
>>310664 (OP)
You know what I dont get about this bitch? If you look at her old social medja posts from the beginning her body looks like its naturally curvy and thick (photoshop obvisouly). But as soon as she starts gettint exposed (with evidence) she still kept going and somehow years later she gets surgey done and still looks nothing close to her photoshopped old photos.
Thats right I forgot a lot of you mothafockas love getting off on virtual shit vs whats real in the real world. The more fake the better

.....lol. What? Who the fuck are tjose ugly hoes, and what are you talking about? Am I supposed to know what you are talking about? Thanks.

Yeah, I looked at the photos again and although you made it sound to be some sort of death threat, I don't understand what you're talking about. Would be nice if I actually understood your death threats, don't you think? Anyways, I don't mean to insult your obviously superior intelligence, but you probably shouldn't use the "f" word on this site. It isn't recommended.
Idk if you're trolling or not but where did you see a death threat? I'm honestly confused by that interpretation
Nobody cares bruh. This ain't a discussion board.
Post more of her bros

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