
(106 KB, 941x871, wr8.JPG)
Her ass is perfect. Mans even stands behind her at the ATM.

Can’t believe he caught her shaking her ass on the escalator In part one!
There's the tan
So can anyone explain to me why yall posting videos of your 5 min fuck videos with big booty women? I uusally cum 7+ times each round when im fucking big booty women. Demon dick game big & strong.

most of if not all of her street scenes are not true candids
I just want the video idk if it’s real or fake. I used to have it and it produced many nuts

It isn't on the coomer. But in a very quick google search I find it on many streaming sites, once these vids get leaked they spreads like corona. This lazy morons just prefer to beg here and being served

Or they'd rather put up with the bullshit than have google ad trackers on their browsers. Until the privacy issues are confirmed or denied they will continue to find alternative ways to get the information they want.
Yes that is correct . I stopped sharing content on this chan months ago. We have a community else where. Free of trolls and cess pool users.
I’ve been looking it up and I can’t find it. Maybe I’m typing in the wrong keywords. Please send me the link
So who got the part2 ?
He’s lying bro, if someone has it they should reup, whoever got helped by downloading that vid should helped another out imo.
If you got part 1 please upload to dosya or gofile
I dont need $100 million I fucked more women then most users on this chan . And thats without using liqour or drugs. Hahaah

You're stupid and most Americans don't use liqour or drugs until after their 30s. Nothing special. There's hoes everywhere. Or at least there used to be before the "mob".
(434 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20230216-130423.png)

In fact, I have parts 1 and 3 which are the best for me, in full HD, both are a bit heavy (+3gb each) but the image quality is ridiculously sharp. The versions on the streaming sites I mentioned earlier are obviously lower quality due to compression, but they are there. Why would I lie? To fool someone that I don't give a fuck? lol

Btw, guys like this asshole are the main reason why this site went to shit and why almost no one shares the wins anymore. And since he fucks so much more bitches than us (later he wakes up and stop dreaming, unfortunately) he will surely have something to entertain himself while he waits for someone to upload the shit he needs to continue masturbating lol
Would you be able to upload them to dosya or gofile? Like I said I lost part 1 and I haven’t been able to find a site that has them (don’t know if I’m using the wrong keywords, or if it’s because of the country I’m in)
Anyways, I’m not the one who said you’re lying
This guy living under a stone. Just shut up. U hsvent lived life my boy
Been scouring the web man. If you’re not gonna upload it at least post a link

>This guy living under a stone.
I wasn't judging you, homosexual nutter. I was stating statistical facts that I personally don't care about because it's not my life. Whether I live under a stone or not is none of your business, tough guy.

Btw, I'm way smarter than you so if anybody should stfu it's probably not this dude. I'm also a much better person than you, so take it up with the Devil that's got you down, my gay.
Alot of talking. No money being made. See u in 10 years
Ahh u must be mods thinking u know it all and deleting ppls thread u got to be pale middle aged white guy from europe go cut your hair and shave your beard you fucking loser go fuck your mother up the dry dead ass crack with engine oil. Fucking fruit cake

What's going to happen in 10 years? Let's settle this right now.
Youre going to be long gone with all your money (im going to take it in court) ( and your side business) im coming for it all faggit. Go beat off behind another container
Like I said mostly rich ppl troll this website. Faggit. U been made.

Listen, I hate to break it to you, but nobody gives a shit about nutters, and I personally don't like nutters. I don't know what problems you have against me, or why, but we can settle this shit just between the 2 of us. There's no need to be a homo bitch about it and get the courts into it. I love to fight.
I'll upload, but i wont be ready for a while, as it take an age to upload a 5gb file. Hold tight.
So youre my god father smh

Hell no. I remember something like that years ago, but I turned down the offer. No, I am not your god father, You are a dickhead. I would disown you because I am emberassed by the mere thought of you. Learn to take care of yourself so that you can then take care of a beautiful woman.

That is my wish. I wish that you get off my back and grow the fuck up! Make yourself fucking usefyl!
Yeah he is your godfather.
I disown all of you bastard children! You're not coming in my ranch.
Its ok I know its you. I wont make it obvious. Godfather. Love you man.
Godfather blocks alot to protect me and my family thank you godfather
Ok we get it youre from texas big boy.
Unless you’re sharing content, please take this to the schizo thread
Btw fuck your ranch. I have $800k cash just need 4 car garage. Hahahahaha
Okay, clearly you are all back and ugly, and you somehow missed the part were I said that I don't like nutters. So, I'm going to get going now. Have fun!
Yo guys pack up tonight we hunting crackers in the south!

Knock yourself out. I don't like you.
We see why your girlfriend left u. She likes BBC hahaha!
Hey minorities white ppl are sleeping. Buying up all the overly inflated real estate in the northern parts of each state. When the market crash theyre FUCKED! So take my God given advice buy all the real estate in the southern part of every state or country. Scared land have no real value. Buy the south minorities!

I Am Michael. God of War & Life
I think this is where you all fall down for betraying me & my Father with art in heaven.

Did you not read, nutter? That's her business. She can get fucked by a pack of wild nutters if she'd prefer that over me. I would watch and jerk off. You truly under-estimate how much I don't give a fuck. I'm soulless. I go from pussy to pussy, and the world is my home. You are a copyninja. You are a fake, and you steal every artpiece you've ever made. You are by definition useless as far as I'm concerned, and I have personally been growing increasingly tired of your bullshit. Now get the fuck away from me!
Sound like youre projecting your inner fears & I make you intimidated it ok alot of ppl get like that when God walk in the room in human form.
>>307651 Your God on the computer you fucking idiot? You're a joke.
I own you. Lock all your doors matter fact. Ill kick those bitches in.
Damn would of thought the next racist mass shooter lives in boston hemisphere
And his racist father is in on it too. Man in blue would of though. Some cops are bad apples
Tall white male blond hair. Girlfriend dumbed him because she loves bbc.
You got owned white boy. Keep your ranch. Man who lived there got bodies under the house anyways.
He think he Jeff Damher without the glasses lmfao
Own. Got you.
Safari users got owned
You need a girlfriend and you need to love her so that it can teach you love.
Otherwise you will not mature. You will not grow up. You will be in your 30s still crying like a hoe and still immature virgin. You need to love.
You dont like minorities but talking about love real serial killer shit. Remember the hunter gets hunted too. U never seen darkness until you saw me.
Ill kill you broad day light in front of your loved ones. You no killer.

>U never seen darkness until you saw me.
I believe you, but don't say that out loud if I was you. It's not good. It's not a good thing.

I'm not a killer but for love I would destroy the Earth if I was forced to.
Life biggest lesson will be. If I make it too 80 years old will I finally know what good is. Will I finally know what bad is. Damn im 80 years old I should of did all the bad things. Its loud all rulers are loud. Even the silent ones.

You're stupider than you think you are, but your problem is that you refuse to respect others, and thry will have us make war for it.
Destroy the earth is possible thats how I know youre my god father because I have the same capabilities. You cant but punish me & give me suggestions. Only my godfather does that.
Gods of war fuck it lets have some fun.

I will pray and pray for your destruction, and God is fair and just. There's not much more to it than that. God loves me just as he has taught me to love, and it's all for His own glory. I am his miracle, and in me he has done wonders. If I would be willing to destroy the world for love of a girl, what wouldn't he do for me?
Godfather I know its you real loud with your biblical words.

Look I don't know if your literally crazy or not, but I don't have any children.
Whatever you say rocketman. 3.2 isnt enough

Rocketman 3.2 os not enough? Why are you such a dickhole? Can you answer me that?
I see why u bitches scared of bobby lmfao
>>307677 Bro please tell me you're not that asshole from youtube. Son of a nutter.
No im the devil. Goodbye see you soon cock suckers

Oh okay so you're those hackers' AI program okay...... Yeah. Don't sweat it. I'll be looking for you. I love to fight.
You still park that piece of shit rust bucket by the trees?

What? Yeah. What are you going to do about it, pussy?
Im going to probably follow your foot step you dickhead

I'm 10 steps ahead of you, tough guy. I have designed it all in such a way specifically for you to fall into my trap.
Can you fucks get out of this thread?!
Sound like a real god father that dont come around alright. Do I say thanks? I dont take back what I said you made me a monster.
U dont have the server link? Oh that sucks for u. Wont be getting it from me.
Epic. Here’s to hoping for 2/3👌
why is she always shouting in her social media post lmao
Genuinely thought she was a schizo at one point because of that bizarre OF vid of her just staring into space
Keep your arms and cheeks in the ride at all times
To the guy who fucked her. Why did you pull out.
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I have it in full HD, but I see them very excited and that video is boring brothers, it's not a big deal at all, I don't know if I can upload it, I'm from Latin America and here the internet is generally crap and it would take me a long time in uploading it
I got it from the t3l3gram link but thanks anyways. Unless you got part 2 or 3. Fastest upload in my opinion is Dosya upload. It’s a Turkish site, to upload, click “indir”
Not the right place to share this, kid. Go send it to your friends that you don’t have and don’t forget to donate to the cause.
>>307729 Re Up on REPORT MY POST link
Can u send the REPORT MY POST link
Anyone with part 2 or 3 ??
I wonder what inbetween nadia ass smells like is this her? Big sloppy booty spanish bitch
does anybody have the code to BA candid tele group
Yeah its called sit in my fucking chair.
Sit in your chair ? Not sure what the fuck you’re talking about buddy but you can suck my dick, I asked for the ba candid t3l3gram code though so lmk

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