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I was thinking about it and I realized I wasn't really sure why I wrote WG fiction. After spending sometime pondering it, I think it's a combination of that sweet, sweet dopamine I get when I see a bunch of people liked my story, an overflow of sexual energy, and it's a way to see my fantasies come to life. I'm probably missing something else, but whatever.

So what about my fellow writers? Why do you guys write WG stories?
I think everyone has a different fascination with the fetish and sometimes you just need to have it realized by someone who shares your vision which is often yourself.
I'm a creative person by trade and inclination so I get a buzz from creating things. Add WG/fat and it's a double-hit. Both the process and the results are exciting because I never know exactly where it's gonna go. When it works I feel like a wizard; when it doesn't it's like not being able to pass a 3-day shit.

As for having an audience, I wrote this stuff for 20 years before I shared with anyone and never realized how fun it is to get feedback. Having people interested in my writing is inspiring in itself.
the thing about not being able to pass a 3-day shit is so relatable
This is why I consume smut. I do not make it.

I struggle with composing a forum post, for chissakes. A whole story is like pulling teeth.
I started writing weight gain and fat related content because I felt like there wasn't enough Steven Universe stories with those elements and it was cheaper than commissioning other writers to bring my ideas to life. Then I started getting compliments, kudos and such which encouraged me to not only write more for the people who enjoyed my works, but I even started to do drabble requests which do very well.

I started for myself and I continue for my readers as every little compliment or kudo in my email notification makes my day better. I guess that still counts as selfish when you take a cynical glance at it, but that's just one perspective.
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>>1295 (OP)
Because I hate drawing and I also don't like 3D stuff so I'll keep it to writing.
I write because I'm a man of niche as shit, radom as hell tastes and their aren't enough Sumo based fics out there for my liking.
>>1295 (OP)

I just write because it seems like the best outlet for the hornies....just get that shit out on a page so I can go through life as a proper, God fearing, wage slave lol
A sense of unspoken obligation to give something back to the community that supplied me with wank material for a decade and a half. Writing in a language that is not my native was a challenge, but I had a lot of time to learn the workings and the tropes.
Now combine this with a cliched state of artistic woe. The kind where you royally fucked up your life, exhausted all your options for fixing it, and all that is left is to bide your time in hopes it won't get worse and time will mend things. I was a need to escape that crippling existential pain that made me write. A means of escaping it, if you will.
And finally, drugs. Imagine being blitzed out of your mind on yayo, trying to get your Johnson up for hours and hours on end, until you finally, accidentally, find something that does it. Now imagine a fucked-up sense of sincerest gratitude possible towards the artist behind that thing.

tl;dr I write (or, rather, wrote - life got better, the woe was no more, and with it, a desire to write) because I ain't right in the head.
> I was a need to escape that crippling existential pain that made me write. A means of escaping it, if you will.

It was a need to escape that crippling existential pain that made me write. Disregard the last sentence.
Because I see a story and think "that's cool but I wish it had this instead,".

So I rewrote the story with "X" in. That's it, essentially.
>>1295 (OP)
JK, I kid. It's mostly because I can't make fetish artist. I'm not super good at drawing, I'm wanting to learn, but decide to make fetish stories to make up for it. I've had 10 years of roleplaying experience, a ton of niche kinks, and a huge knowledge of various media which made it easy!
It's nice to get compliments, see people favorite and enjoy your work, and even get paid for making nasty smut and finding like-minded people into your kinks.

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