
She is selling nudes and maybe videos too, by whatsapp
vieira_sousa it's her instagram
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There's a sex tape, it was floating around here a while ago.
Any new clips heroes?
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Oh myyyy
>>322267 mp4 is an open source format and was sanctioned as the internet standard for video until recent years where the internet has undergone abrupt and abrasive changes. The new standard for video's the web consortium's very own webm.

Since the beginning the web was designed to be an open source technology that was freely available to everyone with a computer to do what they willed, and the IP protocol was intended to be an anonymous platform with its roots in DARPA project partly joined by the CIA and also where the technologies seen in Hollywood movies in the 60s and 70s such as the video calls, and so forth originated from experiments they performed in their computer labs probably with assistance from MIT or Berkeley. One of these experiments later became the internet.

Over the years commercial might and big business has slowly tried to transform the internet to accomodate their own selfish benefit and has been ongoing from what I can tell since the early 90s. It's because of these bad actors that tried to deanonymize the internet that work on TOR became popular because it was more effective at more closely resembling the true spirit of what the internet was meant to achieve. Both internet traffic and the url addresses are encrypted under https.

To answer your question the reason the internet's an open source standard's because governments have a tendency to be evil and to do evil, but the reason we have governments' because the same goes for any and all large companies of power and wealth. China, which can be considered both a government and a commercial company in my opinion, is the only government in the world that restricts its people's access to the internet by use of their "Great Firewall of China". Very cleverly opted.
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Excuse me while I rest my gunt on this counter.

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