
>>1246 (OP)
kek right most picture isnt even her
>>1246 (OP)
yea not sure what happened to it since only 2 or 3 people talked smack but the thread had contributions.
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>>1246 (OP)
that lactating one is a rare one :O
shit is hot
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got some wins our our favourite boy. So tasty - someone drop more please? So HOT.
Damn are these new pics? Never seen them before
nah, they just from the patreon from her early works
they are from oct of last year
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we will have to wait and see. She said she was or is trying to lose weight, not sure how that will affect the fun bags.
yikes it's the scammer chick with fake boobs. just report..
(309 KB, 937x1250, _2.jpg) (312 KB, 937x1250, _1.jpg)
Made some more edits
again with her hair covering the silicone edges, pathetic
ill give it a shot, for now i must go eat

fyi: they moved the thread to "everything else"
lol nah u dont have to edit these I was complementing u on ur work u did.
I guess they moved to it everything else so they dont have to keep closing it cuz of spammers
nah, it fits perfectly. enjoy
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heres what i could do with both of them. The 2nd on is def more challenging to make it look good.
Dam you have real talent. You just made what already looked hot even hotter.
i just like to edit pics to bring back details or show details that are hidden or not easily noticeable from the start. The rest is color correction
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probably my last one for today
Bomb ass body and tits on this girl
ill try to get some more edits in tomorrow, sunday was funday and most off pc day
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(438 KB, 1573x526, bna_1.jpg)
before and after edits
most that red tint everywhere was removed and then adjusted skin tones properly, took care of some dark shadows
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the end result without the before on it

If you have more like these, post them I can try and edit everything to make it look like a normal picture
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Took that b&w and added color to it.
also did another edit on an old one
(2.0 MB, 1280x720, before and after prev.mp4)
some before and after preview of 4 images.
I am more than likely going to change the color of the shirt to make it stand out more. Edits in ACR
looks like the titsintops thread got removed, wonder why.. hmm??
They removed bad comments or something like that then they merged another one or two threads. It's a new one if u search using her Ig name
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as promised, the edits from the video
Man you're really talented
You think you could decensor some of the pics she posted like the ones where she put hearts or other stickers over her nipples like the one u have here?
Can't really uncensor since I need information. If information is there such as creases, folds, height, etc ..u could potentially bring it back since color adjusting would be the only thing needed. But if information is gone then there's no way of bringing it back
Even though you can see the nip stick out inside the heart, there is a lot of missing information so it would not really work on this picture. You could try and place another chicks nipple but then I have to merged them both so they seem seamless. But that all takes way too much time tbh. In the end it's not worth the time to do it for a fake. Not trying to bring you down but just gotta be real.
(414 KB, 1382x1096, _10.jpg) (459 KB, 1280x720, 2020-08-18 22-20-16.mp4)
you can actually see the nip on the right side not sure if i should have colored that in lol
They're huuge alright.
Keep em coming my dude
nice man!
I can definitely edit some of those. I havea few but idk which one of those i have.
I'll try to post more images this weekend but just been busy IRL with other stuff and it's been hot so I really don't want to be inside with this damn heat
is that a screenshot capture from a video?
Man I'm drewling over these masterpieces. Holy shit bro. Keep them coming. I gotta say they look better than the originals that she posts.
It could be but I'm not sure
editing takes a while but i also have to be selective about which ones to work on bc if i feel they dont look good enough for an edit then i just move on. No point in editing something that just looks ...bleh....it needs to have some kind of appeal to it. but yea thanks. I'll see if i can drop more but for now i got irl stuff to take care of
daaaayum son what a body she has. She's blessed with those proportions.
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thought she looked cute in this one
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I really like how they both came out
thanks mate. What did you think of the timelapse vid?
It's quite impressive how u take the time to do this. It's very time consuming and intricate but the work you produce is top keg.
overall i took my time with it at a slow pace tho and it was like 29 mins.
yea i always prefer quality over quantity
(291 KB, 874x1090, _37.jpg)
old image
Just love how those tits just stand out compared to the rest of her body in that photo. Busty beauty for sure.
did you see her latest patreon stuff? hawt.
No I recently unsubbed from her Patreon because we had some personal issues.
well just to give u an update she spiced it up with an adult toy, but nothing explicit more like displaying the toy
If you dig through her Twitter you'll find a pic of a pink vibrator I think it was and a large cucumber witha condom on. Never put up any vids or pics of her using them though. She's good at teasing though gotta give her credit where its due.
She is quite a deviant and down plays her sexual activities. I wonder if she is bi 🤔
Nah not bi but she definitely likes to sleep around a lot. Just imagine being the lucky bastard who gets to play with those funbags.
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Posting these images i had posted in previous ( now deleted thread )
Like icing on a cake she lookin like a snack. She definitiely is a walking, talking, breathing and teasing snack.
if u got any more old but goodies share man, i think these were from urs batch on the previous post before it got deleted and i just edited and re upload them.
yea i already got those.
I actually don't have many pics and most I'm pretty u already have
ah no worries. if u find something on the webs, let me know so i can take a look. Seen a lot of her stuff already thats out there b ut once in a while, new stuff appears.
Well I mean over on the forum there was mediafire link floating about with like 300 something pics of her stuff from the very beginning to the beginning of her Patreon days. Not sure if you got that though.
oh no need to worry about her patreon, i am a patreon member and already have almost all of the stuff. There were a few vids that when i joined i no longer had the access to, but it was like one or two or 3. Either way its almost non existent. I have all her patreon images tho, that file is a mixture of old images, patreon and her twitter stuff. Its not all of her patreon stuff.
I beleive you most likely have more of her than I do
Excellent work! Such artistry!
Btw did she delete her youtube account by any chance? I remember on patreon she would message people with unlisted videos she would upload on youtube. I of course had some those videos saved on my playlist but it seems like the videos have been deleted and I feel like the account is gone as well. Mayb u can check ur patreon inbox to confirm this.
btw her latest tweets don't look good. Not sure if she's scared of the political climate in HK or maybe because the guy she fucked recently made her pregnant again or she broke up. Either way something is up and we might not get our dose of titties.
thanks and yea i showed it to her, still...she has a different taste. Mostly bc asian females think of blowing out details as the better way to show how smooth skin is. Its hard to see past that when ur in that circle u know?

yeah she had uploaded a video on youtube and it went agaisnt its guidelines which they suspended her account or deleted it. Not sure which one happened. She mentioned that but no follow up on the status of her YT account.

As far as her tweets go, they are part of the heartache. Shes going through that.
I think she generally doesn't really give a shit. Cuz I did what u did as well a few years ago and she didn't really seem that interested. I guess with her it's that, if the picture is out it's out and she wont ever look back at it.
It's definitely not the first time she felt depressed although she usually recovers in a sudden. By heartache u mean she has heart problems or something emotional she's going through at the moment?
Her bf broke up with her.
and im not really trying to convince her to go my route, just more or less showing her the results of my edits. Its always nice to let the artist see what i did with it. She seems to notice it looks good but that its not her 'vision' of what she is going for. But thats not to say it isnt good, which she has admitted to me.
well I mean wehre she is from, a woman like her isn't really seen very favorable by men, but that's not to say all guys are like that. Either way that guy is definitely not her first and she'll bounce back from that faster than u would think. Glad to hear that she likes ur work. You do a great job and it's good that she appreciates what u did. I was just telling u about my experience earlier where she didn't really seem to give a dam, but then again I&m not a professional or well versed in photo editing like you are. Either way keep up the great work.
ah no worries, maybe she just was feeling different and with time people change u know.
Idk what u mean shes not seen favorable by men...what do u mean?
Well I mean that given her mishaps in the past and the slutty nature of her, some men over there really don't prefer women like that. This is from what I was told by my friends from HK. Probably a cultural thing over there.
ah, shes slutty like that...idk her that well to know that. But overall, regardless of the culture, most guys wouidn't want to have a gf who's been around the block
Doesn't really help her case that she's sharing a lot of that slutty side on the net, but hey it keeps us entertained. At the end of the day it's her llife, her actions, rewards and consequences, but enough about that. We're here for titties.
well yea people go through shit irl. I got my own issues too but i dont post my issues online. Ill try to make another video and show it. no guarantees tho. I also want to do a fewmore images but its hard to find something to pick
Well we're getting our dosage of happiness from her but sadly for the time being she will need to find another source to regain her happiness. Looking forward to ur next masterpiece.
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Awesome job there. I esepcially like the one in that purple transparent outfit she's in. Perfect nips. You really bring out the details in every picture. Maybe u can ask her if she can send u her pics to edit before she posts them on social media and patreon.
Thanks. I brought it up once but she decline. Plus doing her pics in the daily would mean deadlines and those deadlines are different bc of the timezones difference. We are over 12 hrs in difference, so that definitely could be an issue. Not to mention that ask of this time ain't free. One or two, I don't mind but not every pic.
Woah I didn't think you already asked her about this. But yeah I kinda expected taht answer from her. She doesn't really communicate with non chinese/cantonese speakers, so that could also be a factor to this. As you said there is half a day of time difference and doubt she would pay. Either way keep doing what you do. You are doing excellent work.
i dont recall having a message not answered, so the only issue if any was probably language barrier but it doesnt seem like its that bad. She seems to understand english relatively well. Just can't use advance or complex wording/phrases as it will confuse her.
but yea i have mentioned to her that every now and then to do her edits but still, she didnt want to mostly bc our tastes vary. Which is what she has mentioned from the start.
Yea that's what I meant to say. There is a language barrier and she tries her best to answer in English but doesn't really like post anything in English or try to get her international fans a bit more involved. Maybe she's not really bothered by that.
i think she tries her best and it doesnt bother her that much. Ive seen her replies to chinese folks and it seems short as well. So overall i dont think she likes to be chatty online.
Not really chatty in private either at least not in my experience when I tried to chat with her. Whatever maybe she just wants to keep that distance on purpose. Did she post anything new recently?
she posts from sunday night to thurs night. Keeps friday-sat night and sat-sun night off. At least for the most part.
bus(t)y girl
Although I unfollowed her a while ago I still get retweets from other chicks who follow her. I think the last pic she put on up twitter she looks fucking beautiful. She's not dressed slutty at all but oh man those tits just straightaway caught my attention
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yea in some of her none adult themed images, she actually looks good.
Really diggin that second pic u edited with half of her titties on display like that. Perfection from every angle and every style she does.
ive told her about picture taking and using shapes/angles/perspectives to get a better photo. I guess its too much. If she did it right she would def get better pics.
Yea kinda doubt she would actually take advice but then again we can't complain because her tits look good in every aspect and u can make them look even better with ur skills.
not every angle makes tits look good. Some angles can make them look flat. Thats why angles are important.
You do have a point. You'd be a lucky bastard if she let u be her photographer and editor.
man if a big tits girl wanted me to photographer and edit her pics overall, that would be great. But heck she lives in hong kong and im in cali...never gonna happen and with the rona g oing on, lol. Plus the reality of the situations is that its always better to live in the fantasy than play the reality. That's true in many cases on many things. Like not 100% accurate but its pretty darn high.
U hit the nail in the coffin there. I have yet to meet a chick in real life with huge tits and bomb ass body like hers. (One who wants to talk that is.) But if someone asked me to be their photographer and editor BRUH I'd do that job better than I did anything in my life.
idk, she probably took that before she was more open about showing her breasts
Yea I remember there was a time when Patreon didn't allow NSFW content, so I'm guessing this pic was put up during that time.
I think nudity is allowed but not sexual explicit content is allowed.
That makes more sense. Maybe just maybe she could open an onlyfans. Might be worth an ask.
I have but she said it would be too much of a hassle to do both at the same time. Plus she also says shes not really trying to go knee deep into porn. Just ankle high on it.
ankle height is enough I guess. She needs to pump out more vids though like she used to.
the thing with females is that they are more adventurous when they are in their early 20s and are willing to try more things but as they get older they wise up and dont want to do xyz things anymore, even if they had done them in bountiful amounts before, bc now they have a conscious. I've personally seen t his happen with several girls, both with big tits and non big tits which u can basically consider whores and non whores. Yet now that they are older t hey dont do it. Like age, it too has its time before it passes us up. She is towards the path where she will stop eventually. She is getting older. Give her a few more years and she will more than likely think about stopping. And since she isnt really taking this seriously as a full time employment job, she will have no problem dismissing this.
I remember someone asking her on twitter if she would consider breast reduction in the future and she said yes. Those days could be right around the corner because I totally agree with what ur saying. Would be a shame to see hber go but yeah all things must come to an end eventually. Not sure if she would wise up much given her history but u never know what she's got planned. I know of some busty hot models who just made a silent exit and I hope she won't do that.
sadly we will never know the answer as to how she decides to go. As far as wising up, every girl is different. Have a friend that isnt that smart and after 2 baby daddies and a failed marriage, she still is doing the things she did from the start butnow she has kids that once in a while will get in her way. Natures way of cockblocking lol
Natural selection at work I guess. Some people never learn. Maybe bbpig will give up completely on showing off her tits and fucking around or she could continue this forever. Who knows
i myself am thinking of giving up on her patreon. Just seems like its nice for 5$ but i feel ive exhausted that "new car smell" if u know what i mean.
Been there done that. She's not really putting much exciting content out anyways like she used back a few years ago. I remember how she used to hype up her first insta account. I believe it reached like 2000 to 4000 followers within a one week span before she went overboard and started posting pics with barely visible stickers on her nipples. You could pretty much see her nipples. Her insta needless to say got banned. Those were the days before she got pregnant and started documenting her pregnancy on twitter. However those days are now long gone and she doesn't do that anymore and I don't think she will ever do that. Give her more or less a year and she'll be gone from the scene. I've unsubbed from her on pretty much all platforms and I'm only just here because I like to share and promote chatting with others like u over a common interest.
well tbh its not just that she's not doing exciting things, even if she were, watching it over and over just wears out over time. Even when i followed other models who did more exciting stuff and showed more, it then eventually came down to just isn't appealing anymore.
Yea I get what u mean dude
Some things don't lat very long and our interests move on to other things.
exactly. Maybe i just need a break from tit loving lol. Never thought i would say that ever. Tit loving is in my dna.
Switch to some ass. U gotta be on rotation xD
hahaha nah, ive always been a tits guy as far as i can remember. And into real tits not even fake ones. Ass just has not had a good appeal to me as much as a good pair of juggs
I know what u mean. Tits bring men happiness. The bigger the better. If they are not too saggy and are real then that's perfection. It's kinda hard to come by women like that though. At least where I live that is. U don't want to go after fat bitches either, so one paired with a slim or a thicc body like bb's is absolute perfection in my eyes.
idc if they are fat but just not extreme fat. There's gotta be a limit where the golden rule of breast isn't broken. Follow the golden rule, it isn't that hard.

Golden rule of big tits:
Belly must not meet or exceed the breast's perkiness.

Basically, belly cant be at the same level of the breast or poking out farther than the breast. Otherwise those breast are trash. That's always been my golden rule.
Then our golden rules are quite similar.
whats urs?
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As far as tits go pretty much up to the specifications and regulations as u. As for ass I don't like them flat but I don't like them too round either. Something like what u see in the picture is good enough for me.
in some of her edits i notice a pattern. And in others her edits are more obvious under certain conditions. I've been meaning to kinda tell her to be careful with that. She also wears glasses but tends to take them off for her pics. I think personally with her glasses on, she looks better. She also tends to remove this one small black dot she has under her eye and i think it happens when she edits her images. In some of her pics its there and in others its not. She also changes the way her eyes look. Not sure if this is bc she wants to look more westerner than asian. And she def edits her nose.
(91 KB, 640x800, bbgiggggg casual.jpg)
Does she edit her casual pics as well?
I remember my ex who lives in HK happened to see her out at a shopping centre and sent me a pic of her but her face covered. Just like in this pic that she posted some time ago on her insta. I wonder if out in public she walks around all covered up so people won't recognize her although my ex like most girls is a detective and she was sure the girl she saw was bbpig. Some of her pics I can see some editing faults especially on her face which makes it look unnatural but then again the asian standard for some girl is to look like a westerner.
Well by default u can see what part of the pic she edited by reading the data on the pic. Every editing software leaves a small amount of info there. I'll post a pic sample to show later
heres a video showing u the info and kinda pointing it out in her pics.
Aha! We've outsmarted her!
What does she edit with though? She uses Photoshop or some phone app?
(7.3 MB, 1280x720, data info.mp4)
heres a video showing u the info and kinda pointing it out in her pics.
she uses an app but it really doesnt matter which one since most editing software tend to do the same stuff and u photoshop is so well know that other new softwares use the similar features that PS does. The one she told me she uses, which i dl and played with, has more user filters and such but the editing side of it has almost everything photoshop has.

Aside from what she edits, it really depends on her pic that she takes. Overall its not anything extreme but like anything that sells, it must be edited to look good. If u look at the video u can see she edits the lips and nose and eyes. Basically anything that says "true" means its been retouched/edited/altered. Anything false basically means its been left alone.(unedited). I would never be mad about this as this is normal everywhere in modern day life. U see anything in a magazine that is an advertising,well its edited to look good. Even if if they don't have people on the ad, there is prduct editing. You can do t his on any of her pics and see the info for urself.
I wouldn't call it outsmarting her. She might not be aware that her editing software does that. Either way it really is nothing impressive. Just curiosity to know what she edits. Well at least for me as a photo editor. I do like how she edits her backgrounds in the app. I played with it a bit and can see how its done but would always like to know how its done by someone who uses it a lot more. Like bebe.

Either way, in tha tpic u can see 3 things she did

1)Beautified the pic, like sharpening pic, darkening or lighting up somethings, skin color, etc...

2) Face editing, like adjusting lips, giving the face a face lift, adjusting nose, ect...

3)using filters for the overall pic. She used 1 according to the data. Don't know what it was but the values are there for it.

overall not showing u all this to badmouth her or think negative about her, the person. More or less its about the editing aspect of things that people do in order to sell a product.

They are a few pics of her where i can look at it and see more or less the real her and that is how i know what she roughly looks like in person or have a general idea of it. As for ur covering up question, yes i do believe she does that as she is not asking for fame or fortune showing her tits. So it would only be natural to blend in with the general public and try to bring the least possible attention to herself. Afterall it would be pretty unusual or weird to run into a complete stranger and have them be like 'oh i know u, let me take a pic with u' and u realize then and there that they just know u bc ur exposing ur breast online. Any person would understand why that is weird. but itt is what it is, tho it doesnt mean she would be ok with it in real life.

Most models that do that kinda stuff have mentioned they cover up their id bc they have had stalkers in the past. Himiwako was one of them and so has chyna chase. So some level of precaution must be taken to avoid being identified so freely and openly in the real world.
Nah don't get me wrong she's more or less an instagram/twitter boob model, so of course editing is to be expected. I totally get that and I was only kidding earlier when I said that we outsmarted her. I mean by what ur saying it seems like she's quite open to share to u about the editing apps she uses to achieve the looks.
Scary stuff when u decide to expose yourself to the internet. So yea the more she covers herself up and blends in with the people the better, but that makes me wonder with the editing she does if she looks way different to what she is showing us. <- contradictory thought. At the end of the day she does what she likes but at least she knows to be careful.
Editing and using filters I guess does achieve more than just perceived beauty but also grants a sort of identity protection in real life.
In my opinion she does look different but i would say that if i saw her in person vs her pic, theres probably not a big difference but a significant amount to say "hey u lying about this or that " lol. Her recent post has 3 pics and those 3 p ics her face looks different in 2/3 pics. So yea shes definitely changing some of her appearance.
I tried to meet her in person when I visited HK in 2018 but she turned me down saying she doesn't meet fans. Could have got a view of her and her assets but nah that didn't work out.
the trick is to never let them know ur in the city and try to get info as to where they roughly are about. that way u can watch from afar.
u sound like a pro
lol no. Just gotta think outside the box. I know naturally they would never agree to meet with fans, why would they? they would just think its weird that u came from another country to meet them and possibly do them harm. So why would they want to meet? Just doesnt seem right.

So the next thing would be to just say things like oh when i was in hong kong i grew up xyz area i did that, went to xyz school or so forth. Eventually that way they talk and u can ask about where they are etc.... build some trust first. It goes a long way.
it would go a long way only if they are interested in taking in that information from u :p I kinda tried that as well when I was there. She just sent me a sticker of acknowledgement xD
btw I didn't know u were on Olivia's thread as well. No hard feelings man I just find that difficult to accept but I saw ur explanation and video. At least we can both agree on bbpig's tits that they are real.
yea i dont take anything personal here. I am here for the tits. I think i will drop out of bb's patreon and follow olivias. Thats worth something now xD but last i checked she only had like 9pics...her max patreon that covers everything is 20+ a month so for 9pics idk....maybe wait till the end of the month see if that number increases and her consistancy.
we're like the only two people here keeping this thread going lol but sure I guess that's end of this thread?
yea i notice that hahaha
either way its still good and i am not sure if ill pump out more edits. I probably will but just dont like to do it with frequency as it just feels then like a job.
Haha I feel u man. Better take a break before u burn out and completely lose interest bbpig's titties.
thats pretty much is what ill end up doing. But im thinking i should go do actual photos with my phone and then edit them.
Sounds good
its a good way of improving ur skills
heres some of that olivia effect i was talking about it being due to space

theres space between the chest and breast bc it dips inward. Makes it shake like water bc of the space. Tho this space is way bigger the bigger the breast are. Hers are still bigger and she is sitting down so its possible that bc of that hers jiggle some more.
hmm now shit makes sense but then that means her tits must be quite saggy without a bra on? Feel like a boob researcher
its more or less about that space that naturally happens between the chest and the part of the breast that has the actual weight part. It's like that waterballoon effect. The water weighs down the rubber but theres a section at the top that isnt filled and its near the top where u make the knot there. Now imagine the knot area being the actual chest where the chest cage is under. There would be no space between so when breast bounce that area moves more freely. Its not noticeable from a head on view ( face front ) bc that area with little to nothing space is almost flat with the chest but bc we know the breast is round it makes us see it as it being round and filled when in reality it is not as filled as we want it to believe. U can also see it in images where chicks have the camera on the ground and they are leaning down...u see the massive ball of weigh from the breast at the bottom but above it and between the chestplate seems to be empty.

its usually about an inch or 2 off of the chestplate
Dayum son u went really into town with that explanation. Never actually thought that deep about the properties of breasts and they behave differently according to the spacing. That's some clever shit.
that one is a theory about how they move. The space is a real natural observation over time.

Like i said, ive been a boobologist since i was 12. Then throughout life ive been a fan of breast that i would observe them much. Notice every smaller detail. With that came experiences with real big tit gf's and average size. I still dont fully understand why some females breast move like water ( regardless of cup sizes and while not pregnant ) while others are pretty firm and sturdy. Ive known some girls to be very sexually active and still have firm breast while other are very watery. So that part is kinda puzzles me. Iguess if i really wanted to know i would have to study some real science shit to figure that one out.
(734 KB, 638x360, bbpig jumping boobs.mp4)
Damn u started as early as 12. When I was 12 I didn't even know what boobs were xD
Maybe u should teach a boobology course on udemy. Tits are fascinating and so far in my life I only had one gf who who wore some big C's and D's and that's the biggest size I got to play with so far. It's not that easy to come by a woman with some huge titties because someone already scooped her up or she just doesn't want a man. There are some lucky bastards out there who have the pleasure of having a big boobed gf and I envy them :p
Either way man keep ur research going because I think Olivia is a special case.
Well I have been lucky to have chicks with big tits want me too so ..lol. after a while do it's just normal stuff and then boobs love kinda fades. Then u realize she doesn't really have anything to offer as far as conversations go. Plus some of them are quite dumb that it surprises how they made it this far through life. Had a bug tits gf that doesn't know what the cold war is, or where the A-bomb was dropped nor by who it was dropped. So at some point it's just like..fuck this. And one of them was to dumb to figure out I was breaking up with her. I had to slowly stop taking her calls and slowly put up excuses until like 2 months later she gets mad and says she wants to break up.....I'm like ok. Lol. She didn't get it when I had told her 2 months before that we needed a break. Go figure.
Nice video. Did u notice it also shakes in the empty space area I mentioned before? That's where tits shake the most. So beautiful 🥰
You met the real definitions of tits for brains.Kinda explains why bbpig did not some not so bright things in the past. What you said about ur exes might be it. Since ur a certified expert in boobology maybe you can find out if breast growth affect brain growth. There might be something behind this.
A true sight of beauty ain't it
honestly ive seen chicks with tits and brains. So there's really no connection there, which makes me think in the end it comes down to other factors. Probably egos, discipline, self respect, value, ect... Some females love that attention they get and some some just love to be teasers, so i think over time they decide its easier to get the things they want if they just go this route than what is considered the right thing to do by society as they are growing up. It becomes a mild addiction i think. Some other girls ive met with have nice big tits ( i'm talking d cups and higher ) and they dont put up with bullshit. They also go to college and study to get those higher degrees. But u wont see them doing what these girls are doing. Some that have later turn out to expose themselves, which seem to be the few, tend to do it out of excitement in their life. They seem to be used to the daily norms of life. Wake up, get dress, go to work, come home eat dinner watch tv,sleep and repeat. Life gets boring and so they try new things now that they are older.

So really theres no connection to it. It's just a road ur presented with and its up to the person to decide what road they a re going to follow thereafter. One of my ex's grew them big at a young age, in middle school...started to get all the attention from boys, dick flashes, ect..she eventually started to be that girl, u know the "popular" one in school. Got through high school without really studying. Afterwards she was also getting things done like so. But bc she chose that and didnt bother to study and learn, she really lacks information which some of it is quite easy to follow. Such as having a minimal bank account balance otherwise the bank charges u an amount to have it there..basic concept we can all understand. She didn't.
I have yet to meet a big titty (D+) chick with brains who wouldn't mind talking to a brown dude like me. Maybe one day
it can happen i dont see why it wont
where I live there are big titty bitches but they are fat. I'm not a man of oversized bitches.

bigger the tits, the bigger the chick. lol
very rare to find slim and stacked.
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Wish there aer uncensored versions of these two.. My gawd..... She looks like a snack in these pics.
someone might have them but idk it probably wouldnt be us. lol

I am going to unsub from her. Just isnt appealing likeit was when i first ran itno her
Dam son u finally got tired of her.
I don't blame you man. It seems like she lost touch as she isn't really posting stuff the way she used to a few years ago.

well as i mentioned before, I was already had a lot of her already and got used of the same stuff. So time to move on. Ive been modding mario kart 8 on the other hand and thast been taking my time
I get u bro. I've been playing some mk8 lately as well.
I wish I could mod mine but I have a latest revision switch lite which currently doesn't have any exploits.
i dont have a console period. Im playing this off of the pc. Im modding it on the pc as well. Hopefully someone will transfer the mod ot the console
Wait there is a working switch emulator for pc that doesn't require a bios to be transferred over from a modded switch?
idk what u just said but i just play it. The emu is called cemu and get urself the rom from somewhere
no its still up, i was able to go on it.
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Happy New year
officially unsubbed from her patreon. No longer going to follow her anymore

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