
(8.0 MB, 1080x1920, ul2.mp4)
Here's the full vid of her running/clapping her flabby ass


This bitch is the main reason I check this forum
Christmas came a little early this year.
You want this big dick in your ass or not?
Coomer has been updated
If it was someone from here who updated coomer, thank you so much. Fucking gold mine
yall som bunch of idioits lmao y'all know this bitch checks this website
Mods please close the thread then to preserve c00mer
This isnt some secret club, dipshit. There are HUNDREDS of hosting sites and forums.
What’s some other sites besides this site I’ve been tryna find new good ones for a min now?
I bet her butt taste good even when it’s sweaty.
>>294358 Why would her ass taste any different when it's sweaty? Her ass is going to taste the same way that it smells..... and this smell will stay constant independant of any sweat. All women are different and smell different though. In my experience only about 1/10 of women have strong pungent female odors and the odors go away when they clean themselves. This excludes any diseases (STDs) or skin conditions that I am unaware of which may house foul odors in the skin. In general if a woman's ass smells manly like my own ass then that would be a problem for me because I don't like manly ass. I like female ass. Fortunately for me I have never had any issues of odors (with females) except the very occasional bad breath. Literally only like one time. I have indeed smelled around many stinky dudes though, but this is only natural. I have had a very good luck streak throughout the years when it comes to sexual hygiene with girls in general. This is good for me because one of the things I love most about women is the way they smell with the perfumes and the lotions, it's lovely. I don't mind so much the other things like farts and other natural bodily functions, but there are a few basic things that are really important to me. I like womenly women.
Maaan wtf is he talkin bout??? Ahaha
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