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Hey, imma post this here since the preg board apparently doesnt exist anymore. Anyways here's the question: What is the biggest weight gain recorded during pregnancy? I've tried some digging on google but couldn't really find anything apart from some mothers exchanging what they gained but never pictures officially. Anyone know of any footage of the biggest weight gain during pregnancy maybe? cheers
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>>1150 (OP)
Supposedly there was a woman back in the 1500s that had 9 kids during her first pregnancy and 11 with her second. Whether you want to believe that doctor or not is up to you, but here's the picture that goes with that story.

That we know of for sure though, Octomom gained 140 pounds.
My ex gained from 220 to 306lbs and people still couldn't tell she was pregnant. She's only 4'11".
damn, do you know was her belly (peak) measure?
I remember reading about an Indian woman who had 11 kids not too long ago. Though the record for most kids was held by a Russian woman who just kept having quints and quadruplets.

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