
(215 KB, 960x957, tumblr_n5sr7hJpU61tbk8aeo1_1280.png) (932 KB, 1280x1359, tumblr_ogeynnFksw1tbk8aeo2_1280.png) (109 KB, 1047x1280, IMG_3932.JPG) (136 KB, 960x1280, IMG_3935.JPG)
Not to be confused with the Totally Spies episode (though I'm pretty sure its where they got their name from), PassionPatties used to be pretty active on Tumblr some 7 years ago, until they deleted their account.
Ever since, I've been trying to gather up as much of their art as possible, in the hopes of eventually being able to get it all in one place for all to enjoy. Only problem is that with the deletion of the account, much of the art has become much harder to find. I've had to dig through stuff like reblogs, Tumbex and the Wayback Machine.
So I implore you, if you have any of their art, feel free to add it to the thread.
Nothing against this art at all, but I would suggest posting any of PassionPatties' male art over at /ee/ in the future, since

a) that's where male fat art usually goes
b) this entire board will go apeshit if we don't, apparently
Anons right
Thank you for posting these though, never saw these before!
Yeah, remember that whole 'male fat art' argument over at the Jeetdoh thread that nearly got it bumplocked?

Yeah, I DO NOT want a repeat of that.
(427 KB, 267x200, 200.gif)
Y-yeah, roger that.
Noted, I just needed one comprehensive place to put all of this art; splitting it up across boards would just be a hassle and kinda confusing.
How would it have been confusing? Isn't that what descriptions are used for? If anything, you were just lazy. It also wasn't wise to put the mutual pic first, since that's now the face of this thread so everyone will see it on the catalog.
Great stuff man. Been a while seen I seen some of these.
Listen, if it's that big of a deal, I'm sure the mods can just move it to another board or something.

...I think, anyway. Not too familiar with what the mods can actually do here beyond the basic stuff.
Do we seriously have to go through this shit again? Male stuff DOES NOT belong in bbwdraw. Put it in /ee. It doesn't matter if it's a "hassle", stop being a lazy shit.
>it’s another episode of some faggot incapable of staying in his containment board
I wouldn’t hate you fucks so much if you weren’t so cancerous and clueless
Ghgdh fhh dgg okey
this to be desu
What is with you retards do you lacking reading comprehension? The rules is the second pinned post, how do you keep missing it? The fourth rule is “no male”.
Alright, I fucked up, my bad. Mods, delete this thread for me, please.
Why not ask Mods to move this thread to /ee/?
I've was wondering if they could do that.
(52 KB, 600x738, 580.jpg)
moving to /ee/
What else ya got?
Everything you see in this thread so far? That's about all I've got, and I don't even know where to look next. If anyone wants to contribute anymore, that would be great.

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