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This is a fact of life.

All these women make too much money on onlyfans to even bother with doing meets with fans. They only fuck one or two, usually blacks, as that’s what the white cucks and other plain ass black men like

Meanwhile all of you like idiots fapping to pixels and digital images/videos lol

In the end is always mens fault and their stupidity, all these idiots who pay $5-10 a month for the illusion that she responds and cares lmao

This is why the enemy of a man is not women is other men. Women just take advantage of their stupidity and who can blame if i looked like them as a woman i sure would

Unless men band together and act collectively rather than thinking with their dicks and fapping things will never change

Women have way too much power theseday with onlyfans and social media it all has trickled down to regular simpleton women and even escorts want more money, etc

Onlyfans is not mean to last forever tho eventually things will change and all these women posted here who saw their fans as scum except for a quick money, may change their tune when they get older and the money starts dropping but their lifestyle remains the same
>>343160 (OP)

>Complains about other people spending money on porn
>Is on a site meant to share paid content


Also, what does OP expect this UN of coomers to do?
Sooooooo....... does anyone have her new bbc vids lmao fuck outta here we here for the bitches if u not then go to Twitter or Facebook to complain
The ironic things is by sharing paid content here and the internet yall making these women more popular and in turn making them more money in the long run

You posting their paid content doesnt change shit because men dont pay so much for the content itself but the ILLUSION of interest

The illusion that she cares and responds where otherwise she wouldnt, the illusion that she gives a shit about you
Fuck that where the links and videos y'all care way too much about shit you can never change lol FUCK YOUR OPINIONS!
this is a discussion thread, not a request thread. you can see that because it the lacks the initial upload.
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There is a photo in the thread lmao
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*Hey MOD, i understand ur job, but please consider giving this ninja a chance to read my message before deleting this shit.*
As the great philosopher Blade once said: "Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill."
Hey man, looks like you discovered America. See, you are abbabbabsolutely right, you just got something/s wrong, this isnt new, it aint a modern problem, you dont get it. Bitches existed for as long as our species existed, what you are complaining about is no different from complaining about the music industry or media industry, youtube, netflix, etc, etc...
bitches just went from hoods, word of mouth, and newspapers to the net, if the net wasnt there they would still do this shit, those girls and women youre looking at are not plain ol janes, they Hos. IDK why, IDK since when or how, but the lens you look at the world through is flawed, you looking at Hos as the representation of women on earth, they arent. You have any idea of how many Pawgs, and big titty bitches are out there? Hos are but a miniscule percentage of women out there.

Back in my day i had pussy thrown at me because i had the greatest hair, and had something women of all ages liked (im not handsome tho), but i was a fucking pussy, you know how frustrating that is once i became a man and bald? X_D. And still, whenever i get another job women are somewhat interested in me, but it aint as easy once you're bald, and IDM honestly, i enjoy me life. I dated a big titty bitch with non saggy boobs that were bigger than her damn head each, she wasnt a BBW yet but she was getting there pretty soon, those jugs were as good as Samantha Lily's, she wasnt a ho in fact she was a goddamn scholar and knew 3 languages at 22, i got her number on the train going home after i helped a friend move out to his new flat for 8 hours, sweaty, my mouth stinking and still i got her number being honest and polite, i never asked a girl or woman her number before that, i had no confidence whatsoever, but when i looked at her in the train with that dress and those jugs all i could think of was "That woman has to be mine! now!" and i did it.

But back to it, dude look at Elon Musk, im not praising the guy, but look at him an old, bald, fatass, ignorant and ugly MOFO and he bought himself what many, including me, would consider a diva in her 20s and have kids together, idk if bio or adopted but thats besides the point. That dude is a schmuck but still he got that pussy at his age. What he's doing isnt wrong or new, you got DiCaprio, that guy was handsome as a kid and the star of an alltime tear-jerking masterpiece, but once he became an adult he changed to a regular guy with money. Thats what men do, if you want a Ho, you have to pay, regular men do that, they dont care for shit else than getting it, whatever that means for each person. Married men are one of the main consumers of porn of all kinds and escorts of all sizes, as well as flings outside of their marriage. Maybe they married the bitch you praise but that doesnt mean living with her is giving them any happiness outside of pumping them for what? 30m, 1h, 2 hours per week?

Seriously, if you want bitches just use your brain, do whatever it is that you like, put some brains into it and make the money to afford bitches left and right, i wholeheartedly recommend you to check Louis Rossmann videos about cheking yourself out and stop being a bitch (not sayin hes right, but will make u think), you dont need cunt-pilled propaganda, just straight reality and growth, AFAWeKnow theres just this life man, dont waste it being depressed for peanuts you adorable Monke. And remember, a bitch looking good on the outside means nothing, thats just sex, whats in the inside is what makes a commitment worth living together and i can personally guarantee you that, a Ho wont ever bring your shoes and put your stinky feet on warm water after a 13h shift in the coal mines, NEVER, she will just be wilding and competing with you over who the man, a recipe for disaster.
BTW you dont need to become Einstein or Hendrix, look at Elon, again not praising the guy (he a naZi collab. of our age) but this guy wasnt and isnt the best at anything, he just had ideas and went for it, he's still doing it today, hes not the best on anything, well, you could say he's one of the top dogs at making people part with their money, but that doesnt require you to be a genius, just smart, and that anyone can achieve. Men will be your best friends, but when it comes to women or bitches, you on your own, even your dog would kill you if you touch her perra, them canines dont play that.

The world is much, vastly bigger than what you think it is, you will never experience it all, but you can always die trying. youtu.be/aRHzm-wPTr8?feature=shared
>>343160 (OP)

Shut you bitchass up.

Where the fuck are the worthless ass mod(s)? Then these fucks have the nerve to ask for money to keep the site up. Why? So you can continue to do a shitty ass job
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>>343160 (OP)

This is some school shooter manifesto shit. You need to stop looking at porn and have some real interactions with real people. Get a job, get out of the basement and join your local tennis club or something, book an appointment with a therapist, heal the relationship with your grandmother or your mother.
Too much internet has melted your brain.
Can u post it for us on g0file, f1lemail, or mega bro we been waiting for ever for this
¿Puedes publicarlo en g0file, f1lemail o mega we? Hemos estado esperando esto desde siempre.
Is he his godfather or not stop lying to the kid or should I say continue to lie to him over the years about what you havent spoken to him about. #gutfeeling
Touch grass you worthless human
Fuck would they care about the thousands of men and women spamming their inbox on a daily? Onlyfans is a business driven platform aka they are there to make money, not connections or anything else
OP is 100% correct. Just 15 yrs ago, major pornstars were whoring at very accessible prices, and we threw that whole world away so simps could beg their pretend girlfriends for feet pics. Absolute tragedy.
>>343160 (OP)

dont you have to show a pic of id to even get OF account? you guys are really pressed when theres plenty of free porn..stop obsessing over particular women so much you'd pay for pictures...go to the hood and you can fuck these chicks for less money\
Yadda yadda yadda... what is the chicks name?
Funny thing is this exact one does do meets lol
How do you know she does meets? She doesn’t have email or anything, only way to contact her is onlyfans
I contacted deisy on REPORT MY POST, she responded she only does diner dates for $1000 but no sex lmao
As long as she is paying. 1k for dinner? Shiiiddd im all in
Where did you contact her? I wrote and she didn't respond.

>>343160 (OP)
OP is right though. Your options are to pay an obscene rate for someone still in their prime, or you only get to fuck them when they're starting to hit the wall.
Any news on that purple lingerie sextape?
Purple lingerie on a pawg is top tier boys
Who this?
I don't know how someone can write such a manifesto and not immediately delete it or themselves.

Chad jerking off to literally anything for free vs virgin complaining about how inaccessible hookers are these days.

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