
(172 KB, 634x400, D33F922B-06F7-4D63-B37A-6D36E8A741B6.jpeg)
Any idiot can decode these files including iliterate whores. The most retarded way it doesn’t prevent shit.

And these morons always using wetransfer the most stupid website that takes down videos so easily.

There are many sites out there who wouldn’t even remove any links regardless if small dick cucks like mr supremo ask for deletion

Its been years and idiots still using this decode garbage instead we should make a club a group where only people who show some form of proof that theyre not mr supremo and these whores can get in

And the links are posted there

Bunch of morons who cant internet for shit thats why all the files are always deleted

Decode serves no purpose except annoy me and mr supremo for one second and boom deletion

People are so dumb
In which page do you want me to load the file?

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