
(310 KB, 800x567, nan.jpg)
Lets post some Prisonsuit-Rabbitman art.
(1.0 MB, 1280x904, catso.jpg)
A female
Someone had to pay some big bucks for him to make this. Especially for someone who does
Someone who does males exclusively
(266 KB, 1024x724, 2le535l.jpg) (283 KB, 1023x728, 28s3d77.jpg) (347 KB, 1024x726, 20hln41.jpg)
>>263 (OP)
posting things that i've commissioned or found that aren't a part of his gallery, or that are uncensored.
(103 KB, 1024x726, 54.jpg) (65 KB, 1024x726, 55.jpg) (66 KB, 1024x729, 56.jpg)
posting the full sequence from >>1575 because i can lol
(736 KB, 1000x708, 00_Cover.jpg) (455 KB, 1000x711, Act 1 - Burn_01.JPG) (435 KB, 1000x708, Act 1 - Burn_02.JPG)
now posting a GIGANTIC commission a friend got. Wonder where he is, and if he's doing well. I think some of this was posted publicly but not all of it.
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and now we get into the REALLY esoteric shit. A LONG time ago, buried in the comments section of a PSRM pic called 'full fat milk', PSRM penned and posted a 30-something page comic about this cow boy (and others) growing breasts and then fattening people up. Photobucket is SUPREMELY unreliable these days, so I'm only going to be posting the ones that load. I'll most likely be skipping several parts. If anyone has the original, high res images, PLEASE post them.
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It's a shame that there's huge chunks of his art library that we'll never be able to see. There's many series that he has that ends abruptly either because the rest is private or the commissioner couldn't afford to complete it.
I have been looking at his gallery for years and I never seen a lot of stuff posted here, you guys are doing god's work.

Thanks a lot.
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Does this continue?
What other sequences of his are supposed to have missing parts?
I really hope people have some more of the sumo art that was delisted. Those were the best
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I know this isn't fat-art, but does anyone have that Danny Phantom Muscle growth sequence, it used to be on twitter somewhere but it's now gone and only the first two parts remain.
Timmy Turnner Weight gain sequence do you have it?
the title of the Timmy Turnner Weight gain sequence was just deserts part 2 i think did any save it?
His Crona sequence always felt like it had a few parts to it, anyone know if there are more parts to it?
Does anyone have extra rations parts 10 and 8?
Do anyone have pushing the limits 3? Someone on Instagram uploaded the whole sequence
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Swelling with pride 1-5
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Swelling with pride 6-9
Does anyone have the mutual gain sequence with 2 pokemon protagonists? It seems to have disappeared off deviantart
Did you try the wayback machine?
different user, and yea I was looking for it too. wasn't backed up on wayback machine either
Gotcha. I honestly always thought there were more parts after this sequence that were either deleted or just private, because I always got the implication that they were going to burst out of their main outfit and into just the underwear, or something. Thank you, though.
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Hello, I was wondering if there's more private commissions from Prisonsuit-Rabbitman?
Anymore female drawings for private commissions from the artist?
Anyone here has more Gotenks, Goten and Kid Trunks art of him?
I'm also looking for any fat megaman boy arts, preferable from Exe and ZX series.
No more drawings?

Why not share? It makes for even more content being made of this characters.
Well he said that he can't show this because it's R rated and I can't show something to confirm my age, which I kinda get it since my homie got into some troubles because he chatted with a gal that was 14 and pretended to be 18. Still shame we can't see the rest
Is it possible for someone else to confirm their age to get the images?

How would one do it?

I remember the days when it was normal for people to read, watch porn and masturbate, now you everyone is like a crazy soccer mom being so moralistic about it.
I agree on that, you look for the sauce, it's private since it's R rated, ask about the guy to share that, he shares,simple as.
I mean even if Ang and Sokka are hella gay with their pp sticking out there are much more controversial things that Prisonsuit made

Woah! Where did you find this? Never saw this before...
I see. Quick question: Why do these two fat men look like 2 fat women? Was it deliberate? Or perhaps merely artistic choice of style?

Because I had to try really hard to understand what it was that I was looking at and see if it truly was 2 fat women as I thought from first glance. Why go through all that trouble of trying to make 2 men look as much like women as possible?
is what I'm referring yo

It's anime, this type of man are common in the media.

Does anyone here have that image of Mayl filling Lan from Megaman Exe? It's a hyper type of image.
It was the weirdest thing. I found these on Newgrounds somehow.
(222 KB, 700x496, 309592.jpg)
Not him but thanks for posting.
Do you have part 10? Pic related.
They look like radio static
(112 KB, 800x567, IMG_1660.jpg)
Here's part 10, and in good quality.
Thank you very much!
Got another commission, I'll post that up if anyone's interested.
Sure, It's always nice to see new stuff.
(78 KB, 799x564, Extra Robin (Hairless).jpg)
Although the regular version is present, some of the hairless versions have been disabled. This one hasn't been yet.
Could he possibly post it here?
I can confirm my age! Can you give his contacts?
I asked him already and he said no
Jesus christ lmao what a weenie

That seems uncalled for. He might have reason to be anxious about them being seen.


Speaking of, I've been anxious since posting this and would like this post removed if possible. I can't seem to get a message to the mods unfortunately.
We've your IP.
Expect Bandai-Namco being very mad at you posting those fat boys here, they are going to go full Demon Slayer on you.
It's even cuter.

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