
(107 KB, 500x750, tumblr_o165581guu1upotaao1_500.jpg)
Obviously any BBW, let alone SSBBW, is too fat in terms of healthy bodyweight and normal attractiveness, but I mean specifically the women whose appetites have caused then to grow fat beyond reason. Porkers who have indulged themselves into a level obesity past what most here even fetishize, or into serious lifestyle complications and health risks. Girls who lost what figure they might have had and become shapeless blobs.
Sweet Adeline. Easy contender. Her face has ballooned out so much she can barely open her eyes, and she now needs a walker just to move around her house. It's too sad to be sexy now.
That's what makes it so hot.
It's rare to have such a pretty woman blow up to these sizes.
she's extremely hot rn but yeah i really wish she'd shed to some more stable weight
In a way but women who are borderline immobile lose a lot of sexiness that comes from movement. Boberry is hot because you get to watch her walk around and do stuff and jiggle about.

Adeline, Luna etc are so stationary in comparison.

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