
(132 KB, 1128x1992, 1.jpg) (128 KB, 1128x1992, 2.jpg) (155 KB, 1128x1992, 3.jpg) (152 KB, 1128x1992, 4.jpg)
https ://sendvid .com/p3rvi78b
(1.5 MB, 846x1494, ChesReynolds-Absurd2.png) (1.5 MB, 846x1494, ChesReynolds-Absurd1.png)
Bruh. If you're gonna obviously edit these photos (or if the model herself is doing it) you might as well go all out.

I know I'm likely responding to a spammer, but seriously some of these are hilariously bad.
>>353488 fuck are you on about, these photos been around for years. There's never anything new or good from her anyway
You really made time to complain about non edited pics and make some shitty edits yourself lmao. these photos old asf so idek why this thread was started ain't nothing new, She did extreme corset trained to get that build they ain't edits. Had vids before she closed all her socials
I heard she dead, RIP
To be fair, the edits I did were purposely bad as a visual joke about the point I was making. But upon reflection, I realize this is falling into the "Actually, I was being retarded ON PURPOSE" meme, for which I apologize.

I recognize she has a striking figure in reality as not all of the photos are edited, there are just a few that are really weird and bad for no apparent reason.

Anyways, sorry everyone.
Bro what happened she disappeared and now I’m hearing she’s dead?
Weird AI
Where you got the information that she died from?
where you got that information that she died from? im curious somehow
She deleted her IG in late 2018 shortly after falling out with itstianna1997. I doubt she's dead lol, she said she'd had enough of social media and meant it.
Nah she and ole girl fell out, got exposed, got her money and dipped
>>353520 You mean, I heard she died. Dummy
Looks like AI upscaling
Damn I remember her and tianna uchiha, what happened to both of them

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