
Even tho these look shopped, 3rd worlder can get it 🔥
>>306331 If you got the chance to fuck this hoe and you took it, you are the most stupid of the stupidest of all of the Americans. Do not do that to your family.
And before you ask, fuck a prostitute instead. Or even better go to a party, meet a girl you like, and fuck her. If you fuck this hoe you're stupid.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you implying that some brazilian mafia would come and murder my family? Is she some sort of warlord's daughter?
>>306343 Possibly, but there are worse things than death (unless you fear going to hell)
Nah, I'm thinking it's some sort of loser who was snubbed by her in DMs and therefore has some sort of pathetic coomer vendetta against her.

>don't fuck this hoe
>get a prostitute instead

Fucking idiot doesn't realise that a prostitute is a whore is a hoe. Perhaps he just wants to make sure I pay her for her service.
>>306349 You spoke of fucking her. I said do it then, but you're stupid. Then I tried to explain why. The only way I would fuck this hoe is if she was an orphan, and I knew her since kindergarden, and she always had a crush on me, and honestly she's not even that cute and I don't kniw what your problem is. I guess she's your type, but me I would need like 4 of them. Her and 3 of her friends of equal or greater power level.
(318 KB, 1080x1340, FGG2_XkXMAI8qHZ.jpeg) (368 KB, 1080x1268, FVPWQRuX0AEkaPX.jpeg) (225 KB, 1242x1522, FdW6fiKXgAISIyw.jpeg) (144 KB, 1080x1350, Fh2YdOhXEAI5tFy.jpeg) (234 KB, 1080x1349, FKCsZFRXsAUrRVc.jpeg) (129 KB, 818x1024, FZ6vOAaXgAAaGvI.jpeg)
What the fuck are you smoking? So you spend your time going on this porn forum telling anons off for engaging in their personal fantasies of the women posted here? What, exactly, is the difference between this "hoe" and any other "whore"? Are you some sort of bible basher feeling guilty about going to hell for masturbating so you take it out on others?

You're fucking crazy m8. Posting pics of this nice girl as apologies to other anons for engaging in such low level drama posting.
>>306355 You know what I changed my mind you should fuck her asap.
>>306358 This ugly hoe would look 14 if she wasn't so ugly. And you must be ugly and back since you want to fuck her so bad. Knock yourself out.
If she is not to your taste, what the FUCK are you doing in this thread? Why the FUCK are you entering a thread about a woman who you don't find attractive? There are at least 100 other threads active on this board, all with different women, some whom you must find attractive. Leave this thread and enter these other threads. Faggot.
>>306360 I was in this thread giving somebody what could be a potentially life-saving suggestion. He said he wanted to fuck. I said "Not good idea". If the tattoos are not a warning enough, then her being on the internet should be. Proceed with caution, governor. This isn't the 90's anymore.

Beware of the shadow. They lie and manipulate. That is how you know them. A prostitute can be useful, but a slut would be safer. You are a booty-lover and stupid. Do not let them use you. You are being used everyday. You should've fucked her years ago before the porn.
(5.1 MB, 480x270, jzm16x8mw15y.gif)
Hey, I just found a gif of you sperging out. You really do need to calm down, dear.
>>306365 I would literally eat that hoes vagina. The Indian can watch netflix in the other room.
came back to this thread a while after posting. some of the guys in this forum might consider talking to a therapist. thanks for the luls.

right, some if not most of her pics are definitely shopped. but in her videos you can see her hips/thighs are still wide/thick af, so for me the shops are somewhat forgivable -- they're not that far off.
Man, I hope someone comes through with some videos. This chick is freakin’ dynamite!
I may be white but my taste is till alright, fuck off all you white boys who hate on big women, i dont want you in my lane.
#NoUnity #BBWrules #NoDiscrmination
i think there was already a sextape of hers uploaded on cambro
Why does she look 12 and 30 all at the same time .

>Why does she look 12 and 30 all at the same time
Because she is. She. Is. A. Woman.
Filters + makeup + hairstyle to make herself look like jailbait
I hope somebody has content from one year ago to a half year ago, since she was getting extra chunky but seems to have been losing weight since half a year ago :( I world love to see her at her peak weight! She has deleted all her tiktok videos a few times when her weight was peaking! Some videos have been reposted but some are gone sadly enough, somebody should archive them
>but seems to have been losing weight

that's terrible

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