
(778 KB, 894x894, Big Deku.png)
We definitely need more of him. He's cute already, but he'd be even cuter as a big fatass.
(228 KB, 1300x1000, Captured_Alt.png)
Also, edited out the more....questionable dialogue.
(Y'know, if you're not into the whole "cutting and eating" part.)
(2.0 MB, 2600x1200, Harem.png)
A personal favorite.
(114 KB, 1202x668, ss+(2021-10-19+at+11.17.23).jpg)
I pulled this from a random thread on /trash/ I think and could never find the source but fuuuuck I love it
Who made this?
I don't even like this show but damn, the fans produce some good female feeder and mutual wg content.
I don't like the show either. Never watched it.
Deku just makes for the best twink to blimp into a blob. (Next to Link from Zelda, but there's very little good art of that.)
Who made this?

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