
She only ended up that way because that guy Q was World Star was a red pill incel without his website WSHH.

It's a tale as old as time with models before creator controlled sales that men under the guise of being a webmaster or manager would hold their name, likeness, website and content hostage if they didn't get what they want from the model.

Q is dead, and literally no one gives a fuck cause ultimately he was a nobody who ruined lives like our example subject of this post.

That's why models took over, men had the reigns but there were too many guys like this that fucked it up for everybody. Ask any model who was around before connectpal and all the other shit there after and they will tell you how some guy who said he was all about business turned scorned lover lol
WTF are you talking about🤣🤣 What does Q or Worldstar have to do with her getting to this point? They aren't mutually exclusive. You make it seem like her being on there made her lose her mind instead of her own life or actions that led her here. You could have just said the second sentence and left it there, because everything else is irrelevant.

Typical chan poster who doesn’t know shit about anything. Quick to call stuff irrelevant cause they’re too stupid to understand how things are tied together. If you actually knew behind the scenes information you wouldn’t type stupid shit….
I wonder if she's selling that ass now
I slap my fiancée in the face with my cock in her sleep if anyone cares to know.
I doubt it was Qs fault. Other "models" that delt with him have been fine if not better. Avi Berri is a perfect example.

That strictly looks like drugs. Now drugs can bring a lot of other issues... it was said somewhere that she was arrested dozens of times. Probably was prostitution and theft I would bet money on it.

Models are better off...? These women are lazy AF and greedy. That's exactly why they would rather sell their body (online or in person). The greed is cutting out the dude but check this... they are so lazy and stupid that they brought back in dudes lol... example FullxMoon/Philko or Juicymommat/Shippy. I would bet that most OF and other personal sites... it's a dude you're interacting with.

People don't talk about Q or give a fuck cause no one ever really knew anything about him. He was mostly behind the scenes. Our biggest exposure to him was when him and 50 was beefing.
I'm POSITIVE she always was in some shape or form
Q was her source of income from all the content she did to drive views to WSHH and the eye candy sister site she was the launch model for. When KAT Stacks and other girls got popular Q cut her off, and clearly became desperate, the random sextape that leaked, and then all the arrests and drug use. Q isn’t the blame but he was definitely an influence in her spiraling. She wasn’t a bright light bulb and her English aint the best either. There’s a cringy video of her last arrest on YouTube, sleeping in bandos
Again... laziness. She depended on another person to handle everything while she partied and took some pictures/videos. How hard is it and how much education does it take to use your own cameras and sell your own shit?

I swear if I was a woman with a fat ass and a decent face I would be a millionaire EASY.
These women either depend on another man/men to manage their shit or they mismanage their own shit by creating and posting dumb ass content that no one asks for while ignoring what their actual fans actually want then be surprised when they don't have enough customer engagement.
And you lack reading comprehension because all I really said was that they are not mutually exclusive, which is the truth. Q died in 2015, so if you are blaming what is happening to her right now from a man dying 9 years ago, you are purposely being incredulous. Like other commenters pointed out, none of the other girls linked with him are at this point. So yes, everything that the person said that I replied to is irrelevant.
Hit the nail on the head. These girls are just being lazy and expect success from little to no effort and wonder why no one takes them seriously. Most don't even make their own content but charge insane prices for bullshit.

None of you guys create content or know models beyond their screen name and that is why you guys say stuff that sounds totally insane and stupid to people who are actually involved. The other women were not close to Q and you mistake appearing on the site as being close to him lol Stay in a fan's lane... you're a customer.
Here we go lol you're either one of the "models" or some fanboy white knight.

It's NOT HARD!!! Niggas don't need a Martin Scorsese production. Make up, all these funny lights, all these weird ass positions, etc... all that is cool and all but it's unnecessary.

You order a custom from a chick now and it takes weeks sometimes a month plus because someone got sick, or my cat got abducted by aliens... etc etc etc... or they want to charge $50 for a 15m video.

Women... lazy, liars, dumb, and delusional

Women are going to be HURT when they have some real well built sex bots.

Spoken like someone who has never recorded content in their life lol models aren't lazy but the CUSTOMER which you are is often unreasonable, unrealistic, and unable to properly articulate what exactly they want.
Yup you're a "model" lol. How'd I guess.
my thoughts exactly
not a single ass pic
this should be in /gen/
Before she went MIA she was literally asking for help to get away from Q because he was stalking her and controlling all her accounts because he was on some if I can’t have you nobody can type shit supposedly he got her strung out

But but but that's all irrelevant lol
Every woman says shit like this. It's the bitter broad playbook.

It's always one of the below
-he's crazy, controlling, abusive
-he's broke
-his dick is small
-he's gay

They never talk about what they themselves did or didn't do.

She chose to sign whatever contracts she signed. Ok you can't shake your ass for money anymore. Fill out a FASFA and take your ass to school like an adult
This is depressing. Drugs are not worth it, folks. Jesus...

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