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Ended up doodling a Big Hau cause he definitely needs some love
Well done! it looks impressive!

“Alright, another Pokemon caught!” Go exclaimed, picking up the pokeball which now contained yet another of the many Pokemon he was eager to capture. He slid it into his backpack, which now contained about twenty individual pokemon, all possible from the long, hard day of exploring he accomplished.
Scorbunny wiped a bead of sweat from his head, exhausted from battling so many Pokemon. He hopped up onto Go’s shoulder, tapping him with his foot, eager to get back home. Go chuckled and patted Scorbunny. “Alright, alright. We’ve got a lot done today, I think it’s time for both of us to head home and treat ourselves!”
Scorbunny seemed satisfied with this response, and slid down to sit happily on his shoulder as they wandered back out of the forest. Yet before that, Go heard a rustling noise in the bushes, and the unmistakable aroma of something sweet and delicious… Could it be?
“No… It couldn’t be! I’ve been looking for one for so long!” Go exclaimed, rushing over towards the bush with excitement, accidentally dropping Scorbunny onto the ground.
Scorbunny sighed, rolling his eyes. Of course he wouldn’t be done that easily, there was always another Pokemon to catch, wasn’t there?

Go rifled through the bushes when he found it, a sweet little Alcremie, nibbling on a berry when they were so rudely interrupted by Go. They gasped, and tried to flee, but Go was prepared!
“Oh, no! You’re not gonna escape me that easily, Alcremie!” Go stated, tossing a Pokeball over at Alcremie. They entered the ball, and it wiggled around slightly. One wiggle, two wiggles… Poof! It burst free from it’s ball, and stuck it’s tongue out in defiance of Go before making another break for it. “Gah! Scorbunny, quick! Go and stop that Alcremie!”
Scorbunny groaned, hoping this would truly be the last of it. He zoomed up ahead, leaving flames in his trail as he cut off the cream puff Pokemon. It halted in its tracks, unable to keep moving forward. The Alcremie then found another ball shooting towards her, opened up and sucked them inside.
“Come on, come on…” Go crossed his fingers, watching it wiggle once, wiggle twice… Poof! The Alcremie broke free once more, panting heavily and getting very annoyed at this point. Scorbunny glared at the Alcremie, and with Go right behind them, they had nowhere else left to run!
Without any options left, the Alcremie decided it would need to fight back! It slithered towards Scorbunny with vindication, swelling up her hand into a giant, creamy fist and pummeled Scorbunny in the chest!
Due to already being so exhausted from before, he was much weaker and suffered great physical damage from that strike. Yet still, he managed to get up from the ground and looked to Go for orders.
“Get up, Scorbunny! Just use your Flame Kick attack, make sure not to knock them out!” Go encouraged, pumping his fist with pride as he pulled out another Pokeball.
Scorbunny, feeling a sudden rush of personal empowerment, dashed back up to the creamy creature, leaping high into the air and spinning his foot into the air, it catching fire as it crashed back down to the planet, growing in speed and power with every passing moment.
Alcremie, even from so far away, could feel the heat as it melted their body, making it appear as though they were sweating. They clenched their teeth, readying for the strike as it cracked the ground beneath them, sending a wave of fire across the entire forest.

As the smoke cleared, Go coughed. “Nnrgh… Gosh, Scorbunny, I told you to try and NOT knock them out, not burn the entire forest down!”
Go was shocked, however, to see Scorbunny knocked out on the ground while Alcremie still stood tall. And they did not look happy.
Go put Scorbunny back into his pokeball while getting an empty Pokeball ready, “So, you wanna play like that, huh?” He asked, eyeing up the distance and direction the ball was going with his eye. “Well, you’re staring at a future Pokemon champion, and I’m not gonna let some glorified junk food get the better of me!”
Alcremie felt a great rage as the Pokeball went flying through the air, shooting it down with two thick rays of her own cream, not only knocking the ball off-course, but also landing directly into Go’s mouth!
“Mrrph?!” Go gasped, forced to swallow extremely fattening ice cream. He immediately felt his stomach swelling through his sweater, stretching out his clothes and making him feel heavier, softer… He quickly grabbed another ball, pudgy arms digging into his belly, a much more difficult task to accomplish while fat than skinny. Surprisingly.
While Alcremie was focused so intently on fattening Go, they hadn’t realized the second Pokeball being thrown, which landed on them and sucked them inside! As it fell down and began it’s wiggling, Go took a very long, hard look at his obese body.
“G-gosh, that thing made me huge!” Go mentioned, lifting up his gigantic, exposed stomach. It was like a beach ball sagging down from his body, and his hips were no better, a giant ass which ripped straight through his pants, exposing his fat ass for anyone to see. “At least I’m in the secluded forests, where nobody can see me… I’m definitely gonna need new clothes.”
Before Go could lament his newfound girth, he was surprised to hear the sounds of Alcremie once again bursting out of their ball, and they weren’t done with Go yet! They smiled at Go’s seeming dismay over his new body, and began feeding him once more, knowing that if he got big enough, he wouldn’t be able to throw any more Pokeballs!
“N-no, wait! Hrrgklmphh…” Go tried to plead, only for an even thicker stream of cream to come roaring into him! The sheer weight being added, on top of the force being exerted onto him, he flopped down onto his wobbling booty, slowly turning into a giant, tan-skinned mound of blubber. His sweater now ripped off entirely, joining his pants as a pile of scraps on the forest floor while his underwear was now the last line of defense for protection against full exposure.
Luckily, he still had a few Pokeballs left to try and stop this crazy Alcremie. He reached over with his fat arm to grab another ball from his backpack, body jiggling like crazy as it spread out further and further. Alcremie seemed to be enjoying this thoroughly, all this fat and adipose right before them, it was like they were making their very own bed! Or house… Or bigger!
Go strained to move his arm backward to make another throw, and despite barely being able to see Alcremie, he hit them once again and they were sucked inside.
“Huff… Huff… BRRUUURRBP!!!” Go burped, rubbing his gigantic stomach. “I’m so gigantic… Can I even move anymore?” He wondered, trying to get up, not even caring if he caught the Alcremie anymore. He just wanted this to be over, or at least have enough time to escape!
But, as expected, Alcremie pushed through the Pokeball once more. In an act of frustration, this time the Alcremie knocked Go back down onto his butt, watching his fat wobble and wave like a giant, self-contained ocean. They giggled as their smooth, buttery tendrils wrapped around his bag of Pokeballs, including all of his Pokemon, and shoved the whole thing down his throat!
“HRRGK!” Go choked out as the entire bag was forced down him, all his work, his progress, his Pokemon! Consumed in a single gulp, before he was once again force-fed by the fat-loving Alcremie. This punishment didn’t seem like it was ending anytime soon, especially as Alcremie scaled his fat body and began to lay comfortably upon his gigantic male breasts.
“Mrr…” Go pouted, making a vain attempt to move his body even a little. All that resulted was a pathetic jiggle of his stomach and billowing of his booty, the sensation of his entire being swelling up to cover even more of the forest, soon to reach the very trees which had been burned to a crisp by the now digested Scorbunny’s overzealous Flame Kick. Even if he possessed his bag of Pokeballs, his hands were far too deep inside his gigantic body to even make an accurate throw.
Alcremie seemed very pleased by this growing boy, making themselves comfortable atop his belly and even beginning to sleep while their magical tendrils continued to stuff the boy more and more! Go tried to do anything in his power to disrupt the feeding, the trees beginning to topple over from his enormous behind, somehow still protected by the underwear, though very tightly and poorly.
Go continued to gulp more and more cream from the fattening Pokemon, feeling the forest around him collapse and flatten beneath him. He dared not think of the untold destruction his growth was causing, his only hope that any Pokemon or Trainers were able to escape before they would be crushed alongside the rest of the surrounding area.
Go’s cheeks were enormous, like two massive bean bags spreading on top of his multiple wide chins and mouth, which still guzzled down endless amounts of Alcremie’s sweet ichor. His belly was absolutely, outstandingly ginormous, yet his thighs and especially his buttcheeks outsized them by a huge margin, Go’s head resting upon them like pillows!
All the while, of course, Alcremie was constantly feeding him more and more… Yet, it seemed to be slowing down. Go could notice it as well, the stream becoming less powerful, his weight not rising as quickly, and for a brief moment he believed that it was all finally over. Sure, he was a couple hundred tons fatter and he had swallowed half of a forest underneath his over-engorged body, but at least he wouldn’t be causing any more damages. His gigantic butt’s shadow overlooked the city, looming overhead as a warning for what may come had Go continued to grow any further.
Yet as he looked down at Alcremie, the aura of vengeance still hadn’t dissipated, and it was obvious from the look in their eyes. They panted heavily, seeming much skinnier, as though they had used up all their energy on Go alone. But they weren’t finished yet, not by a longshot. This was merely an appetizer, a taste of what he had yet to go through!
Alcremie took a deep breath, and let out a loud, deafening whistle which blew across the entire island of Galar. Go’s ears were ringing, the noise was sound sharp and high-pitched! He felt a dizziness overtake him, having to try hard not to pass out and stay conscious, yet as the ringing went down, he would’ve hoped he had been dreaming.

Tens, hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of Alcremie converged atop Go’s stomach, each one surrounding the original Alcremie and preparing themselves to feed Go even more! He gulped with fear, before unleashing his apology… Only to be interrupted several times by belching.
“O-okay, fine! UURRRP… I’m sorry for trying to capture you, I should’ve just left you be, BEEUURRP!! Huff... I promise I won’t try and capture you anymore, I’m sorry my Scorbunny nearly melted you into a puddle, I’m sorry for everything! J-just let me go!” Go stated desperately. “Please, UURRP, I’ll do anything!”
The Alcremies paused for a moment. At first, the apology seemed to be enough, but as they raised their arms, their eyes glowing a bright yellow, Go sighed.
“Fine. I guess there’s nothing I can ACTUALLY do about it, anyway. Might as well… Enjoy it.” Go conceded, as he opened his mouth. “Come on! Fill me up, see how big I can REALLY get!”
The Alcremies needed no further instigation, they shoveled millions of gallons worth of fattening cream, not only into his mouth, but also up his butt, causing a much more sensual, wonderful-feeling growth. Go couldn’t help but moan loudly as he felt the cool, silky-smooth tendril of cream shoot up his ass, which now was crushing the entire city he had come from beneath it’s thick fat.

Go kept on eating, and growing, spreading across the entire region of Galar. Towns were swallowed up, the ground broke apart, everything and everyone barely had any time to react before they got demolished as well. Nothing was safe, and it certainly wouldn’t be much longer until the entire region of Galar was completely replaced by Go’s incredibly bulbous hips and titanic ass. He rubbed his stomach as best he could, feeling the water now crash up against his body. It sent chills up his spine, body wobbling and vibrating with the chilliness.
Yet despite all of the destruction and immobility his new, impossibly obese body had brought him, Go still felt great. He felt powerful, huge… Comfortable. All this fat was like a gigantic blanket of adipose, a blanket he couldn’t take off, like a giant plush beanbag he couldn’t get up from, sinking deeper into it’s warm embrace.
The Alcremie were also very eager to keep the young boy fed, massive tubes of cream shoveling down his throat and pumped up his ass every single second, his body continuing to surge across the planet without any signs of stopping, potentially never to stop even when the planet is completely obliterated.

Not a thing seemed to dissuade the Alcremie, not the clouds brushing against Go’s chest, not the other regions being much more quickly annihilated underneath Go’s massive body… Even when Go reached a third of the planet's size, the Alcremie were just as eager and willing to keep this massive blob of a 10-year-old overfed and overstuffed.
“M-muhhrr… Wan mooorhh…” Go moaned, fully engrossed in his newfound gluttony. It seemed the Alcremie had truly invaded his mind, turning him into an insatiable beast! “Shoo big… I wanna be BIGGER…”
The Alcremie, not being ones to deny a young boy’s wish, decided to make it come true. They’d help Go become the biggest boy EVER! They all stopped feeding him and began merging together, each one being absorbed by the next, growing bigger, thicker, wider, until they all formed on giant, massive Alcremie, even larger than Go was! They stared down at Go with a big smile, rubbing his fat belly.
“EEUEUUURRRRRAAP! Eeugh… Fuh… Feed me!” Go exclaimed, ‘Nuh… It’s not enough, BBRRRUUUURRP! It’s never enough… Who cares about being a Pokemon Master? This is WAY better!” It seemed the giant Alcremie barely even phasing him. His only thoughts now seemed to consist only of endless feasts and weight gain, yet Alcremie wasn’t finished with their transformation quite yet.
Their body turned red, ominous clouds forming overhead as they expanded in size multiple times. They swelled larger and larger, until…

There it was, before Go, the largest Gigantimax Alcremie he’d ever seen. Several times more massive than the planet Earth, and with more layers than he could imagine, and an even higher calorie count! It was such an amazing sight to see, and Alcremie was ready to give Go the full experience.
They lifted up several gigantic tentacles, each one not just cream, but seemingly entire physical cakes, and rammed the enormous, mountain-wide cake tendrils down Go’s throat, pumping him up full of cake, stretching his mouth out further than he could imagine. Even his ass got some of the action as several tendrils snaked their way through into there, as well. He let out a loud moan of pleasure as his body outgrew the planet, crushing its entirety to pieces and replacing it in only a matter of seconds.
Even the Alcremie cake was overtaken by the size of Go, but thankfully the tendrils scaled perfectly to Go’s size, allowing his growth to remain at a constant, enveloping several planets and stars into his gigantic body, barely able to see or feel anything but joy and hunger.

Soon the entire Solar System was consumed, then the galaxy… Then more galaxies, and onwards and so forth, forevermore into the endless reaches of space Go would continue to grow, a never ending parade of infinitely expanding cakes fed to him and his gluttonous maw. All that could stop him now was the very edges of reality, when he would’ve finally outgrown everything… But at this point, it would be a very, VERY long time.
For now, Go was happy. And while it wasn’t exactly the outcome he was expecting, it certainly wasn’t an unwelcome one.

Source: https://www.deviantart.com/chubby-chimaera/art/Go-Grows-Gluttonous-Pokemon-WG-Story-835576072
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Hope you guys didn't mind me posting a story, but, I think it's quality content.

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