
Stop watching people have sex

You'd be doing greater good in the world if you told dudes to stop simping.

The simp meme was 1 I didn't ever get, personally. I also feel as though this meme that I first heard in 2018 continues to confuse me 5 years later. And what is a simp? Is it dudes who purposely go after gold-diggers? Or is it dudes that "orbit" beautiful girls? Eitherway, we live in the land of the virgins. I could be wrong but I don't think that simping is the biggest issue these days and actually I don't see how simping ever posed a threat to humanity's existence, but that's my opinion, I guess.

I honestly think that they should change simping's meaning to mean nutters that can't mind their own business, and won't stfu ever, and act like an old, ugly, latina who loves to gossip. I think that if we had less of those humans like that then this country would be doing much better than it is today.

What do you think, though?
New video from the most recent thread red top was trying on pants ?
please drop her new video
I beg !!
simp is an acronym for...

in other words someone who puts a girl they like on a pedestal to the point they throw their self respect under the bus. In the context of buying a girls OF for example you can be considered a simp for doing what the acronym says since you paid for something that's free or will be free through leaks

so no it should be changed to what you said since theres already a words for that like nosey, busybody, intrusive etc

hoped this helped anon
Simping is idolatry of an individual female. It’s sad and a form of evil. And it’s blowing up girls’ egos like never before. Every girl now thinks she’s the ish, the best thing since sliced bread, and thinking she has unlimited options in terms of dating and marriage, as well. This has been a recent phenomenon of the past 6 or 7 years exacerbated by things like onlyfans, tinder and similar dating apps, high school kids being dumb on Snapchat, etc etc
I can tell it's been rough for you in terms of getting pussy lately huh? A 7 year dry spell is crazy tho. Step your game up, bro simps gassing up thots is nothing new. This been going on before of and all that shit, it's just more mainstream now. If you know how to talk and hit the gym, getting pussy ain't hard

Bruh, do you fucking prostitutes, or are you a nut? Because I'vebeen thirsting to taste a beautiful girl's anus for 15 years. What am I doing wrong, my nut?
Fucking fat bitches back in 2005 was the golden days lmao
She a scammer
thank you!
Fat bitches used to be so easy to get back in the early 2000s but nowadays even fat bitches are egotistical thanks to social media. Social media has really ruined dating for the average regular guy.

What new video? She hasn't put anything on her onlyfans in weeks.
She’s a mentally ill alcoholic scammer, don’t waste your time or money

That was 20 years ago, old man. Its probably less to do with social media and more to do with you being old as fuck and past your prime. Its a harsh reality, but we all gonna face it one day. Sorry homie, but you a fossil. And crying about social media aint make you look any younger either LMAO

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