
(261 KB, 837x429, Brain_Dump.png) (140 KB, 956x1200, EbdxzrBX0AUnvtZ.jpg) (93 KB, 976x801, 111.jpg)
🎶Fucking bullshit!~ Fucking bullshit!~🎶
🎶Fucking bullshit!~ Holy shit! Oh, fucker!🎶
🎶Oh motherfucker! Goddamn bullshit, holy shit!🎶
🎶Oh holy shit, goddamn motherfucker!🎶
🎶Oh fucking bastard goddamn! Fucking~ shit!~🎶
🎶Son of a motherfucking bitch! BULLSHIT!🎶
Dude probably got bullied off /co/
Interesting. Is Max G the same creator as red and stimpy cartoon?
No, John K. is the creator of Ren & Stimpy.
Would the mods delete this thread already?
I really dislike gay people
Fuck off nigger. This is the best thread on this godforsaken site.
Y'know, you not even bothering to properly refute me and instead deciding to shout racial slurs at me goes to show just how little ground people like you have to stand on.
Can we share thoughts now? This is a brain dump thread.
boo hoo he said nigger 🥶

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