
Chick dont even look like this anymore
Because she not getting black dick what u expect white boy ricky
U weirdos fat shame these bbw's into size 4 dresses. Got them looking sick and helpless. Us beast men are out here waiting for u to get thick to make your man jealous. Lets go

It is what it is. Heathens love lies. Wicked humans love the lie. They would rather lie all day that say 1 truth. They don't want to believe the truth. They'd rather believe in aliens.
Thread is textbook example of why this board is dead. OP begging for wins and schizos going on weird rants.
Just white ppl complaining per usual why black men get all the glory and pawgs god is good can I get a amen. keep God on your life. The lord supports sexual pleasure! Just be safe!
They let homeless people onto the computers in libraries and bbwchan was never the same.
Can we get back to the booty? Super curious if she has any wins
She doesnt have any and she doesn't do content like that
I’ll drop once I get paid 🥱
Sucks being black american. All yall got is ribs and chicken cutlet with kool-aid. No culture ass niggas
>>310119 (OP)
dubs and i'll leak a few tiktok vids that were deleted
Who got any proof this her?
Alot of gold, not alot of proof. Ig we waiting for thr scammers yall
it's her ?????

Yep superbootynikki died of AIDS…. actually HIV positive then caught covid.
Sad life, and all of those loser “bbc’s” with their faceless profiles, big talk and mediocre realities had nothing to say, some of them are sitting back sick right now.
If you ever get into the gritty side of modeling and escorting you’ll see that it’s a disgusting way to live. This chick was from the south, taken to Baltimore by her “boyfriend” who turned out to be a pimp. Women shaped like her that are white are seen as meal tickets by broke ass black dudes. They’ll use them until they financially or physically ruin them with no remorse whatsoever.

Cool. Sounds like America is a pretty cool place to live in.
Let me go to where white ppl in proverty live since only black broke men go for them. So the rich niggas getting all the rich white pussy? Ok stfu moron

Ded. That sounds rough. You seem very invested in the social dealings within your community, and I feel sorry for you. Perhaps you can look for another job or something? It can't be safe what you're doing. Sounds more like a health hazard. Gossip's sinful. Get yourself checked out by a doctor.
Post content or stfu. And stop reflecting your own personal every day life.

You said exactly what I said just in a stupider, simpler, less nicer way.
This site can be so goofy at times. Lol.

Dudes have knock down, drag out race text wars over attention whores on social media. I regret to inform you, no matter what race you are, but you don't own these women.

I see fine ass black women all with white men, and what am I supposed to do, get mad and confront them?

These thicks white broads mostly choose us, because our community into this women for real. That is just a part of our community GLOBALLY. You have white men who are into it to, but that is not what white folks promote and put on a pedestal.

These broads want to feel special just like skinny blond white women do in the white community and they're not going to get that from their own community overall.

So, until the white community become more inclusive as a whole, this shit will persist.
You got some pussy last night. Talking like that.
Who is your professor & what grade did you get for your college thesis you wrote above.

Who is your special needs teacher & what grade did you get for thinking 500 words is a college thesis
Well 100 pages is for doctorates lolol
When you tell a white dude you like fat chicks they look at you like you just told a black dude you suck fat cocks. That on top of being way more aggressive when it comes to flirting it's not really a secret why black guys are always paired with white women.

That said though if youre a fat white girl who doesn't like black dudes, either because they're too aggressive or they had a bad experience, they fall in love with a skinny white dude instantly. Can't even count how many times I've heard "only black guys hit on me"
U already know cuzzo u already know.
>>313893 D's motherfucker, D's, Rosie Perez
More ?

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