
No. Youre under paid.
Dont cry because you dont have money. Ppl out here killing for it lol
Like friendships over stealing promotions & overtime but still under paid. Dirty bitches
Just because you're busy all the time doesnt mean you're getting paid
Wealthy ppl are not busy. They are hard to reach. 😉
>Wealthy ppl are not busy. They are hard to reach.

That was the lamest want to be gangster "cool shit" that has been posted all year.
So based on these replies, nobody has any wins then?
Well thank you for saving me 34.99 I had a feeling it wasn’t goin to be good just like stuff she posts on twitter and ig
Anyone have wins?
Chick is so orange
Ohh now u want some dick. Thats why u came back? Bitch!
Ive been doing this for 25 years. Spiting walking hip. Fucking hoes getting money. For show.
Walked out hoody up sick as dog.
Kanye once said Don't leave while you hot. That's how Mase screwed up 🤦🏿‍♂️
Why would pay this chick lol she's not even hot
nah this chick is busted. No money for you. Go get a job.
Anyone got the win?
Somebody has to have something.
Any thing

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