
I love drawing under age characters. I'm a freelancer and I'm open for commissions.
Cool! 10 Bucks Or No?
What do you take me for? I'll send you a pic of my dick for $10 if you want.
No thanks, I don’t like it when people send me dick pics
Don't get shit then. Fucking loser. Can't even do anything right. Learn to draw shit.
(74 KB, 1088x1164, FsYFM8faQAIx5Ml.jpg)
no offense dude, but /ee/being the least used board doesn't mean that you can just clog it with shit like this

nobody's gonna do this shit with you, and you will never find anyone who is willing to do this. i'll have to see this shit everytime i lurk this board
Are you lost?
Groomer nae nae

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