
Does anyone know any good Wonka Factory Tour stories? I am seeking ones with good variety of expansions, like B-Ridges "Wonka's New Tour" or like Okayokok's Wendy comics.
Wonka's not really my thing, but check out weeb-lord on DA. They have a lot of Wonka stuff (especially recently), I've only read a few of those but they are an exceptionally good fetish writer so I'm sure they're all good if you're into it.
I've always found it hard to understand why there's such a lack of vanilla feedism Wonka-based content. Like, the premise seems perfectly built for it: these kids have all won a lifetime's supply of chocolate. What kid would win a lifetime supply of chocolate and not end up getting fat?
And that's to say nothing of Augustus Gloop. The kid was already described as being "monstrously fat" before he even got to the factory, and as soon as he got there, he went beserk in literally the first room he got to, lost all self-control, and got on his hands and knees eating every bit of candy in reach until his own fat stopped him from eating anymore.
I'm not here to shame on anyone's TF kinks, they're fine and all, just not my thing. I've just never understood how blueberry transformation and stuff like that has managed to completely eclipse the super obvious traditional WG fetish content this story has by default.
I really just want to read a story about Augustus Gloop getting too fat to even fit in the opening of the pipe and just keep wallowing in the chocolate river, guzzling more and more chocolate as he gets fatter and fatter, or seeing what happens to Charlie after his lifetime of starvation ends with him owning the world's biggest candy supplier with unlimited access for himself, or any of the other kids finding themselves in scenarios where their various manifestations of greed and selfishness end with them hoarding food or getting competetive about who can eat more or something similar.
It seems like these stories should really be writing themselves, but they're so rare
You know, you have a point. I'll see what I can do about that.
seconding this
There really is so little vanilla feedism Wonka content. What about a story about a reunion tour, where the kids have grown into even worse adults, fueled by a lifetime supply of candy?

The reason is because the blueberry transformation fetish literally stems from Wonka. As far as I am aware, it is the origin for pretty of blueberry transformation. You say it makes no sense it eclipses the 'super obvious' traditional wg but how more obvious can it be than actually doing blueberry tf for real?

The other side of that coin is because for vanilla wg wonka is sort of unnecessary. You can take any ordinary candy factory, shop, etc. and have the same weight gain effects. But you need the magic of wonkas factory to do transformation because it doesn't happen naturally
https://weeblordda.itch.io/weebs-wonka-game It is a reading type game that is based on your choices made by Weeblord. Contains a wonka-esique cast that mimic the original roster with appropriate ages for this kind of game, though you can always choose to join in the 'fun'

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