
Of course it's too much to ask not to be an cunt towards a trans woman
Do they have a penis or vagina? I can't tell.
coomer update?
anyone know if they was born was born a biological male or female?
they're physically a lady but like being called a boy for whatever reason.
Good engagement. Look at the simp defending her here already.
Born a dude, they've said it before. Also the deep voice gives him away
So where's the dick?
Chopped it of
You fucking retards go out of your way to misgender transfems all the while you jerk your rotten dicks to them. Kys is all I have to say to this stupid fucking behavior. You're even on the board of this fat porn site that has TRANS in the subtitle and you still support the ideology that either makes trans people feel like shit or wants them dead full stop. I assume this attitude is because even though you're attracted to trans women, because you're attracted to Women, you are ashamed of it. Grow pairs, all of you, self-hating faggots.
facts here
Ah the woke misinformed snowflake had arrived. How is it misgendering if he likes being called a boy. Your assumption that male to female trans people only identify as "she" is ignorant!!!!!!!
Also you're angry about apparent misgendering but use the faggot slur. Hypocritical loser
You have to go back.
LoL. If you have a tiny drop of brains, you would understand that you, in fact, support misgendering by mixing social constructions, biological gender, and self-identification. Fucking agenda.
Holy shit that was a man? That’s hard to believe
He's 2spirit, has said he is NOT transfemme (I assume transmasc) and the vaginal configuration is either a natural development of his figure or induced due to taking a low(er) dose of testosterone which can enlarge certain areas in the genital region.

But you guys shouldn't be so surprised that transfems/trans women can look like that, IF they are allowed to transition during their teens or at 18 y/o. Doing so relieves a lifetime of dysphoria.
She is a girl. I mean, a normal girl.
Could somebody update bimbunny's coomer.party page? It has been over a month atp

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