
*clears throat*


*waves and walks off stage*
About to piss of some people on here for this
U do realize everything you do in your daily routine is the same as niggers? You do know that right. From breathing, eating, shitting, having sex. No matter the color we all do the same thing. How about you take it easy with the racism this year why dont you.
>>303480 (OP)
lmfaoolooo WTF IS THIS SHIT this is the funniest thing I've seen on this site. What is wrong with these Americanz? Where's their head at? Too much evil. Repent.
Racism is really getting old. It really is. If u dont like colored ppl or vice versa then dont fucking go into public places. Kill yourself. Tf. Dont come around with your hatred not needed. Losers
Nigger, shut the fuck up
Pussy ass gay motherfucker
You're tough. None of you are tough. You all have soft bootieshole. You lock me up in a room with all of you. My dick is leaking cum out of each your fucking shit sacks.
nuke this entire thread please

>If u dont like colored ppl
>Kill yourself
Don't you think xomments such as these are the real problem? Have you ever thought of that possibility?
Stink wet pussies. I can smell the horny musky wet pussies. Horny for me.

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