
there are a couple of very sad things about this. the first and most important is that jazz was a boy once. I respect jazz and will call him a girl now. she had her penis removed. she has a "vagina" that doesn't work. she will never experience any sort of sexual satisfaction. due to her upbringing she is seem to be very immature mentally plus her body is wrecked from the hormones. its very sad overall.

and on top of that this next season is looking to be two things. one is pointing out how fat jazz is and making fun of her when she is clearly stuffing herself to deal with her mental issues. the other is that theyre now trying to get sander with a transgender woman and he clearly isn't interested.
It’s honestly really sad and ironically enough she’s turned into a perfect example as to why you shouldn’t allow a child to transition before puberty

so season 7 is when fat jazz will appear?
yes. nov 30th it starts and I'm sure were going to have plenty of shots of jazz in a bikini and trying to work out. the jazz jennings subreddit is going to love this.
>>4770 (OP)
1. Not even coming at this from an "I like fat chicks" angle, she looks nice now. Her face always felt kind of like a botox job to me but the extra weight's filled her out and she looks more natural.

2. If she were smart and trying to lose the weight, that's 100 free pounds she could lipo anywhere else.

3. I haven't watched the show much, but from what I've seen: the biggest problem is that Jazz (and everyone around her I guess) don't take the time to think things all the way through.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have transitioned, but starting hormones so early and skipping male puberty left her with so little erectile tissue that SRS didn't go as well as she hoped for. With this, I get the same feeling - her family and the The Laugh At Fat People Channel are rushing her to get back in shape without addressing the underlying problem.

Does she feel okay?

Maybe it's just me, but I get the feeling she grew up in an environment where emotions were "treated" instead of discussed. She's fat for a reason - and yes, that reason is stuffing herself full of cupcakes - but she's stuffing herself for a reason. And not once have I seen anyone ask her what that reason is.

good points.

I know this show is widely available, but i'm a pirate, so here's some pirating, episodes 1/2/3


I'd love some favorite timestamps as replies, if anyone has watched the show and has a favorite moment/scene they'd like to highlight (i find tlc's shows a bit too boring to fully watch myself, but highlights? love em)

These locked up they day before u posted them
Personally I don’t get why she wants to lose weight, it’s all gone to her boobs and softened all the features in the right ways, at a glance I wouldn’t be able to tell she was a he originally now. More weight gain can only be good for her at this point.
More like one of a million examples of why you shouldnt make celebrity activists out of children OR give them a reality show when theyre too young to drive...
true for most trans women on hormones especially if they get their testies removed but queer people hate fat people its weird.
That's so fucking hot. I'd go to town on that butter ball.
Damn she is really hot now
It would be like doing down on a dirty bellybutton.
Not even in a horny way (on bbwchan lol I know) but it's true. I don't look anywhere as nice as Jazz but I legit never get called "he" irl ever since I put on weight. I will not post pics or respond to flirting but I will say if you are queer and especially if you have broad shoulders or sharper facial features you are trying to hide but can't afford surgery a couple dozen pounds will do wonders
So exactly why didn't Jazz wait until she was done with puberty to transform? Was there pressure to do it while she was still young since doing it as an adult isn't as mind-blowing or ratings catcher?

It's bad enough to never be able to have sex, but to also kill off any chance to masturbate before hand is even worse.
I've seen a lot of people saying that. its a shame what happened to her. I don't know that shed ever appreciate any sort of relationship much less sex. and she's losing weight these days.
jazz was and is a huge public figure. I seriously doubt that was an option.
Meanwhile, the high school valedictorian takes a year off before going to college and binge eats her way to gaining 100lbs
>>jazz was and is a huge public figure. I seriously doubt that was an option.

So she prematurely mutilated herself because of her public image? Wouldn't the smart thing to do is wait until her body was done growing before transitioning? I'm all for being who you want to be, just don't mess your body up too early or else you'll pay for it dearly later on. And that's what's happening to her right now.
tbh I don't know. I only got into the show with the latest season. I do know that she had nothing to transition with due to those drugs messing her body up so she had a very tiny penis that they couldn't really turn into a vagina. its a very horrible story and amazing that jazz has lived through all of this with a smile on her face.
season 8 comes out in jan so we get to see her failed attempts at dating. not sure what her weight will be like since it looks like she lost weight for some time there but her breasts are just as big if not larger than before. I can't help but feel bad for her.

So we're basically seeing a trans person self-destruct in real time. Can't find love, can't have sex, has more drugs in her body than an addict.

Yeah, I'll be suprised if she lives past her 20s. And all because her parents wanted to push her at a young age to transition.
thats the worst part about this show. jazz was always depressed. jazz was told the issues revolved around not being a woman. jazz got the drugs and transitioned. the problem got so bad that jazz gained 100 pounds. clearly this didn't help. jazz is on 17 drugs a day and needs an entire medical team around her at all times. jazz went to harvard and clearly something horrible happened her first year because she needed approval to go back but no one wants to talk about it. jazz has been fed lies her entire life and this is what is happening. she's slowly killing herself with food. they made all of season 7 about how fat jazz is and made fun of her but they refused to admit that her entire life is the problem. jazz should not have transitioned. and its even worse seeing jazz trying to push this onto children despite what happened to her. I don't blame jazz for this. jazz was brought up in this and I doubt she knows any better. I hope jazz finds happiness someday but I don't think shell ever find it as long as she's with her family and they have this tv show. jazz needs to get away from all of them and find out who she is and what she wants from life. sander and her mother need to find something else to do with their lives and leave jazz alone but that won't happen. I expect this next season to be even more depressing than last season but at least she lost a little bit of weight.

Hundreds of years from now, society will back on Jazz's "transition" the same way we now look back on doctors using leeches to treat ailments.
you know that doctors still use leeches, right?

Yeah for rettaching limbs, not for having a cold. And even then, they rarely do it now as opposed to the mid-century when it was as common as popping an Tylenol.
How does she still end up with one titty that's bigger than the other? Is that just a thing that everyone has by default?
yeah genuinely it's just a thing that a lot of women have. it's rare to have breasts that are exactly the same size, but i think you can own it. think of hitomi tanaka, with one breast noticably larger than the other, and she's extremely popular (and hot)
(3.8 MB, 720x1280, jazztits.webm)
She is incredible.

I need to titfuck her so bad bros
You nor anyone else in this thread has any idea what you're talking about. Without at least a puberty blocker, she'd probably be dead. Saying she shouldn't have transitioned is retarded as saying
>antidepressants make people depressed because look! that person is taking them and is depressed!
(3.0 MB, 368x864, 1622648589059.webm)
don't be sad its over, be glad it happened
I've always felt the big problem with Jazz is the body is perfect but the face is mannish. Felt like fapping to Nikocado.

Losing the body is like when Bethesda made FO76 cutting out all the shit that made them worth playing

>>Saying she shouldn't have transitioned

Yeah she shouldn't have at such a young age. Like it or not, you're still don't know shit as an 11 year old to be making life alter decisions at that point. Hell most 18 year olds still can't decide what they want to do in life. Everyone who egged Jazz on to get the surgery at that age should be thrown in prison.

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