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big mixed IG hoe
Wow. A nerdy, American nigger. Just what we were waiting for. Now we can get started on repopulating the country.
>>324247 wetbacks pissed the fuck off they got their content hacked
>>324258 You're so intelligent. You're like a genius.
Need more of her🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I want ass. Giveme all the nastiest American assez that you can find
Bro if you're a good person. A warning. Don't move to America or bring your family here. You have no idea the evil that exists in this trap hidden in the darkness of the shadows.
Europeans not allowed to grow cannabis. Isnt that evil enough
>>324322 Do you have domestic terrorism in Europe? I doubt you do. The reason I doubt you do's because there's probably not too many European citizens trying to start a Race War. I could be wrong, but I've known white people my entire life and domestic terrorism isn't the kind of thing that they're normally into.

I live in an area that is mostly black, hispanic, and middle class white, with some Muslims and some from India. Believe me when I tell you that literally all of these groups are very much into the domestic terrorism, and they're whores. They love to pretend and have the virgin mary by the front doors of their houses, and nothing more. You talk about evil but you don't know you have no idea. If you ever come to America don't talk to or trust anybody except for white Christians.
Go back to tit board faggit.

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