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Ok, so I came up with the craziest shit ever.

>What if Willy Wonka made the kinder egg?
>Well you would get Fattie Wonka egg!
>How does it work?
>Well, You open the Wonka egg, and inside one of the halves is a strange randomly colored blob that has carved words that says, "Put in microwave for one minute.
>So you do that, and before the microwave beeps, *POP*, You're confused and look inside the microwave and see your prize...
>A Little Fattie! But what is that?
>A Little fattie is a living creature taking the shape of a tiny fat...well anything!
>Any form. Any gender. Always fat and tiny.
>You could get a...mermaid girl, cute penguin girl, talking rat girl, BBW fortune tellers, scaly girls, fat old ladies, and the ultra-rare alien and X-Ray girls, Little Fatties with see-through skin, and so many more!
>Anything you like, fat and in your hands!
>And people trade them!
>You could have a rare one!
>You can even customize them with the food you feed them!
>Give a gingerbread girl blueberry jam, and her belly will expand greatly!
>So many fatties to collect, which one will you find?

(Tldr: Post fat pics, but describe the pic as a tiny pet you own, just for fun)
I hadn’t really given much thought to the Wonka Egg I bought while out shopping, mostly because it had been bought on a whim. It sat in my pantry for almost a week before I decide to take another look at it. It wasn’t all that spectacular on the outside, an egg shaped piece of plastic in the usual gold and purple of most Wanka Products, with a small tab on the side with which to open it. Once I did however is when the surprise began. In one side the egg had been filled up completely with chocolate, in the other side however, was a strange, multicolored blob of, something. It looked solid, similar to the chocolate, and I nibbled it a few times to see if it was edible; hard as a flippin rock. It was then that I noticed the writing inside that I started to get some answers; ‘place colored orb in microwave for one minute.’ Alright, seemed easy enough. After all, it couldn’t have been weirder than anything else that came out of that factory, right? I placed it in the microwave and set the timer, figuring it would soften enough to be edible then, only to hear what sounded like a World War Two documentary playing inside halfway through. I cursed my stupidity for making this dumb purchase in the fist place, consoling myself that it wouldn’t be that hard to clean out no matter how bad it was. After the timer dinged and I was pretty sure I saw a spark of electricity (if I had to replace my microwave because of this damn thing I was gonna lose it) I hesitantly opened the door and was blown back by what I saw. At first glance it looked to be an over inflated purple slug, until I noticed the writhing tentacles squirming about. My confusion only heightened when the strange creature pulled itself up and I saw what was undoubtedly a human torso, and an extremely obese one at that. She appeared to be in her late twenties with caramel colored skin, possessing a stricingly beatiful face clear of any blemishes and smooth as silk, chipmunk cheeks and a quintuple chin that replaced her neck and sagged down to her chest, six bloated mameries hanging down from her chest to her waist, six arms that looked more like sousages than appendages and a great big bulging belly that blobbed out a good two inches in front of her. Her (relatively) human features ended there however, as instead of hair she had more than a dozen overinflated purple tentacles that were writhing about trying to get there bearings, a slug like lower body that went beyond the boundaries of obesity as I knew them, lined with eight more tentacles presumably for locomotion purposes. As I stared at this bizarre maiden I registered that she was looking at me. Unsure of what to do next I figured I might as well introduce myself. “H-hi there, I’m, um, I’m Alex. You are…” I let the sentence trail of hoping she would introduce herself back, but it seemed she didn’t quite get the message. In fact she honestly looked a little jet lagged, whatever it was that had created her likely didn’t leave her with a lot of energy, so I figured the least I could do was take her out of the microwave and set her on a towel on the counter. After doing just that, I looked at the discarded egg and, hoping to find some instructions to help me navigate whatever the hell was going on, only to come up with nothing other than, ‘feed your Wonka Fatty some chocolate!’ Better than nothing I guess. Popping out the chocolate from the other side of the egg, I got a knife from the cabinet and started cutting it into small pieces for my new ‘fatty’ to enjoy. This seemed to work like a charm as she no longer acted sluggish (no pun intended) but instead with greater amounts of energy. “So, can you tell me your name now?” I asked curiously. “Oh, I don’t have one, you have to give me one.” She said matter of factly in an exotic, hard to place accent. I was somewhat taken aback by this, not expecting, well, anything like this to happen today. “Okay, um, how about, Jennifer?” “Boring.” “Elizabeth?” “Unoriginal.” “Maggie?” “Gross.” “Jasmine?” I stammered, approaching my wits end. “Oh I like that one! Jasmine it is!” She said putting four of her hands on her hips while the other two gathered chocolate for her to eat. With my mind still whirling from the days events, I quickly excused myself from Jasmines presence and went to my bed to lie down. Once I had felt I had cooled down enough I hoped on Safari and started to do some research on what the deal with these Wonka Eggs was. Turns out I wasn’t the only one suddenly in possession of my very own Wonka Fatty.
It turns out these cute little fatties had become the biggest sensations in recent decades. Kind of like Harambe memes or fidget spinners, Wonka Fatties, which came in all shapes and varieties as far as I could tell, had become a huge sensation almost literally overnight. I saw some online that looked like mermaids, minotaurs, orcs, humans, harpies, nags, furries, both male and female just to name a few. The one thing they all had in common was that they were all tiny (about four to five inches) and ludicrously fat, one of the reasons people had found them to be so cute. Apparently they were something of a cross between Tamagotchi pets and trading cards, with people buying up multiple at a time to build up a good trading stock. Wonka had released a guide book shortly after cataloging the varieties of Fatties (of which there were a thousand) and how to take care of them. I stewed over thins info I could hear a small voice coming from the kitchen and I remembered that I had left Jasmine there. Walking back I saw that she had finished the chocolate I had given her and was demanding more, “There you are! Can’t you see that I’m wasting away here?!” She grumped at me, making the most adorable pouty face I had seen in recent memory. I let out a chuckle, feeling myself relax at the site of Jasmine attempt to look intimidating. “Alright princess, what do you want?” I asked her while thinking to myself, ‘maybe this wouldn’t be so bad?’
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Name: Bella’Bonnie
Type: Multihead/Multimouth
Original Artist: poundforpoundcake on Deviantart

Bio: Bella (brown) and Bonnie (blonde) are a conjoined Fatty with three additional mouths located where their nipples and bellybutton would be. Like others of there kind they possess an immense appetite and are obese to the point of mobility impairment. The two share traits that both differentiate them from each other and make them similar. For example, Bella is more academically inclined with interests in history, politics and other social studies, whereas Bonnie is more interested in there arts such as music, fashion, painting and sculpting. Bella has been observed as having a more mature, reserved and refined personality, while Bonnie is seen having a more upbeat, outgoing and excitable temperament. They both have a sizable sweet tooth, donuts being a particular favorite, along with cake, cookies and pie. Despite the differences the two have, they get along with incredible ease.
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Name: Mellow
Type: Amorphous
Original Artist: mintrimo

Owner's Account: "At first I thought there was something wrong with the product. When I took them out, I figured I'd been pranked, clearly this was just a big pile of marshmallow that my friends gave me to ruin my microwave. But no, there were four legs, two eyes, and a little pair of ears. Didn't know what to do with them. Nearly every other Wonka Fatty was some degree of humanoid. Mellow (guess where the name came from) even lacked a mouth. After a few days I discovered they could sort of, absorb food? It just sinks into the part where the mouth should be. Mellow isn't much for conversation, but I reckon it turned out fine. They mostly just sit around, sometimes they'll make some squeaking noises when they want to be picked up or fed. Once, I mistook them for a pillow and layed down. After feeling the little slap of feet, I immediately jumped up, but Mellow was fine. Should have known, they're made of chocolate, or whatever; they don't have organs to squish or anything like that. Now Mellow won't allow me to sleep without them...
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Name: Zojanga the Great
Type: Human Sumo
Original Artist: CodeNameBull on Deviantart

Bio: Zojanga is a boss bitch in the truest sense of the phrase. Headstrong, fierce as fire, ambitious, courageous, iron willed and once she sets her mind to something, no matter how crazy it might be, she always gets the job done. Pretty impressive for someone only six inches tall.

Now of course that’s not to say she doesn’t recognize when something is truly impossible, although on occasion her eyes have proven to be bigger than her stomach (the night she devoured an entire chocolate cake by herself is still talked about by the staff at the Golden Corral in Cleveland, Ohio.) Beneath the warrior however is someone who is kindhearted and caring, never afraid to stand up for her friends and allies no matter the situation. Truly, she is a friend that anyone would be lucky to have.

As a sumo type, Zojanga is particularly competitive in her chosen sport, as well as other contests of both strength of muscle and strength of stomach capacity. She is a soldier who never gives up the fight, no matter how hard the odds it can never be said that she is a quitter.
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Name: Molly
Type: Minotaur Female
Original Artist: Lewdsona on Deviantart

Bio: Molly is a sweet, shy and gentle Minotaur, going to whatever lengths necessary to avoid conflict or drama of any kind. Of course this often means that she’ll sooner run from a problem than handle it herself, which only leads to more harm than good being done. She’s also quite introverted, being around other people makes her nervous unless there people she knows and trusts. Molly is also skittish around loud noises, preferring the peace and quiet of a cozy home. She’s a sucker for soft things like blankets, these being her go item to calm down from a stressful situation. She has taken up sowing to pass the time.
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Name: Borrowers
Type: Miscellaneous
Original artist: Party9999999

The end result of Fatties who have run away from bad homes and taken to the outside world instead of with another human, these feral critters live a nomadic lifestyle roaming from one location to another, taking whatever food or other materials they need in order to survive. It is because of this, and there diminutive statute, that have earned them the name of ‘Borrowers’, based on the fictional race of little people from Mary Norton’s series of the same name. Unlike other Wonka Fatties Borrowers lack the distinctive body fat that is so prevalent in others of there kind, the obvious reason being that this would be a hindrance in outdoor survival. Although, some specimens have been observed to still carry noticeable paunches of girth. Recent years have seen a steady rise in the Borrower population as these nomadic littles have settled down in permanent settlements and begun starting families, bringing forth a new generation.
Interesting idea.
Microfatties are underrated imo.
They've couple of benefits, first off.
>relatively cheap and efficient maintenance
>decent degree mobility provided by caretaker

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