
But you mustn't speak her name. She is known for being very generous with takedowns on boards like this

Hopefully this gets he ball rolling
cant figure this one out.. maybe im retarded.. maybe this month of double shifts catching up to me.. idek but i appreciate the gesture! stay safe during this covid shit
remove what shouldnt be there...
I can't figure the code too :(
How about a hint?
It's broken - OP - would you mind checked the one in your post?
IDK whats up with it but ill just reup. no tricks if it gets hit it gets hit.


ETA 7 minutes
Thank you
Gone. Some kind soul up for a reup?
Please reup! You are awesome!
bump for hope of new uploads
reups please!
Reup would be super duper cool!
You are a god amongst men, a true boon to our society
reup please
Another bump i guess
I was excited when I saw the date. Then I saw the year.

Think we could get a re up?

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