
Now I see why we r best friends you old sexy fuck
I can't wait until you die and suffer for eternity due to your own arrogance.
Why do you feel defeated? That doesnt sound like a man who is winning in life. Seek help man.
Want to know how I know youre not a boss? You dont smoke weed like cigars.
I don't smoke weed because it was never my thing I was more into the heavier acid and crack. Later on I tried some x and meth but noyjing goo crazy. I never really wasmuch into drugs though. I thought they were kind of stupid. Too be honest with you most of the time that I have ever done drugs it was offered to me by a girlfriend.

I love fucking women on drugs! They get WILD!!!!! It's probably not my favorite sex to be honest. I prefer the calm and relax making love on a sunday morning with a hangover type of sex because you can take your time and it's more romantic, but having sex with a woman on drugs is something that I highly recommend. Music also makes it better putting on some music. Good luck to you, young viking.

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