
Dirty diaper booty 🤢
Lollipop looking-ass beech! da fack. why them legs not proportion to that ass, tho, uh HUH??

i'll still hit, tho...........
Niggas out here still selling 8th's and qaurters in 2020 that shit dont pay the mortgage. Then spend it all on car rentals LOL
I enjoy 3somes but I've only done it a few times. My first threesome I won't tell you how old I was hahaha but they were bestfriends and lovers, and they were CUTE. When I remember the taller ones vagina how pink and cute it was and remember us 3 making out in public my heart hurts. The kast thing we did together at a party got a double blowjob. Then I don't know what happened. One of the girls got a boyfriend. I don't know. Maybe they got bored of me. At the theatres when her biyfriend went to the restroom I was flirting with the other girls and I remember she said to me "You don't need us. You got it." I laughed and ignored her because I thought she was being stupid, but what if she wasn't being stupid? What if she caught feelings and I was too stupid to see. to understand it. I should've told her how I felt about her. How the first time I saw her tiny ass I thought she was too cute for me. She was too good for me. Instead I ignored her because I didn't understand. I wasn't jealous but I didn't understand why she stopped talking to me and got a boyfriend. It was because I made the moves too slowly. I was too slow. I should've jumped on that. That was the last time I saw her. She was looking so cute that night. And I lost her.
She needs to sue whoever botched her BBL
How yall disgusted at her ass but be calling them big ass whales on here attractive lmao.

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