
Fuck you for whatever stupid shit you said to get banned. Probably said something racist, or tried to sell content. So go suck an AIDS dick with your mothers lips.

Don't worry. Pay attention from now on and you will see that they are their own worst enemy. All you have to do is literally get out of their way, but make sure that you are protected so that they don't bring you down along with them, obviously. In the future, when their countries go from bad to worse, they will still not admit to their faults, they will instead look for excuses, and look for somebody to blame. This is the same with every authority. Power corrupts individuals when individuals form mutual groups. This is the main reason for government. To protect the people from groups. Authorities can not ever admit to their incompetence because it leaves them vulnerable to attacks from their enemies while also raising concerns about their legitimacy to rule/govern, so instead they lie, and pretend, and sometimes cover up. Government is necessary, but federation has much the same moral dilemmas as communism. The reason is greed. Let them do their worst.
No I remember what happened, I let your mom suck my dogs dick while I fucked her ugly ass. you fucking pimps bastard, your mom works in a whore house.

You're dreaming.
>No I remember what happened
That's the corniest shit you've written yet. Plus, it's not nice to talk about the ladies that way. I understand you're back, and angry, but save it for when the war starts. You're going to need your stamina.
Corniest shit is because you insult ones mother , not remember that your own mom worked in the brothel house. Also you mentioned your HIV dick. so you must be a true FAGOT.

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