
This website site sucks. You guys rely on tiktok videos to keep this chan active now?
Her ass phat tho

The Chan ain't just about hard-core porn all the time lmao softcore is enough for some of us ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ.
U not lying lmao
If youโ€™re somebody who finds it difficult to get off to girls in clothes youโ€™ve probably got a problem. Take a break lol
I was going to say the same thing but I ain't wanna do it to him smfh, go to the hills of Nepal for a yr n meditate big bro ๐Ÿ™.
Ummm how about you're just trolling & I prefer my women naked lol
Bet any money I fucked more women then both of you

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