
(138 KB, 1730x1620, @bbsbrgrsffa FX0QDe0UsAQuatS.jpg) (4.8 MB, 4000x2800, cumulonimbus_by_piffledoodle_de70wgz.png) (3.1 MB, 7037x1424, the_feedee_pipeline__commission__by_assthethick_dfezlg1.jpg)
Exactly what it sounds like: WG sequences that also involves transitioning, femboys, straight-to-gay, or generally becoming fruitier. IRL pics welcome too.
For the love of god, please no "poof you're now instantly a fat MILF" type stuff either.
(42 KB, 827x465, commission__life_changing_job_part_1_by_tonbelly_de89zsu-414w-2x.jpg) (54 KB, 827x465, commission__life_changing_job_part_2_by_tonbelly_decbxju-414w-2x.jpg) (51 KB, 827x465, commission__life_changing_job_part_3_by_tonbelly_dee90v7-414w-2x.jpg) (55 KB, 827x465, commission__life_changing_job_part_5_by_tonbelly_delsdio-414w-2x.jpg) (54 KB, 827x465, commission__life_changing_job_part_4_by_tonbelly_dejxzqo-414w-2x.jpg) (76 KB, 828x462, commission__life_changing_job__beach_bonus___by_tonbelly_det8my4-414w-2x.jpg)
(175 KB, 1218x2048, GCY6e7XXIAAGUNc.jpg)
There's not much to the the sequence nor the artist at the moment, she just posted this last month from a 7 month hiatus. You can reverse search to figure it out the links. Didn't really consider it to be a transition sequence but I can definitely see it as such.

Artist name pls
The artist is tututumy

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