
(320 KB, 1280x905, selfcontrol2.jpg)
I posted this in another chan thread, so I thought I'd copy it over here. ITT we write what we do and don't like to see in a story, and then also maybe respond with a suggestion of what others might like. I'll start:

Do's (A+ material):
>Her mind going from "Imma not worry about how much I'm eating" -> binging every once in a while -> all she thinks about is eating -> she's eating so much it hurts but she can't stop.
>Vanishing self control

> Note how much the gal weighs every chapter or couple of chapters. Sometimes I'll scan stories just to see if I can find a "120lbs" or something similar.
>I never get sick of the "I'm sick of restraining myself" stories and the girl gets turned on from being full/getting bigger/imagining herself bigger. Seriously, I never get tired of this premise.

Do's (niceties, but not necessaries):
>Slowly increase the number of portions each time.
>Having trouble fitting into clothes.
>Outgrowing clothes she just got/clothes ripping/button popping
>Getting stuck in a chair/overflowing a chair.
>Finding she gets out of breath much more easily doing mundane tasks.
>Getting stuck in a doorway--just the getting stuck stuff in general I like.
>The phrases, "Why can't I stop?" and "I'm growing so quickly."

>Transformation stories (turning into a cow/pig/etc.). This IMMEDIATELY kill the story for me and I sometimes will copy and paste and edit this stuff OUT of stories because they frustrate me so much.
>Instantaneous/"I just ate 100 pounds of food in one sitting" stuff
>Humiliation/Revenge premises (or just "I don't want to do this why is this happening to me?" stories in general--exception being the stories where there's a switch flip and she goes, "Ah, fuck this")
>Family/friends/coworkers trying to stop them, or just any plot that does not have to do with the gal eating.

The best one I've been able to find that satisfies some of these is Claire by Zarbon, which you should be able to find here:

thanks, op! this was really helpful. it would be great if more people could post writing advice for the people who want to get into this sort of literature
This might be unpopular, but I like bathroom stuff. Humiliation/embarrassment are my favorite story themes and there is nothing more humiliating than being so fat you can't use the bathroom like a normal person or soiling yourself because you are too fat to move in time.

However, I dislike pretty much every other slob theme. Finding a story that touches on bathroom stuff is rare, let alone a story that excludes most other slob stuff.

If anyone has story suggestions please let me know.
Do's (A+ material):
>>Sex, like seriously this is a sexual fetish so having characters who are BF / GF etc and nothing happening just the weight gain aspect is weird unless you explain why.
>>fat involved in sex, wobbling guts,holding soft love hangles just descriptions of how fat body parts en up involved somehow.
>>Fat causeng slight problems, not being able to easily see the scales, being too fat for them, towels not fitting them etc.

>>Note weights not just gains, it's a pain reading "she gained 30 pounds on top of the 45 from last month and 5 from the month before only to then have to look back to the lat time a weight was mentioned and work it all out from there.Tell me how fat he character is now.
>>Try to make sure the gain is somewhat evenly paced I really get fed up of stories where clearl they want to rush to say the 500+ range so 200-500 is like 2 paragraphs at most. Just start the character fatter if you only want to explore a certain range.
>>Drop a story if you're not feeling it or put it on hiatus. One of the worst things is forcing yourself to write something you're clearly not interest in any longer and I've seen a really promising story just go to ruin quite ofted due to it.
>>Outgrowing clothes she just got/clothes ripping/button popping

Do's (niceties, but not necessaries):
>>Out of breath stuff / slowly fitness is declining.
>>Talk about their eating
>>Have them strip off when eating at home / private and getting stuffed as clothes start to dig in. Women in reality will do this even if they're not into the fetish so it makes sense for them to do it in stories, be it looseneing or taking off a bra or belt or adjusting clothing.

>>Force yourself to finish a story just to finish it, if you're not into it the story will be bad.
>>Go into more niche elements of the fetish without warning people (seiously the Eating until a person is literally sick fetish people seem be very bad at this)
>>Do magic rapid inflation gainning. This really often doesn't work, bloating yes but the whole gainning 500 pounds in 2 hours stick really doesn't work, time skip it over days if you have to but instand stuff isn't really good to read.
>>go stupid on their eating 50 big macs isn't their snack and 200 pancakes isn't ther breakfast that's a stuffing numbers to the items doesn't matter descriptions of them eating are far better

This isn't an advice thread though, just some guy's likes/dislikes.

I second this, anon!
My favorite type of story, is when there is multiple girls, but one stays skinny and has to deal with the fatties. Especially, when the skinny one is forced to deal with NEETS/Slobs, and is not able to convince them to stop. If you guys have an examples of this, I would be forever grateful.
>>1318 (OP)
>When OP tells me the source for that manga
>Not "uglification" but when people are clearly unattracted and grossed out by the fatty (examples: Deal With the Enemy, Expansion of Emily)
>Fat future stories where everyone doesn't magically get a fat fetish and fit people are still idealized but just gain weight anyway from their own hedonism (To Serve Man)
>Good narrative alongside the fats (The Thin College, Moving Back Home)
>Bad influences (The Dance Team)

>Mostly only a problem with BHM stories but I hate body hair
>When the author talks numbers without giving actual description of the fat, like I'm supposed to bust to the number 200
>hghn... tumby
>no tummy
>Slob, big fan of fatties sweaty, gassy and unable to finish a sentence without burping, panting or eating.
>Immobility. Kinda ties into slob. Something about being so fat that they can't move and are reduced to an immobile pile of flab is hot to me.
>Blobs. i just want squishy gf/bf
>Romantic/Wholesome gaining. just a big fan of the soft stuff.
>burp/fart inflation. Weird but i like it. probably ties into slob
>Slight Unhealthiness. Stuff like being short of breath, struggling with basic tasks and being unable to wash oneself.

>Extreme unhealthiness/death. I just want to have a nice and happy relationship. Unhealthiness just messes with that.
>Angry/demanding/asshole feedees. Yeah. Don't like this one because i prefer wholesome junk and i've struggled with a lot of abuse. The idea of having someone constantly berate me just makes me sad.
>Scat/piss. Don't like it as it's just... too weird for me? idk lol
>Facial/belly hair on dudes. Just want an immobile femboy bf
>>1671 Holy shit, yes. I’m not too sure why I get disgusted at typical slob and vomit, but something about a woman too big to wipe, too out of shape to shower, getting stuck in the shower, etc is amazing and not seen nearly enough.
Yo, any reccomends? I need need some of this shit
As far as I know, weeb-lord and FC-Punk are the only authors that have ever touched on this theme.
>Catch phrases about how much the girl is eating or how heavy she is
>Loss of self-control/spoiling/corruption
>Belching, stomach noise
>Health problems

>Magic WG

>General rapid/poorly paced WG
there are exceptions for this one but the language/style really has to compensate IMO

>Have the gaining be mutual (especially hetero mutual) with no narrative explanation
E.g. the girl just randomly decides she wants the guy fat or the guy gets fat despite never being around when the girl actually stuffs, or even the story just being mutual at all when the premise would better fit one of the two gaining

>Using sci-fi/fantasy/fat future to hand-wave health consequences
I'm fine with stories without health discussion and I looove ones with health problems but I hate it when they're like "oh no she got so fat she has fatty liver diseas GOOD THING this setting has a pill for that exact issue!"

If people are doing health issue stuff I think they need to commit (not always outright killing the MC but acknowledging it has consequences), otherwise it's not really exciting and just amounts to weird descriptions of medical problems.
i thought way to hard about this
>either realistic gradual weight gain or crazy outlandish weight gain but never a mix of the two and make it obvious which
>actually write it grammatically correct
>make it an actual story, there are way to many stories that are just 2 paragraphs of nonsense about a fat woman
>descriptions to accompany weights, im not attracted to a number
>flashbacks to when fat character was skinny
>stories where all women are fat and its normalised
>basically any weight from chubby to immobility
>wholesome stuff

>male wg, you do you but im not gay
>slob/piss/scat/farts or any gross stuff
>force feeding

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