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My girl and I just had a baby. And i was for sure going to circumcise my boy. Once we had him i obviously fell in love with the little guy and couldn't think of handing him over to some doctor to cut his dick. I am circumcised and love it but decided my boy should be fine without it. I got plenty of friends who are not and they are fine with it. Everyone loves what they got apparently. What are your thoughts and would you do it to your son or not?
I am circumcised. I got both of my boys circumcised. When they were like 2 weeks old. It's gross at first, but it heals quick.
I think it's a completely unnecessary archaic mutilation. It is very uncommon in my country, or at least in my circles, but I do have one friend who had to have it done as an adult for medical reasons. I think that is the only time it should be done. He also told me sex was way better and more sensitive when he had a foreskin, so that's something to consider as well.

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