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I'm sad to see our beautiful trans girl threads have been erased, in addition to losing their board.
Pick one

And this ladies and gentlemen is why trans was it's own board before. I know it's unlikely my bitching will get it back, but there was a reason it was separated and not just thrown in there with everything else in the first place
It’s a shame the trans board is gone. My computer tanked a few weeks ago and now my favorite pics are lost.
Why is it gone? What happened?
This, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make a board for both anime girls and the current most controversial thing in the world? No tranners will ever post here unless they have a fetish for being verbally abused
the same kind of person who thinks a corrupted and unrecoverable backup is "not their fault"
A better idea would be to turn this board into PornChan, cover more subjects and get more viewers and hopefully, LT will actually go forward with the idea of adding some board janitors.
Only 41% can make a choice.

I disagree, this site is already geared towards fat ladies, so just making it generic porn here would only hinder it more. I wanna see big trans gals here, not regular sized trans gals. If anyone has any other places to see trans bbws those would be much appreciated
I requested the trans board be brought back to no avail.
There's probably an 8ch board for this at this exact thing at this point, right? If anyone knows one I'll just go there.
I don't know, 8ch got taken down and the new site is prob sketch.
The new one was taken down a couple days ago. this seems to be it for big gurls except 4chan and that site sucks.

Anonib traps is back as of today. Post requests there and help populate it again.

If BBWChan want to be transphobes then we take our contributions elsewhere.
I want fat trans girls, not just trans girls. Porn of them is easy to find
im curious, what do you all mean by trans? male to female? are we talking all the way with the surgery to have a vagina as well? there are people like that who went so far as to gain weight as well? all of the ones i have seen are very thin.
Yea, male to female, I'm usually just good enough with them on estrogen. And yea, back on the old board there were some who were decently thicc. Not like you would see on /bbwreal/, but chubby at the very least. The ones you seeing only being very thin is the problem. The old board was the only place I could find decent trans bbw content, and I fear with trans stuff being lumped into everything else, we're not gonna see them come back. No point bitching now though, the boards likely not gonna come back, and I'll be without good trans bbw content.
What enjoyment do you or people like you get out of posting shit like this man. You found this thread which means you were probably looking to jerk off to trans anyway lol. Fucking cunt
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Not enabling mental illness is the most patrician of fetishes, good xir.
Now go do your part and turn that 41% into 100%
Keep telling yourself that faggot
My decision to finally make a new vid and post it turns out to have been utterly pointless. I'm really sad to find out that the trans board got wiped, it's not like it had no traffic. I found out by getting a 404 on my old thread. :(
I know it sucks, but do you have plans to post it anywhere else or somewhere else to see your stuff?
Confused here, but since you're jerkin' off to porn their personality isn't really a factor, right? Isn't a trans BBW just a fat dude?
This is a shame and a great loss for the community. It was not a busy board, but it was a good board.
Well most everyone was on HRT so it was more like a fat lady most of the time. As a trans woman myself I'm not sure if that was a factor.For some people the penis made it hotter.
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Funky. Well, not my cup of tea but different strokes, I guess. Time to go be "normal" on /bbw.
No worries, you weren't an asshole about it, and as with the rest of this fetish I understand it isn't for everyone
Not really. I guess I could repost here but finding somewhere else doesn't seem worth the effort when I already worry about having anything up.
Combining all these boards was a mistake.
Here is a Trans folder i managed to save from a huge Disco drop. Original is dead and i only saved some vids, no photos and no real BBWs. Just regular Trans.

>>1803 how does this work?
The provided key is invalid
either keys glitched or folders gone
(570 KB, 356x200, chaos.gif)
It's cumbersome af. What was the rationale again? All I remember is people being up in arms about a /ssbbw/ containment board, and now look.

Look, I see your pov but people would call you a filthy pervert for being here anyway, embrace the degen and stop being so sour.
admin didn't give a solitary fuck
Question: When you hide a thread, does that hide it from EVERYONE? Or just the person that hid it?
trans = no baby = waste of life. no progress has been made and I hope there will be no more useless pathetic transgenders in the next few decades. stop fucking normalizing and praising fake ass "pride" people just because they cant have kids. we need more straight people so we can fucking continue our existence. its always been this way and it needs to stay like that. stop making disgusting ways to stop having life.
trans people want people to accept them but cant even accept their own actual gender smh
there are about 7.8 billion people on the planet currently, a few people being unable to reproduce won't be the end of the world. Just because a few people don't directly contribute to the gene pool like yourself, that doesn't mean humanity will go extinct in probably not even a thousand years.
There's no way you're actually that retarded
trans people are truly fucking disgusting. they will always be the gender they were born as. its not right
Binary is for code not gender.
Flesh is but an outer layer and can be altered easily.
You know I only ever see not trans people hate on trans people yet I’ve never seen regular trans people hatin on non trans people, really gives you some perspective on how fuckin stupid these morons are that feel like they’re opinion on trans people really means somethin
Far as I'm concerned, if a person's appearance fits my preferences, I'll fap to pics/video of them. Don't really care what chromosomes they have.

This is literally a site dedicated largely to porn featuring unhealthily overweight women. If you are here and fap to any of this stuff, there's people who'd call you a freak that should never reproduce if they found out.

Making vague and poorly-informed arguments about why trans people are somehow wrong comes across as pretty fucking dumb when you're as much of an outlier as they are. It's made even more dumb because this is a site about fap material and not a soapbox for your baseless ideological rants.

On topic: Who is the lady in the OP? She's pretty cute.
Anon, I...
Lol, gtfo if you don't have anything to contribute. Maybe go fap to content you are actually interested in rather than trying and failing to rustle other peoples' jimmies.
are there any boards or sites like this one that specialize in tgirls instead of bbws?
who is this in OPs photo?
>creates thread on imageboard dedicated to fats
>doesn't post any fats
gee retard I wonder why your thread fell apart

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