending on how long she’d been knocked out…

Chell made her way to the next chamber, feeling some new heft on her body from that cake she ate, but not enough that it was a hindrance in any way. The elevator stopped at the next chamber, and she skipped along inside, finding three glass chambers, a portal cycling through them. As she hopped down from the platform she was standing on, she found another portal behind her, and GLaDOS spoke again.
“Please place the Weighted Storage Cube on the Aperture Science heavy-duty super-colliding super button.”
It was a simple enough test, she waited patiently for the cube portal to open, quickly dragged it out, went inside the next portal as it cycled through to it and pushed it onto the button and she was back on her way out the door!
Chell felt like she was becoming a pro at these, she’d be out of here in no time! Confidently she strode through to the exit, where sure enough, another cake was waiting for her. This time it had white frosting on the sides.
“You’re doing very well.” GLaDOS complimented. “Please be advised that eating all the cakes at the end of each chamber is not mandatory, but is only an option if you are feeling hungry. Do not sacrifice the furtherment of science for your stomach.”
Chell just scoffed, not being one to turn down free cakes! She grabbed the cake, this one seeming a bit bigger than the last, and began wolfing it down, feeling her stomach bloat out from eating two cakes in a row. She felt much more plump and soft, letting out a soft belch after completing the entire cake.
“Or you can.” GLaDOS spoke in a slightly hushed voice. “But don’t blame me when you can’t jump over a pool of acid.”
The next chamber came, and Chell could feel the weight packing on, though still it wasn’t enough for her to be deterred. It was in this chamber she finally acquired one half of the Portal Gun, which could only fire one portal at a time. After making her way out, she found the next cake, a double-layer chocolate and peanut-butter cake with whipped cream on the rims again. Chell swallowed it all down as well, feeling her stomach churn and expand.
GLaDOS’ words did indeed come true, the more tests she completed, the bigger the cakes would become. She could feel herself growing heavier as well, her jumpsuit stretching out, a huge gut hanging below her waist and jostling with every movement. It almost felt good, being so huge and soft, after she finished a cream-filled triple-layer wedding cake twice the size of herself she couldn’t keep her hands off her giant, jiggling body.
GLaDOS even commented on her while she was slapping and jiggling her fat gut, watching it sway back and forth like a pendulum made of gelatin. “Look at you, such a tiny little glutton. Eat any more and we might not be able to test anymore.”
Chell giggled, waddling her way over to the elevator, her fat ass plainly visible through the jumpsuit.
“Such a large appetite for such a tiny girl… I wonder how long you can keep this up.” GLaDOS pondered.

Another test chamber came along, and Chell found herself waddling up towards it, her body becoming heavy from all the cakes she’s been devouring. Her arm struggled to fit inside the portal device, but it seemed to wrap around her meaty hands quite well, albeit uncomfortably. To her right was a large drop, with staircases leading to the bottom, and a portal surface on the ground. She looked down, and then up, there seemed to be a platform on the wall that was pointed towards an elevated ledge.
What Chell had to do was simple, and even with her weight, it seemed easy enough for her to accomplish. She placed a portal at the bottom, and a portal on the wall surface, and hopped down, feeling the wind soar through her jiggling fat folds… Until she felt a heavy WHUMP!
Chell wiggled from side to side, her fat body barely moving at all. Looking up she saw her fat, childish booty hanging from where she placed the portal, as well as her thick, dangling legs. She placed her arms on her obese sides, making a pouty face. Chell tried to squeeze herself out of, or through, the portal, but found no such luck.
Being in an obviously stuck position, GLaDOS had no choice but to intervene. “It appears as though your expanded size is no longer able to fit through standard-sized portals. Though it is unprecedented, I am forced to increase the capacity at which your device is able to fit heavy objects through.”
Chell was slightly confused, but GLaDOS clarified soon after. “In layman’s terms, you’re so fat you cannot continue the testing. So I shall make the portals large enough to fit a whale, an animal more befitting your current stature.”
Soon the child test subject felt the portal expanding below her, and her fat body flowed through with ease, and was able to resume the puzzle. Though this was a bit of an alarm for her, as she realized just how big she was getting. Nearly eight hundred pounds of blubber, somehow still mobile… And hungry for even more! Could it be that syringe at the beginning of testing had some adverse effects on her hunger?

Chell continued testing as normal, yet this time when she reached the end she was determined to ignore the cake, no matter how delicious it was. No matter how loud her stomach growled, no matter how tantalizing it seemed, she couldn’t let herself get any fatter! Not just for the testing, but for her own sake as well.
Yet no amount of preparation could prepare her for what she saw… Two cakes. Each of them just as fattening as the other, and Chell was just unable to resist. The drool dripped from her mouth, her eyes glistening, she dashed her fat body over and began swallowing them both down by the mouthful, her orange jumpsuit stretching out it’s very limit, yet still holding onto her body tightly!
“Mrrph… UUURRRRP!” Chell belched in the middle, thinking to herself how amazing all of this was! She didn’t care how big and fat she became, all that was on her mind now was endless feasting and gluttony. As soon as she finished that cake, she was on her way to the next one, twice as fat and twice as eager to complete the next chamber.

More chambers were on the way, and her body just kept growing larger. Eventually GLaDOS had to use a robotic crane to lift up Chell’s immense body after she broke the elevator’s weight limit. A feat GLaDOS didn’t think possible with one human, let alone a human child.
As she waddled into the next chamber, Chell was faced with a new threat. GLaDOS was eager to explain. “Given your size, this next test may prove too difficult for you. You’ll be a bigger target for these Aperture Science Military Androids.”
Chell was a bit afraid, but was able to squeeze her way through the door and find the first Turret, back turned to her and pointed into a corridor. While it was already a simple solution, Chell got a bit… Creative with it.
With a heavy bump of her booty, she sent the turret flying down the corridor, watching it soar through the air and smash into the wall with immense force. Waddling down the corridor, her fat body bouncing and jiggling around with confidence, she found another turret, and with a quick portal below it, she was able to drop the turret down and watch it collide right into her belly, which she bumped back so hard it rammed into the ceiling. Chell giggled, happy she finally had some use for her obesity during these tests!
“Quite an unorthodox and unnecessary amount of creativity.” GLaDOS mentioned. “At least your gluttony has paid off… Somewhat.”
A room filled with three turrets was soon entered by Chell, each surrounding a button she needed to open a door to the exit. She couldn’t as well just run in and booty bump and belly slam all of them, so another plan was hatched. She placed a portal on the ground, and a portal just above the center of where all the turrets lay.
With a deep breath, Chell leaped into the portal in a cannonball position, slamming her fat ass right onto the button, the shockwave knocking all the turrets into the wall, leaving a crater on the ground and breaking the button so that the door was permanently opened.
GLaDOS, despite the neutral voice, seemed quite genuinely annoyed and impressed. “You keep finding new ways to surprise me. But please try to refrain from breaking any more vital testing apparatus.”

It was undoubtedly a miracle Chell was able to move at this point. After making it to the final chamber, her body was an immense heap over over 2,000 pounds of blubber, hardly recognizable as human anymore. She was breathing heavily, burping constantly, still stuffing her face from the last practical feast of cakes she had at the end of the last chamber.
“EEEUURRRRAAAAPPP!!” Chell exhumed, looking around herself. There didn’t seem to be any portal surfaces, no obstacles, no challenges of any kind. She raised an eyebrow, wondering just what kind of test this was supposed to be.
GLaDOS’ voice chimed in again. “Thank you for participating in this Aperture Science Enrichment Center activity. While normally, this would be the part where we dispose of you in a humane and painless manner, we have decided to take care of you in a more special way. Consider yourself lucky.”
Suddenly, the walls opened up, lowering into the floor as Chell was greeted by several MILLIONS worth of cakes, each one taller than skyscrapers, filling deep into this endless room of wonder!
“Enjoy your endless feast while we continue testing on other subjects. We will cease further communication and allow you to enjoy your cakes as much as you please. Thank you again for assisting us in the further enrichment of science. Goodbye.”

With that, GLaDOS signed off for the final time, and Chell was left all alone. All alone… With all these cakes! She waddled over and dove into them, swallowing them one one after the other, scarfing them all down like a ravenous beast. “Mnrphm… BRRURRBP! Nomph… URRRP!”
Chell could feel her body expanding rapidly, swelling out even larger than before, now finally ripping out of the jumpsuit that held on desperately for so long. She was in heaven, handfuls upon handfuls of chocolate, vanilla, peanut butter and various other flavors of thick, mouthwatering cake! It was all so euphoric, she could just feel herself sinking deeper into this endless sea of frosting and filling, drowned in both desserts and adipose, only left in a pair of underwear and a bra to cover up her flabby breasts.
She was a long way from filling up even this entire chamber, but she knew eventually it would happen, and besides, it wasn’t as though she were in any rush to escape anyway. This was paradise, she wouldn’t mind if she kept eating like this for the rest of her life!

And it seemed like she would, as the serum she had been injected with permanently trapped her in the body of a 5-year-old, as many weeks, months, years passed without so much as her taking a break. She constantly stuffed herself with cake, now larger than an average two-story building, still growing larger every moment!
“Mmruuugh… BBUUUURRRRP!” Chell belched, sliding another entire cake down her throat pitifully. She was becoming weak, tired of feeding herself. It was around that time that she noticed a tube coming down from above, it was far larger than her mouth and yet it still managed to squeeze it’s way into her gullet, pumping in huge bulges of cake batter down her greedy throat.
A loud moan of pleasure escaped her mouth as she resumed swelling larger, now faster than before, her gigantic body resting against two massive asscheeks which flattened all of the other cakes she now cared nothing for. All they were was a throne for her mountainous booty, now left only to chug endlessly, forever, until the end of time…

Multiple more years later…

“This is the ruins of an old testing facility.” Alyx mentioned, followed behind by Gordon Freeman. “Aperture Science, heard a rogue AI went crazy and killed everyone inside. We’d better be careful.”
The two walked up closer to the building, despite being abandoned for so many years the upkeep on it was quite impressively well maintained. Yet they had very little time to appreciate how good it looked before the ground itself began to shake, cracking open from below as though an earthquake were occurring.
“Wh-what’s going on? Take cover!” Alyx stated, as she hopped behind one of the cars. Gordon joined her, readying his weapon.
From the ground burst the massive child known as Chell, her fat pushing her far, far above ground and turning her into a mountain of adipose, spilling out across the land and crushing almost everything around her. The ruins of machinery, the building and even GLaDOS could be found strewn across her body, or at least any bit of it that Chell hadn’t consumed. She had let her gluttony get the better of her, and once the facility completely ran out of cake batter, she began to eat the facility itself. From the inside out.
Chell unleashed one more mountainous belch, her body jiggling furiously, Alyx and Gordon barely able to hold on for dear life. They climbed up slowly to see the face of this insatiable beast who was breathing very heavily, her stomach growling and desperate for more, looking over towards Alyx as if to ask if she had any food on her.
“Jesus, what happened to this kid? What kind of sick experiments were they doing in here?” Alyx wondered. “Gordon, we should help her. Take her back to Dr. Kleiner, see if he can’t… Gordon, what are you doing?”
Gordon had managed to find a syringe labeled ‘Age Regression Serum; Experimental!’ written on the side, and a smile spread across his face.
“Gordon… Don’t even think about it.” Alyx stated, looking over at him with a stern gaze. He only came closer, grabbing her arm forcefully and lifting the syringe into the air… It seemed the gaining of both Chell and Alyx wasn’t even half lived.
Writer's block is a bitch but hopefully, it will be done soon.
First off, that’s a story on deviantart by Chimaera, and you should have just put a link in or something.

Second off, is it really loli if it’s just a serum?

And finally, I’m not saying it’s bad how chimaera’s stories play out, it’s just that I personally believe most people don’t want to be horny and read a story about how a 5 year old becomes a mindless blob and destroys the universe, but that’s just me saying that because loli is already a pretty large but hated niche so (almost) nothing is too weird.
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>that’s a story on deviantart by Chimaera
>By chubby-chimaera
You didn't have to reiterate what he already typed.

>is it really loli if it’s just a serum
>trying to find flaws in turning women into lolis

>I personally believe most people don’t want to be horny and read a story about how a 5 year old becomes a mindless blob and destroys the universe
If it works for Saxxon, why not him? I myself prefer my lolis still mobile and at worst have them having difficulties getting around.
>I personally believe most people don’t want to be horny and read a story about how a 5 year old becomes a mindless blob and destroys the universe
Personally, I don't have a problem with the way Chimera chooses to write his stories, I just wish he didn't insist on having all of them end the EXACT SAME WAY. Cosmic WG is just too goofy for me to find interesting, and it seems to be the only part Chimera likes, to the point where he'll skip over descriptions of the earlier stages of WG so he can dwell on the extreme sizes more. I like massive weight gain, even to extreme sizes, but once someone gets to the size of a literal mountain, the sense of scale just kind of breaks and I can't really care about anything bigger. And almost ALL of Chimera's stories end with the main character eating/outgrowing the universe, sometimes even multiple universes.
Like, would it kill him to stop at a ton or two once in a while, just for variety? I actually like the handful of stories he's written that do show restraint.
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but anyone know of any good loli inflation stories?
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I don't care for cosmic either; I'd much rather the little doughballs have difficulty getting around but never go beyond being mobile and have accidents because they never know just how wide they truly are. There's nothing fun to do when they're an immobile slab of fat and with arms incapable of moving in the slightest because they each weigh as much as she did when she started out gaining.

>would it kill him to stop at a ton or two once in a while, just for variety
He did say he's gonna try to do something that draws out the gain, if I'm remembering it right.

I never really looked and wouldn't really know where to start beyond looking at the Willy Wonka cultists. What were you hoping for; air inflation, dense air inflation, water? And what character?
Honestly anything other than blueberry, air inflation preferred!

As for characters, none in particular.
Wow glad to see so many fans of my stories. I appreciate the criticism, I just wish you’d tell me directly instead of hiding it! If I knew there were more people wanting less cosmic-scale gains, I’d go for it, I’m fact I’m planning on limiting myself in the future. Saving cosmic gains for more special occasions, or at least less often.

Forgive me if this isn’t posted correctly I never use this hellsite.
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>Forgive me if this isn’t posted correctly I never use this hellsite
Not even for the loli threads in /bbwalt/ for an easy way to find chunky loli pics? Well you're doing a lot better than a chunk of the new people this site has been getting, simply for knowing what the Name field is for.
Is Zoey making any progress at all? I hate nagging, but it's by far the best loli story I've seen in ages and I'm eager for more
I can say that Zoey chapter 4 is being worked on, but the pace is slow due to other engagements. Hopefully will be done before the end of November.
Yes! I can't wait to see how big our little girl has gotten (hopefully the answer is at least VERY)
Can confirm that Zoey Chapter 4 has been uploaded.
I'm big retarded, mature filter was on by default
Can you upload it to here
Trust me, it’s way too long

I really want a chapter five now. Let's see how big our sweet girl can gooooooo!
I hope that's not a bad thing...
I meant as in it would be way too long of a thing to post here, it would dwarf all the other posts and would make this room very inconvenient
Since there's a bit of movement in this thread, does anyone remember a story (99% sure it was on DA) involving a teenaged girl babysitting two spoiled brats, and bribing them with food in order for them not to tattle on her for having her boyfriend over at the parents' house? I'd ask in the "story finding" thread but anything loli-related is best contained here IMO.
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>anything loli-related is best contained here IMO
Post it anywhere that whatever you're interested in, follows the thread theme.
wait, who is the author of that pic? bamboo ale?
Yes but now adays you wont find any blob or loli content from em anymore sadly
he drew even more loli stuff?? damn, i never though hes into loli
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That was only one pic and nothing really points to him being into lolis, with his having done a Wataten fat pic but not softening any of the lolis. I think the only thing he has done was Megumin from Konosuba.
>the big butted shota trend
The what? I don't remember this
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A while back I had a sharp increase in stumbling into pictures and stories that involved shota traps and borderline traps having to lug around the increasing bulk of their rear ends. I think whenever Shouta from Maid Dragon gets something, it involves him with a fat ass.

I always pegged it as having been jump started by that one hentai that was getting thown around a lot.
can you share? never heard of this
Haha...yeah. I wouldn't know anything about that. Not like I commissioned a couple of things meeting that description.
But please actually give me more stuff matching this description. The hentai too.
can you at least share some?
Any more Zoey in the works?
are there any nezuko stories?

Any plans for any more Zoey stories.
Id love to see Yotsuba content, make her as fat as possible, but anything would be good to see.
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I've always been more of a Lambo man, myself. How do you see Yotsuba's weight distribution being focused, her belly or her butt? How do you feel the story should go, a feel that follows closely with the tone of the manga but have everyone porking up and occasionally futilely exercising before their bigger appetites throw them into eating double the calories they lost; or something a little darker where Yotsuba's weight has been increasing to the point where it's become easily noticeable and causes one of her friends become interested in encouraging her growing eating habits before getting into it and forcing Yotsuba to push past her limit?
Belly heavy for sure. Id prefer it follow the tone of the manga and Yotsuba just becomes an absurd glutton.
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Well now I know you're neither Trigun or MS.

If her father gets swamped with enough work that he stocks up on easy things for her to get and prepare for herself; the only thing that might prove a problem are Jumbo, Ena, and Miura, since I figure Ayase and Torako would fall to the cuteness of her while the mother of the sisters would probably not want to bother much in another parents business and just start pushing the kids outside more often. Fuuka would try to help her but end up gaining with her whenever Fuuka's around Yotsuba.

Ena and Miura would probably only start to become worried when Yotsuba's belly has started resting in her lap or when they're doing something the older two can get through but Yotsuba needs help to squeeze through.

>It pains me theres so little content of her
I'd like to say it looks like most skipped her for her age but no one's bothered with the others and at the same time, Chiyo didn't get much, so it honestly feels like Azuma lolis are just cursed or blessed depending on your perspective. Art is doomed to be stuck with you know who, while the lit department of loli seems far more interested in OC lolis.
What a shame. I need Yotsuba to be a fatty, shes cute. I cant wait to see her enter into school in the manga itself and see more interactions finallly with kids her own age.

I could see Yotsuba taking full advantage of the buffet Koharuko took her, taken out of context it almost seems like Koharuko is trying to guide Yotsuba into getting extremely fat there.>>3764
> 3
How fat would you personally want her in something be it a picture or a story?
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>What a shame. I need Yotsuba to be a fatty, shes cute.
Lolis around that age are always pure through and through, so you're just left with the desire to spoil them fat and protect them.

>I cant wait to see her enter into school in the manga itself and see more interactions finally with kids her own age.
I don't think he's gonna go that far with it; just up to when she's leaving to her first day of school but nothing after. Best bet would be to hope someone moves to the neighborhood or she meets someone close at a festival or something.

For Yotsuba? I'd say about pic related; fat enough that her belly has a bit of a wobble to it but not fat enough that she can't run around doing her usual stuff without getting easily winded.

How big did you mean by as fat as possible?
Oh when I said as a big as possible, I meant no real limits I'll go to sizes not physically possible, but most people are into more normal stuff so I like to be lenient.
Plus I enjoy all sizes just fine.
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>most people are into more normal stuff
Feels like the other way around to me, like if anyone got their eyes on Yotsuba, she'd be lucky if she's left barely mobile enough to waddle from the front door of her house to the sidewalk and having to rely on being carried around in a wagon to join in Ena and Miura's trips around the neighborhood.
The wagon will be used to bring her food instead.
But then how will Miura and Ena sneak her off to compete food challenges for easy cash?
Koharuko will drive her in her car.
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Sounds like you'd more enjoy a story that's Yotsuba but with being fat as the norm. A world where Mr Koiwai brings "underfed" Yotsuba back to Japan to raise as a "healthy" young girl and after a good deal of help from Mrs. Ayase and the girls, Yotsuba gains a "healthy" pronounced potbelly but it doesn't stop now that she's nice and pudgy and having gained a large appetite from having been stuffed a little past her limits more times than not. Each day being Yotsuba waking up to a normal sized breakfast though high in calories from being the prepackaged variety, munching on random fatty snacks that are filling the cabinets until her friends get out of school or shuffling over to play games with Asagi on her days off from college or whenever she's attending classes from home and always ending up both napping after cutting through a big bag of candy, with Yotsuba laying back in Asagi's lap and using her large rack as pillows while the elder has her hands resting against the bottom curve of Yotsuba's belly from the attempted loving embrace being broken from the combined girth of their bellies barely allowing hands close to the little ones belly button without squeezing the ball of jello. After Ena gets home, her being the responsible type, would drag Yotsuba and Miura out on walks throughout the neighborhood so that they aren't stuck as piles of veal with Yotsuba happily willing to come along since Ena has tasty treats to bait her along the way to an ice cream shop and back (a route born from Ena's own sizable gut's insatiable craving for the cold treat) but Miura always tries her best to weasel out of it, whether it be from her fattened state leaving her with a more lazy constitution or Miura's fat swaddled thighs forcing her to waddle and her large bottom being heavy enough to cause her to always need help getting up whenever they're resting on their walks. Dinner time would be a feast made by Mrs. Ayase who would be stuck thinking of Yotsuba as the same thin girl she had met at first, even though the child's belly has plumped up enough that it's reached the middle of her lap and from how easily it wobbles from Yotsuba playing around with it as her way of showing she's ready to eat, all the snacking throughout the day having done little to harden the mass or to weaken her appetite. Everyone tucking into their meals, with everyone putting away at least a families worth of servings before leaving the table but with the mother making sure little Yotsuba eats as much as she possibly can to make sure she puts a little meat on her bones. At night, as with every night, Yotsuba falls asleep on her futon, with her packed dome of a belly rising over her like a mountain and churning away to make sure it digests the days food so that it can shrink back down to a quarter of its current size for another round tomorrow.
Id love Yotsuba to get really fat.
Does anyone have any male stories?

This is a loli thread... don't derail it, make a shota thread if you want one.
more loli slob!
Who should get slobby?
This is the best fetish story I’ve read in general, but before I say anything else the ending seemed pretty messed up. Not like terrible to read, as in unreadable. As in at one point it has the dialogue “hdhdjdbeosbdidndbdnmdjdydudeegeyegeysdhdbdudieh“ In it, and it doesn’t seem to actually end or pace. Maybe it formats better on computers than on phones though. Other than that this is a fantastic addition to the thread, thanks for posting this.
Anyone else have sad stories like this?
Yeah, the formatting on the end seems to be like... Weirdly WIP. That mess is on PC, too.

It looks like a WIP because it is a WIP. I never finished it.
Do you still post stories anywhere? I miss your stuff.
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Anyone knows what happened to TheSlimyOne? Did he delete his own account or was it the site?
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Anyone able to recommend some Second-Person POV works or interactives *as the little butterball*?

Or particularly evocative First-Person Present-Tense?
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What are you looking for that you felt the need to bump the thread?
>probably was banned from ao3
Nice to know I was likely right to suggest people jump over to Pixiv instead of that place.
Does anyone know of a Writing.com story of an elementary student getting fed by her classmates until they were immobile? I’ve been trying to find it for a while.
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Oh come on Edna we both know these children HAVE NO futures!
where zoey

Posted the first part of this a few years ago, it got poofed with the old chan. Thought I lost it, turns out I didn't. I wrote the second part independently; there might be a few inconsistencies. I think you'll forgive me,
This was great actually. Would you be willing to make a DA account and write some more?
I have a DA actually, but I'm not looking to put loli stuff on there. I will likely continue this story here but I have a hard time writing consistently so no ETAs.
What is your DA?
Anyone know if there is any stories of the military loli Tanya Degurechaff floating around. Was just wondering if anyone has done anything with her.
Since nowaya has decided to quit, does anybody still has the unfinished last part of Obesity Support Counselor?
Does anyone know of any story NSFW oriented? I remember one a really long time ago, something about a teacher and their student and I’ve been looking for it for awhile. Could be lost forever afaik
Looking for some non nudes.. young!
Here's a short vignette I wrote recently. Please let me know if you enjoy it! :) Includes father x daughter, feeding, slob, and a short reference to toilet.

Dope, I love it.
Really enjoyed it.

Thanks for the feedback y'all! I have a sequel you might enjoy. Includes father x daughter, heavy toilet, slob, and lewd implications. Again, let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for a sequel or an unrelated but equally kinky (and slobby) scenario. ;)

Toilet ain't so much my thing but still very cute and well written.
Hey can you post Loli Wg stories on deviant art or no? Cause I’ve seen a couple on there and I am think of posting one on their but I don’t want to jump the gun yet?
You absolutely can and get away with it, depending on the audience that sees it. With the way Deviantarts broken report system has been for a lot of writers and artists that do loli for the past 10 years, I'd consider to dual upload any literature featuring underage characters to both Deviantart and another site like Ao3.
Just my two cents though
that explians a few things
also hanging on DA for too long can numb you to it and get you into trouble else where because you just get used to it
Bom hj e não tô loli bom...🤤
h get etv
for me?
It's the funnel and/or force feeding
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IIRC this and another pic were done by Eishiban.

However, I can't help but wonder if this was based on a story. While I am more into furries, admittedly I've wanted to see if these two pics had a story. I really enjoy the premise of Rika being chained up; fattened by a blue/purple hue Renamon (No clue if it's actually THE Renamon or a corruption or what) with a comically-large hose. The hose looks similar to the ones bakers use for frosting on icecream.

Bonus points if the Renamon is getting turned on by all of this and just wants rika to become a helpless immobile blob.
Eishi doesn't use stories as inspiration but he might have inspired someone to make one, though I think that only ever happened with one of his Sora pics.

I can see it happening in a situation where Rika discovers how to rewrite Digimon data to try and make Renamon stronger and more focused on gaining power but her bad coding degrades slowly into Renamons mind becoming increasingly focused on Rika becoming more powerful by bolstering the humans energy reserves. Renamon steadily shifts from suggesting they try out a new place to eat that she found and coaxing Rika whenever she's on the fence of getting something to snack on and getting Rika into bringing a bag of snacks whenever they go out to search for more Digimon to fight, to Renamon developing a habit of absentmindedly spoon feeding Rika half of her own food which Rika eventually stopped trying to quash from it always starting right back up a couple days later, to making feasts entirely for the scared Tamer who Renamon always forces to eat every last bite even though every dinner comes with one more bite needing to be crammed into her already packed gut and always leaving Rika too glutted out of her mind to think straight enough to figure out how to undo what she did to Renamon.

When the corruption fully consumes her and turns Renamon into a purple colored Virus type Digimon, she builds upon what Rika used to alter her to cultivate a hidden section of the Digital world to further her ambitions without being impeded by the need for money and to prepare a place if Rika ever got too powerful to be confined by the walls of her home. I honestly see Renamon developing the psychic abilities that the Japanese tend to have their foxes gain, and using it to infect others with her devotion to Rika, though at this point I think it'll be warped even more and different depending on the person that gets corrupted. Take for instance her mom and Jeri; the mother would probably see strength in beauty and get clothing made to bring out the charm of her daughter while also bolstering the already inhuman food intake Rika was already getting from Renamon, Jeri on the other hand would be more interested in cuddling Rika like a big soft teddy bear whenever she wasn't busy with her duties to help support Rika, and maybe even Suzie who will be jumping at the chance to use Rika's mountainous belly as a bed whenever the older Tamer is laid out on her back while also using the spot to drop food into Rika's mouth no matter if it's at a time where there's little enough food to allow the little girl to sink a good bit into the mound of flesh or stuffed full enough to give the girl a firm mattress but coincidentally causing Suzie to quit feeding Rika a lot sooner from the noises and rumblings of digestion lulling her to sleep and giving Rika actual time to rest since the constant flood of piles of food has trained her into being incapable of not swallowing any morsel of food that passes her lips no matter how much her stuffed belly aches.

Maybe when Rika finally breaks with the realization that she might not be able to stop and undo all this and starts tearing up, Renamon will take that as her Tamer feeling lonely being so powerful and adjusts her helpers into fatten themselves up.
Well.. Cocka-doodle-doo to you too.
I don't know. I love chickens. Where did all the good artists go?
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They all got lost life or up their own asses.

I wonder if there's a way to fuse chickens and lolis, so that it ends up looking cute like the cat girls instead of ending up as a monstrosity.
What? I don't like splatoon I think it's g
pls i love the hentai
pls need enter in the group
pls need enter in the group
Kelvin, it's past your bedtime. Take your meds and get off the internet
Both fat or just a feedee/feeder dynamic?
I'd say either or would be welcomed.
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Most everyone seems to either be pushing loli incest or a male character. You can't even get anything from something like Kanna and Saikawa or Sakura and Tomoyo beyond their usual friendship with Saikawa and Tomoyo fawning over their respective crush.

Most recent thing I can think of is whenever RNG puts out a Precure prompt so best bet would probably be trying to brainstorm something up.
If anyone here has played ultra despair girls, has anyone got any stories about Monaca and Kotoko?
Speaking of RNG, I genuinely can't tell whether half his stories involving characters from the likes of precure, digimon, pokemon ect are actually meant to be lolis since a good handful mention something that would lead me to believe that they're aged up. Only reason I say this is because I get the feeling that unless specifically asked for otherwise, he doesn't age up the characters one bit but doesn't necessarily draw attention to the fact that they're still probably underage, and even the few times where he gets asked if they're aged up he will say "Yes...of course...Assume this for all my stories" which to me sounds like a quick way to get some people to not question it, since the worst his stories get age wise is no worse than the majority of Pokemon WG out there.
On a related note, I think it's fascinating that a lot of people just can't really seem to get away with intermingling Loli stories among their main content, and yet recently Shota content doesn't make people bat an eye. Even the recent stories about the dragon maid character who is literally named Shouta has gotten multiple stories recently with what seems to be zero backlash. It's kind of sad because I remember not that long ago, the majority opinion of us deviantart degenerates were against the whole "cancelling over lolis" thing and the majority of the big artists and writers would be quick to call foul over an artist or writers work getting reported or deleted because of containing fictional underage characters. But alas, years later in the age of Twitter where being the most "inclusive and understanding of modern issues" reigns supreme they appear to have lost sight of who they once were. It's getting to the point where whenever I read a story where an originally young character is supposedly "Aged up" I just ignore it and image in my head them still being young and refitting the story around it.
>1927 Characters
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Now that I think about it, who'd you guys even have in mind for gainer loli yuri couples?

I just remembered someone did Yuru Yuri WG stories; I think it was Cooly52.

>I genuinely can't tell whether half his stories involving characters from the likes of precure, digimon, pokemon ect are actually meant to be lolis
I think it's only really when requested and that he tells people what they want to hear.

>I remember not that long ago, the majority opinion of us deviantart degenerates were against the whole "cancelling over lolis" thing and the majority of the big artists and writers would be quick to call foul over an artist or writers work getting reported or deleted because of containing fictional underage characters
Anon, for the love of god, how long were you stuck in that time warp?!
They mostly ignored the lolis back in the early 00s and slowly became more combative over time until around 2015 where attacking it was a common occurance, and then around 2018 when groups formed that tried to cancel people for it since that's around when you could cash the attack in for virtue points.

>they appear to have lost sight of who they once were
Almost all the creators in expansion are in it for the attention and/or money, and always have been.
You're all g and you believe in alieans when it's nutters coordinating to scare the population!
>Anon, for the love of god, how long were you stuck in that time warp?!
Yeah you're right. It's easy to forget that 2012 is already a decade ago
2012? No, genius.
Expansion like that + tiddies is hot

The poopoo not so much, but I can deal.
nao precisa
I hate how it seems like everyone goes against the decent lesbian-angle shippings, or pushing the incest angle, it's not just with loli, it's with fucking everything lately.

It fucking sucks.
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>everyone goes against the decent lesbian-angle shippings
How do you mean; that they never do cute shippings, that they're always bitches and butches?
I don't get what they mean either, but I will say that when it comes to """The community""", the more traditional cutesy shoujo Yuri stuff tends to get overshadowed by what I can only describe as "New age lesbians" aka typically shown as very sex positive and are often stereotyped by calling each-other "Bad bitches" and "girl bosses". A little more realistic to what I find most lesbians in the west actually act like, but understandably it's not everyones cup of tea when it comes to Yuri stuff, myself included. I just wanna see some cute lil sweethearts be cute and gay with eachother.
>>6203 Nah... I promise you that you're wrong and stupid
>you're wrong and stupid
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Most seem incapable of perceiving fantasy and will lash out at anything that isn't trying to replicate the ugliness of reality.

I also would like to see something cute and innocent that look like girls. Whose on your list of wanting to see growing fat together?
Kanna + Saikawa from Dragon Maid and Anya and Becky from Spy Family to name a few. I might write about them in the future potentially because they're adorable
You get Kobayashi and Riko's sister out of the way and I guarantee you Kanna and Saikawa will be poison to each others waistline, and if you get Chloe invested in their growth, you won't even have to worry about money. I've never seen a pairing as open to weight gain as them get so little.

This is basically what I meant, but more along the line of characters I tend to find horrid, one major pairing being Undyne and Alphys.
I won't go too much into it since it's less loli-related, but I bet people wouldn't be even a quarter of the butthurt they are if Susie and Noelle got together if those two weren't paraded everywhere.
Jdidj Kyle d
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You guys wanna try that prompt stuff a bunch of the writers are doing?
Which deviantart story was the one with a loli that tries to reach a cookienai think and 3 part (christmas birthday and something else) and she is fatter and less mobile every time?
I think that was by nowaya
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Well since this thread needs a here’s a very nfsw green text story.
Sex stuff so you have been warned
>Be me.
>work at a big ass fancy candy factory.
>one day a bunch of kids show up.
>apparently it’s a field trip tour from a local school near here.
>see a bunch of kids running around the place and touching shit
>see a black girl with freckles looking at me
>she was cute so i didn’t really care about her staring at me
>she walked away I continue to work
>later on the tour I see all the kids enter a room apparently to try some new candy we’ve made.
>all except the girl I saw while ago
>All of the teachers and some of the staff are now looking for her
>decided to “look around” I just wanted a free break
>unfortunately I noticed the girl
>she looked a bit chubby and wider now
>did she eat large portions of our supplies?
> noticing she’s now heading into our secret experimental candy lab
>why do we even have those?
>ran into the lab and see her eating a bowl of experimental candies
>Oh Shit.jpeg
>She sees me
>Gotcha Bitch. But before I could say or do anything…
>I hear the sound of tiger growing it took me second to realized that it was her stomach.
>uh oh
>she slowly began expanding all of her clothes starting stretching
>she freaking the fuck out as she get more bigger
>I also panic
>her shirt rips off of her and now I see her blue bra
>skirt tears up and now I see her blue panties or should I say a thong
>she’s now gone from a 90lb chubby girl to a 200lb almost naked of slab of fat
>she’s still fucking growing and her belly is making weird sounds
>that belly is growling now like a damn lion
>she’s beginning to cry and I tried to tell her to calm down
>that didn’t help much, so I looked around the lab to find something to fix this
>find some papers
>apparently this product was supposed to be a candy that grows with liquids but it’s supposed to stop growing
>but right now it will continuously expand
>I ask her how many of those were in that bowl
>she said a hundred
>Look at bowl
>it’s empty
>oh boy…kinda noticed that’s she’s slowly now taking up a lot of space in this room
>try to quickly leave the room but I hear gasping
> apparently she’s also trying to leave the room but falling as she’s huge
>she’s barely even able to move now with all that weight
> tries to run to the door she falls flat on her gigantic stomach
>her huge ass wobbles around so much that her panties just snap off
>sees her asshole
>looks at crotch
>lord forgive me
>get close to her
>Notice a sweet smell from her , possibly the candies side effect
>decided to grab her ass
>”H-hey why are you touching my b-butt?”
>says nothing as I began to spreed her titanic cheeks
>remove pants and pull-down underwear
>Man the harpoons
>I stick my wang in her ass
>she gasped in shock she felt my dick slide into her repeatedly
>holy shit despite her jigglyness she’s pretty tight
>her gasping and moans are gonna make me blast like a volcano
>I submerge my head into her adipose
>Her breathing getting faster and faster
>damn that felt too good to stop
>before I could continue on I hear growling like a grizzly bear
>”Huff-I feel really weird”
>as that girl said it she began swelling much faster
>her body is now filling the room
>how this happening
>then it hit me it’s my cum it’s being absorbed by the candy inside of her
>so more I cum the bigger she gets
>well then
>”M-Mr I wanna—“
>ah shit she’s probably wanna go home
>”I wanna get bigger and feel good”
>oh alright then never mind lets get going
>before we get going I asked her name
>”my name is Bonnie”
>I replied with anon
>now then let’s keep going

And that’s that for now what do you think?

Very nice! I particularly like that the cum made her keep gaining.
I may continue this story
Feel like a parrot for repeating this question but, where is Zoey? Is the author of her story doing alright, in general?
In case you don't know, former loli writer 'Nowaya' had deactivated their account.
I managed to archive about 80% of his works, so I hope this can ease the pain for some people
And hey, if the void in peoples hearts for fat lolis is too big, then maybe I might get around to writing some chonky loli stories too......eventually

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You need to proofread your stuff because that story is filled with errors with a lot of them being so incredibly blatant I don't know how you typed them.

I know that feel. Why I wanna try to do the prompt thing to force the stuff stuck in my head out.
Forgot to say that if you can clean all the mistakes up, it's a nice start for someone focusing on the Bronze Age of capeshit.
Yeah definitely see the problems now, I was rushing to get it out now but I’ll definitely do a double check for the future maybe make them shorter or at least double space em so it’s more noticeable.

>>6502 ya know there’s isn’t enough super hero Lolis in wg stories department so thank you. And yeah definitely will make a fix up version some time maybe when I make 2 more wg Storylines.
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>there isn’t enough super hero Lolis in wg stories department
That's one the main things that causes my disdain for the Western fan half of the loli weight gain group; Marvel and DC have many unused lolis that aren't movie Peni and Wonderloli.

One other thing, put the full description of the characters in their earliest appearance; I didn't realize she was anywhere from caramel to dark chocolate until after half the story was done.
Definitely gonna add more physical details into the Story
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Im making 2 stories for Captain Loli-Pop
I already know what imma gonna make for the 1st one but I’d like some ideas for the second one.
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Guess I'll try to find and finish Gurihiru Powerpack and attempt to fatten half of that to help add to tiny capeshit fatties.
Does anyone have any character.ai for fat loli shenanigans?
What sit are those pics from and also is that site safe to use
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I got them from /trash/ but it could either be something from its cartoon expansion generals used for "covertly" posting lolis or from 4chans /co/ board when the jani's were asleep.

It's honestly pretty fucking rare for a good run like that to happen.
Thanks man also yeah it is pretty rare
story bro
Here's a story about two girls some body altering substances to attract the attention of their neglectful father.


Includes rapid weight gain, minor inflation, and minor slob. Enjoy!
no love for oppailoli :(
Sorry, I'm more into lolidonk
It's like Dunkin Donuts before basketball
Not being a furry or much of a fan of Sonic, I gotta ask, has there really been anyone who has used her Chao as an enabler?
Not to my knowledge.
Normally it's her mom being the enabler.
Any good stories with that as the subject?
Here’s a story idea
demon possess a mother who has a young daughter, the demon makes the mother fattens her daughter. The reason why the demon wants to make the daughter fat as hell can be your choice.
Which Cream fics do you think are the best?
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I can't remember any names but I remember reading one that pretty much went down the lines of Vanilla being apprehensive about how big of a butterball Cream is getting but just can't help herself scooping another pile of ice cream next to the hunk of cake Cream is starting into.
Damn this places need some life…
Cock n Ballage
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>>7197 (Cross-thread)


It sounds like people into it have completely lost control of their desire to be depended on and instead of stopping where the loli would be too large to wash and dress herself among other things, or to the point where she's too fat to move at all which leaves her completely dependent on others for help.

It's like you guys said fuck all that, I want her so completely wrecked that the pounds, pain, and misery has her constant fights with hunger and survival twists her soul into a cult like worship of me, her savior who soothes her aching body, who prepares and spoon feeds her the pounds of food her belly hungers for every day, who helps give her breath with machines, who taught her how to have fun with her huge lush body when she felt she was doomed from being too fat to even play video games, who is always there to bring her back whenever her heart breaks; yes it was all my fault she ended up in such a sorry state but all my work and devotion towards her will have her praising my name between heavy breaths as she looks upon me as some kind of holy god!

Popeye's Japanese?
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Oh, so you must mean like someone finally pressing charges then, correct? That makes sense. Any other sort of action and you could be labeled a terrorist. Be careful.
Looking for hoes
Who's the artist, and do they have more? Do you got more writing? That was pretty good.
I’m the artist and the writer of this story but I am working on sequel on an another story of mine you’ve probably seen it around here it’s called Captain Loli-pop.
>>7231 Loli fanfics are the worst. Am I right? So boring
Wrote this one, gimme feedback
Warning for tame slob
My life is over.
I thought of pushing myself a bit further in gym class today. All because i thought i could be a bit more like the athletic and beautiful OC i commissioned to get drawn on my deviantart, i thought i could be like that one day if i took it as inspiration, daaamniiit.
Now mom is pushing me through the hallway on a wheelchair, now everyone knows im so fat i need a wheelchair!
And not any wheelchair, an specific type made for lardasses.
Please let this become a memory already, it will be over eventually but i dont want to experience this, damnit.

Mom is literally shoving an snickers in my face, my low pressure can fucking wait, stop!
Fine just, keep moving.. please mom.. this is the only good thing about nearly fainting..
Its good.. its one of the big ones, its not enough to make up for this mess but.. still. Please hurry up mom.

"Dont worry baby, you eat your sweet calmly so you can get better" *She wipes the sweat off my forehead

"What? you are done with your snicker already?
I told you it was your blood sugar, your body needs it so you finnished it quick, yes?
One second, ill buy you something else from the vending machine."

I want to stop her, i want to get outta here already but im feeling too shy to murmur a proper sentence. The only word that comes out loud is mom, she does stop but.. but i dont want to tell her im embarassed about the wheelchair, she will come and say something about 'You shouldnt be ashamed of needing it' and other stuff of that kind. Or worse. She will begin to rant about what i should tell bullies if they mock me for needing a wheelchair, its so annoying!

-"Lets.. just keep going, i wanna go home already, mom.. lets go"

She pays no mind, she buys me 1.. 2, 3..
2 snickers quickly enough for me to even say anything.
After what happened today.. i sincerely dont feel motivated in the slightest to begin dieting right now, no difference if i eat these.. i may as well do it..
..the chocolate is good.

"Make sure to finnish that one before opening the other, ok baby?""


"You didnt put deodorant again, haha. I can smell teen spirit from here. ah, dont worry pumpkin, that sort of thing makes the boys crazy."

She fondles my breast chub all of sudden to tease me.
"Haha, dont worry, its normal, you are 13 already, you are becoming a woman too quickly.."


And thats it folks
No news from the author of Zoey?

Zoey and her mother deserve a character.ai
Yay the weirdo got deleted.
This is a good start to a story. I like the health issues and the wheelchair is a nice touch.
it seem like chubby-chimaera deactivated his DA account… his work alright but still damn.
>>7363 The worst kind of nerds there have ever been. Stupid nerds.
Y'know, back when Deviantart had options where you could search certain keywords for literature, this might have actually been useful to ban chubbychimera if only because he singlehandedly would be the only search results for "Loli WG"
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Woah, I wonder what Chubs uploaded after I turned my back for a second that drew the ire of DA; he's been around so long and fattened many really popular lolis that I can't see just being for that, though I guess if they're hurting for cash as much as Silicon Valley is, they're going around cleaning house to make it more palatable for more investors.
Anybody has an archive of his stories?
Did someone save the stories of chubby chimaera?
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We need more health and mobility issue loli stories.
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Here goes another one.

Pov: Angry daughter who hates her mom's boyfriend.

When mom told me she was getting married with that.. that.. shitty.. filipino.. tai shit something instructor.. i sincerely wanted to die, of anger, of shame, of.. of.. well, die of like, anything that kills, honest.

Coz out of all her boyfriends, he was the most shameless one, a fucking degenerate. Like, the rich and old and pasive scumy weirdos were shitty but nothing compared to that cunt, even the guy with the polo shirt and the brony son, that 60 year old virgin was way better than the piece of human waste that became her husband, with all his muscles, and cooking skills and, and.. and sexual mojo.. i have seen his type on instagram and shit, he is the wet-dream fantasy of bitch old hags like mom, i mean she is a pretty woman, sorta, but she is pretty like, Mrs. Claus, except multiplied by two because she has as twice of fat in her arse stored to endure the winter.

And thats the worst part, because i can tell, i can tell!
Mom only dates fucking perverts because no one fucking else would date that hormonal behemoth, that.. that.. tch!

And there they went, some giggles here and there, she would send me with dad for the weekend, family barbacues to get to know each other, hand feeding, they did their tai chi shit together, wooing over each other, eating their fucking faces out.
Mom started puttin on a darn stone at that time, she ate alone at midnight, i stared at her when she wasnt looking out of morbe, and to promise myself id never grow to be a cow like her, the filipino's shamelessness stuck to her, i knew she was a lost cause when i saw her swallowing a sausage in the grossest way possible, in the parking lot of wallmart, she had a pack inside her handbag. Sausages. That was the snack that got her a triple chin. That was what got her that characteristic smell of hers, of sweat, of sausage, of filipino, of Mrs Claus, of whoknowswhat and diabetes!

Have it or not, that is the only smell ill ever recognize as 'smells like diabetes'.
In every hug, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in our towels, in the clothes she washes next to hers.. that tai-shit instructor must have loved it.

The sow he had gotten into before mom, she must have had it too, i saw a picture of her once, unfortunately for my retins, the attire Mrs.Tai-shit wore was.. a bikini.. aparently she was some sort of model for plus-size clothings back in the filipines.. or so Tai-shit guy says, but most likely she was some sort of wheelchair toilet hybridos, or a circus freak elephant, or a demostration subject for the devils influence upon earth. I have restrained myself to google her name, just to retain my sanity and hope, specially for mom, if i took a bite for every meal and snack she had i would have enough cholesterol in my veins to die from 5 heart attacks. She is such a.. she is.. she is my mom.. dont wanna have her end like Mrs Tai-shit, who died, of some stomachal gonorreah or something like that.

Speaking of gonorreah, thats what im getting as i talk about this, Tai-shit guy..

... he had a daughter with the beast.

Part 1
We need less if anything since that's all there is these days.

Anon, download a 6 pack of soap and shove the whole box into your AI's mouth.
Its not ai :[
the structure must seem squeezy since i wrote it on my cell phone
There needs to be more
I like the first person writing style.
>>7391 Down under they call that "nigging the art up."
The death is painless
>>7405 Shitposting ghonorreah and death in a loli thread? You angry losers need to get some ass.

Where on Earth is that "all there is these days"
Part 2

That girl.. she is everything i hate in this world, condenced and put together in a single shapeless and obese body, sincerely, calling that.. that thing, a girl is seriously kind for what it is, a compliment even, she is like two years younger, like,12 years old or something, and she is undeniably the vivid image of her mother, the fattest assed girl i have ever seen. She is so, so, soooo, SO FAT, that all the curves she has developed at this point are caused solely by her morbid obesity. Hell, she has had chub for tits for so long she doesnt even know she is supposed to wear bras already, and i dont blame her, im not even sure if she can call those.. those lard bags.. breasts.

God, her whole existence is just infuriating, she is unfashionable, she wears the clothes she sleep with outside, oversized shirts that can hold her body fat and keep it hiden, and she smells, no, she reeks, its like she doesnt know how to shower, an she has a CHAIR for when she is in the shower, a chair!
She cant even stand up for long enough, no, beast 2.0 needs her chair, and i have to move it everytime, and it gets in the way because she is so horizontally tall!

A pig like nose and a fat fuck face with a hangin' gut that says, that claims, that shouts to the world "I have never eaten a salad", chubby and stuffy cheeks and a double chin, an arse so fuckin obese she probably cant even wipe it herself. She is 2 years younger and she has 6 times my mass, i hate her, fuckin pig, fuckin.. beast, fuckin.. god damn.. i.. i didnt want her to move in.. i didnt want to share a room with her, god damnit!

But it wasnt my decision, mom made me come to a sushi restaurant to meet her, i was hopeful she wouldnt become my new sister, mom sure avoided the subject, i thought that meant she just wanted me to get along with her so she could fuck tai-shit guy harder or persuade him intoa threesome or something. We prettied ourselves up, dressed just well but casually enough to go to a birthday or some family meeting, she dolled me up a bit more seeing i wasnt eager to go to the meeting, she mentioned i was pretty but slender, i remained quiet through the comment and resisted the urge to say anything related to weight, she wasnt convincing me, i wasnt convincing her, under her breath i sort of smelled acceptance towards obesity, admiting it without admiting it. Damnit mom..

We waited in the restaurant, mom with one of those tight sweaters and lipstick degenerates love so much, and me, looking like i will meet a good family with good values and not the sinful mess that we were actually expecting.
When i saw her... the beast's child, moving slowly, heavily, accross the door of the restaurant, with color-off black clothes (she must have thought wearing black clothes qualified as elegant), looking down, shy and introverted, abundant and corpulent, with cloth skin-tight agaisnt her flab, wheezing slightly, i knew.. i understood... i understood why mom started to eat and reek and sweat and talk and become like a fucking hog in general.
Oh and seeing her waddle for the first time, what a fucking spectacle, at first sight i wanted to mock her out of pure hatred, disgust, make her run a few times back and forth to see if she resisted, all because of repressed desire of revenge agaisnt tai-shit guy, and while i couldnt do any of those things, atleast i was entretained to see her sit down her fatass, to see her tug her shirt down, say hi shily and put up a nice smile, and later on, finally see her eat, and i saw her stuff her chubby cheecks like a chimpmunk, so fast, so effectively, so swift, nearly as if she feared someone would steal her food if she didnt it fast, grabbing some sushi and making a two piece tower and taking a bit horizontally, as if shoving entire pieces in her mouth wasnt quick enough, i watched discretly with as much morbe as disgust, and then.. it hit me. Beast-girl suddenly asked me to pass her the soy sauce, and the momment i turned, there she was mom, wheezing, about to explode, getting fondled by that bastard while she giggled and then moaned, licking his finger as she got handfed a disgustingly cheesy piece of sushi, his hand hiding beneath the table, as if i was stupid, as if i was blind, as if i didnt see them, and i didnt! i had become so used to it.. and then.. ..the beast-girl wiped her lips and double chin with her shirt, like a savage, like a slob, and my hatred..

..my hatred.. became pity, oh i didnt want to small talk with her, not even be kind, not even pass her the soy sauce and fill her veins with sodium, but an strange sense of responsability and pheraps compromise took over me, it forced me to swallow my cruelest fantasies, those where i kicked Tai-shit in the balls or where he cheated on mom and she lost weight out of disdain, where i bullied endlessly beast-girl, where the beast came back from the grave and he abandoned mom, where i made pasive aggresive comments towards her eating habits, where i called the cops on tai-shit and made up evidence, where i went on calling her diabetus, where i told the best fat jokes, where i slapped her ass just to see how much it jiggles, where i made her run around until she fainted, it would be so good if.. it would be so funny to.. god.. if only i kicked him a little.. once or twice..
Sorrow scapes from my mouth in a sigh, i grab a tissue, and turn around to see Isabella, Isabella the beast girl, i calmly rest my hand over her belly and lend over it to wipe a stain of mayo off her cheek.

She blushes, she thanks me, and we both smile. She wouldnt wipe with her shirt again that day.
No, no, gonorreah was used like a slang for like, an ambiguous cause of death, but a sex illness because the wife is not well liked so its funny, get it?
>>7412 Yes, I get you, and I agree. Lolis are beautiful and pure creatures.
oh this isnt an actual medical paper,lol
What’s the source of this pic?
Some tumblr, tried reverse search?
Chubby-chimera’s account just got removed from deviantart
Don’t worry there’s archive of his stories on Google drive
Can I have free cp
I remember there was one that had her and Faye a long time ago. What did you have in mind?
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Nothing really specific to be honest. Maybe some immobility and light slob (burping, sweating, etc.), but I'm not really picky.
More thinking about how do you see it happening in universe; on the extremely rare chance anyone makes a weight gain story for Faye/Ed, it's them ingesting experimental crap the crew of the Bebop were hired to recover.
Could someone please re-upload the following 4 stories, which Google deleted from the drive?

>nsfw/Small Gains (Shrinking/WG/NSFW Shota Story)
>The Biggest Star in the Universe (SvtFoE WG Story)
>Who's The Biggest? (Chara + Frisk WG Story)
>Unfinished-Abandoned stories/Bakery Girl, Chapter 2: M...
>very obese spoiled bratty girl
>her parents caved and bought her a wheelchair after she started throwing tantrums about her legs hurting too much
First question: is this story supposed be to be realistic or not, this is imported to how tell the story.

Good story but you need some descriptions, also this a girl who drank 2 big bottles of coke and a pack of mentos at all that happens is that Maricela is now pudgier.

Should’ve added descriptions and size comparisons of the body, maybe say “she looked like she had a beach ball for a gut” and describe how it get to have mentos reactions in her stomach

>”Her belly rumbled as the coke reacted to the mentos by rapidly bubbling and expanding within her.”

Don’t tell is the scene, describe it, like “as Maricela swallowed the mentos, it took a few seconds but the effects were quite clear. Her chubby belly became rounder and rounder as gas filled her, like blowing to a ballon her gut became more pronounced. Maricela instinctively burped to release pressure with how discomforting it felt but for the good of science she persevered”.

Besides that it was good 7/10
Im trying to find the story where ancestor of dawn captures Acreus causing to rewrite all of Pokémon to focus on eating rather than battling
How do y’all share Google docs on here? I’ve tried to just put a pdf here but nothing happened? Also I want post a story on deviantart but it’s a bit heavy in the nsfw side of things
Try uploading a text file here instead. You can try sharing a Google doc by clicking the share button the upper right corner.
Does anyone have the rest of zoey? Ive been trying to find it for a
FYI, Deviantart is pretty loose when it comes to literature. I've posted some pretty out-there shit — explicit sex, violence, heavy kink, non-PC language — and never got tagged.
I’d like to hear your opinions about this
Thank you
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Maya Nubia daughter of two strong supers, vought was intrigued of what possibilities she could posses.
Vought Taking her without her parents knowing and put in their labs. Putting a hose near her mouth and forcing her to drink compound V to see if it would have any unique effects on her. Instead of what they were expecting she gain massive amounts of weight. Growing in size with her belly, breasts and ass expanded. most of vought was disturbed/disappointed except for one weirdo who wanted her to get bigger and decided to send another hose this time in her asshole.
Maya feeling weird as she gained mass faster than before being filled with more V.
Her saggy yet massive breasts began to spray out V making her feel warm and weird down in her private parts. To prevent contamination they put their company logo pasties on her leaking nipples but it didn’t really do much. Well expect to make her even more horny and with all the stimulation happening to her…she came
However unexpectedly maya sparked with powerful electricity after she cumed. So vought’s experiment did work just not the way they expected. Vought now has an all powerful but incredibly obese little girl to use… now how do they make money off of this?
does chubbychimaera have any new accounts? im hoping he starts posting on ao3 or pixiv or something now that his dA is nuked
Got more of theses doodles and stories?
Not yet sorry. But I do plan to write more for Tanya, and will likely add another sketch to it.

Can anybody here re-upload the Nowaya archive, please? Anonfiles is dead.
Does anyone have the big baby lilo story I can't find it in the archive on Google drive
Door has been planted
>>7504 I double this

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