
typical baby daddy in jail only attracted to dope dealers big booty bitch
Back outside after hiding out to let shit die down. The devil have no chill. Keep that same energy till death.
Some dope dealers make minimum wage. Alot of them never touched 100k. Dont let the name fool you.
Yeah u make 70k per year but after taxes that aint shit.
I wouldn't expect nothing less. My fetish
Bitch is hooked to sex sense that one time. Damn.
Thats her trigger need dick. But it has to be low key and excellent
Thats how you feel? Kill yourself? How about I rape your mother and all females in your family. Then let you watch tied up because you decided to fuck with me
Making psycho threats on an anon board. lol. I pray you actually try your psychotic fantasies in real life and get exterminated by a legal owner or a cop.
legal gun owner*
Jesus christ. Don't you ever get tired of typing up retarded faggot shit? You cotdamn schizoid troll. I know this fag was lost when it looked like this site wouldn't return. And guarantee a weirdo retard like you barely make 30k a year.
There was a screen shot of a sextape i saw on reddit, she was riding, buddy had her cheeks spreaded...asked the user about it then it was wiped!
Told you someone was beating her cheeks in but you didnt want to hear it. Now you dealing with her bullshit. Pussy not worth the backwoods. No booty what so ever.

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