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End of fatstolfos (I thonk)
I think I have non Astolfos too lemme check uwu
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I usually lurk, but thought id contribute to this, all i have though, sorry!
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im pretty sure these are all i have that havent been posted, atleast for now

Soft boys are really nice
Second one isn't a trap. Lily is trans. I'm being serious here, its actually a plot point.
Plus shes also 12, you sick fucks.
I don't like trans characters being called traps. Sue me. It sort of makes me feel like I won't be a "real woman"

oh shit i forgot this was a website about fat people not twitter oh god oh fuck
Bold of you to think that a Chan site would be mildly pro-trans.
Not OP but if you're gonna go in, fuck it go all in.
Help me out friends, I’m trying to find this one artist who I think has gone completely AWOL. They drew really girly chubby femboys, one pic I distinctly remember was of a chubby trap/femboy in his room, he had painted nails and there was like a poster with just a picture of pizza on the wall. Any ideas?
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Turns out I was thinking of Queen of Losers, anybody have an archive of their old stuff?
Nice edit. Any sauce or you did it yourself?
*cock explodes*
I want to be a Trap but I don't know how
The only thing that'd make this hotter if one of them started fucking the other in the belly (or ass). Also who's the artist?
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Is there any decent Kalluto Zoldyck fats out there? Pic related.
Man, i need to know a old comic
That is a chubby astolfo and other character, can someone help me? Is a hentai here astolfo is chubby but i can find anyhere
More Felix and Astolfo

YES, thank you very much
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Does anyone know who the character in this drawing is?
Doesn't matter, just post more fat fuckers.
Thread gets revived just for this, and my question doesn't even get answered.

Fucking awesome.

My DA is back up, however I have mostly moved my stuff to my Discord server. Though, feel free to message me about the images you want to see.
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Beeeeg femboy
The way they draw cheeks is 10/10, cute as fucc
The artists name is belt buster
Does anyone know who made the audio for this? The tiktok logo is so low quality I can't read it
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Made a wallpaper edit

Moved to discord -- Cocoa Puffins#7773
Actual thicc caked up chubby femboy here.
Add me on on discord please~!
I want more nerds to drool over me.
Najimi is of indeterminate gender

been wondering who did these drawings of Astolfo, anyone know?
I want to suck his massive fat cock so badly!
man i fucking love huge fat femboys
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You don't need any of us to confirm that you'll never be a woman. It is simply self evident. :)
Any femboy fatties have other sites or discords to drop?
Sauce plz?
By the way, who is the author of the drawings?
In what world is this hideous beast a trap?
I can't seem to add you
They said to post traps, not fucking Fat Albert pissing
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Who’s the artist of the big bunny trap?
do you have any other places you post to ?
no, I don't usually do cock stuff
I don't usually do cock so no
Begging you here, who's the artist?
It's me, if you have any ideas for the bunny boy I'd be happy to take em
Using moobs and his belly to stroke it?
Do you have any place where you upload your art , besides here?

As for ideas:
-Massive, towering ass, way taller than his head
-full body blob
-jerking himself off with his massive thighs
-self facial, jerking himself with his high heels

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