
(2.0 MB, 3000x3000, MK2-Recovered.jpg)
So I've started getting into morphing recently. I posted one in the morph thread but i'm looking to improve upon my work. So any tips would be nice.
Stop trying to morph your shit at it
Remove this thread
No one wants to see you're shitty morphs
Keep trying as a morpher I can tell you practice makes perfect
>>769 (OP)
Interesting, how do you morph? Sometimes I'll use the bulge feature in paint.net on my own private ones, but those are far from being good enough to show to others. Some of them are so bad that it cracks me up, but it's something fun to do
Thank you for asking. I would find drawings of fat women and use the pen tool to trace out the body. Then I would select and layer mask parts of the body. When I made this one I used the model Danki for the stomach. I use the warp item to stretch out some things. I'm trying to fix that I don't want the fabric too look stretched out
This is a joke, right?
So sorry to disappoint but this isn't a joke.
I use Photoshop on a MAC. Get the image to 100% of the page. Take a snapshot. Crop the image, and then resize to fill the page. Take a 2nd snapshot, and you've got two images of difference sizes. Copy and paste components from the 2nd on to the 1st. Only way I know to make it look realistic.
Interesting do you mind sharing your art on this thread?
Love your style you up for requests?
Thanks. I'm open for some requests
Oh you, I've definitely seen you around on curvage, yeah I'll morph some friends of yours.
So yeah I'm doing 4 images, it will take a min but I'll upload them here.
Nice one I look forward to seeing what you do
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This is a wip. But I made this a month ago. Among other morph requests I'm doing
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I have a request:Could you please morph one of my friends?
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(2.2 MB, 1507x1272, mrssbbw.png)
Maya Rudolph ssbbw morph
Angela Anaconda has let herself go...
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(290 KB, 600x442, vdbi.png) (290 KB, 600x442, vdbm.png)
Viola Davis body morph
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Viola Davis ussbbw
Good job they look better that way!
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She's gonna blow!
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Sunday 01/23/2022 morphs
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(883 KB, 756x1024, TSbi.png)
(5.4 MB, 1638x2048, ZKbi.png)
please stop trolling and get off the site nigger
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>please stop trolling and get off the site nigger
not my problem you can't edit
autism is one hell of a drug
nobody cares and yet you still pose this absolute garbage
And yet here you are commenting in my thread. So what does that tell us. That you're a fan in denial. It's cool though. It's always nice meeting a fan
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