
No one likes :'(
It's not bad, I do like fat faces but I do like full body morphs more.
And no one likes you
These are so cute
Well done these are some very nice morphs love to see Jennifer as a fat portly porker
First one is such a sexy piggy
(530 KB, 800x1216, 200403_110108.png)
This is a morph I made this one is a real porker
I love double chins
Love these morphs such a cute fatty
These are pretty underrated morphs
>>200 (OP)
There are some things you're doing well but some things that need work.
>anatomy is realistic, looks like how one would expect fat to accumulate on a face
>color mixing on the cheeks, reelection of light, etc. is all good
>borders are rough, it's very apparent where the photo ends and the morph begins
>lines illustrating the underside of the chins look obviously drawn-in
Ultimately, the question is whether you want to shoot for photorealism or coloring over the entire image.
For the former, I recommend using clone stamp tool & photoshop skin texture brushes (they can be downloaded online) to give the skin a more natural texture.
For the latter, you already have the skills, so that's what I'd recommend.
>>513 I'm gonna try and improve on my morphs now and try to draw the double Chins better thanks for the advice
(585 KB, 800x1216, 200406_142847.png)
Here ya go I made a new morph trying to follow your advice it's by no means perfect but I would say it's pretty good compared to some of the terrible stuff you see on deviants I also made her hold a burger in this one because...well you know it's clear just by looking at her big fat round face she enjoys eating maybe a little too much junk food how else would she become such a big fatty
I also would say that's probably not the first burger she's had today😜
You definitely did a better job on shading the chin, but I'd like to point out the borders of her cheeks. They still look pretty jagged, so if I were you I'd either take a soft brush eraser or a blur tool along the edges to smooth them out and make them look less obvious.
Also, along the hairline, the clone stamp tool is your friend. Try it out and play around with it a bit so you can get a better sense of how it functions.
What a big fat piggy Jennifer is
What programs do you use?
I love fat jennifer!!!😍
If only these morphs were a reality
Such a cute fat face
Love that big blubbery fat engorged face
I also love those round cheeks and double chin
looks like Jennifer's been pigging out lately
Wow Jennifer stone let herself go
Seriously though she looks so cute fat
I love that double chin and those fat cheeks😍
looks like fucking rocky dennis

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