
fat enough though? ;)
Generic white man guy.

90% of labor workforce. Racist.
fatter than most of the population.. 10/10
Keep working and provide to us, soon you will be history.
You shouldn't eat that ammount of food, other people that are non-white deserve more than you, stop eating the food, whites are meant to work not be fat.
Nice work, OP. You'd look even hotter if you doubled your weight.
Holy shit I need someone like you in my life… I’m white and on my knees
You don't need to be on your knees, you need to help minorities get fatter, richer and stronger.
>>9602 (OP)
Damn you are hot... do you have snapchat ?
You absolute pig. You look even fatter!!! Just giving in and giving up now are you big guy?
how can we help you grow…
Post more fatso, we need to see more of your lard.
(796 KB, 498x278, konata-thumbs-up.gif)
OP you're an absolutely prime hog. You've got a perfect fat body: jiggly, soft, pale, oozing, not much hair. Judging by the stretch marks you've been growing quickly, too, which is marvelous.

Do you have a goal you want to shoot for? I think you'd look incredible at 500 pounds, or even bigger. You look so good already that even more of you would look even better.
(465 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140208_081913.jpg)

Short term goal is 350, with long term being 400. I wanna be fucking huge

Here's a pic of me at 190, when I was 40 pounds into my gain. I thought I was too fuckin fat then lmao
(482 KB, 1600x900, l-intro-1613747276.jpg)
I think you should shoot higher. 450, 500, 550, even 600 pounds. Imagine if you doubled your current weight. Wouldn't that be hot?

By the way, in case you didn't already know: one of the keys to gaining the kind of fat that looks so good on you, the jiggly, soft, gelatinous fat, the real blubber--one of the keys to putting that kind of fat on is to eat a diet high in fat itself. Fatty meats, lots of butter, lots of cheese, lots of desserts, and especially creamy desserts.

I think you should try to fit at least one milkshake per day into your diet. Assuming you don't already. It will really help you continue to grow soft and blubbery.
Jesus you are looking fat as fuck, no doubt about it. You “feel” fat when in reality you’re fatter than most men and only getting bigger huh fat boy? you on grommr because I’d love to talk to you
Delightfully plump! You've really achieved a lot, and you're making such good progress. You should reward yourself. Get yourself something nice, especially if it's dessert.
Nice butt! Your belly is huge but you're growing quite the ass, too. Keep it up.
Grommr or Instagram account?
At this point, if you get fatter, you'll be bigger around than you are tall. That's gotta feel so hot.
Nice work. Keep going.
You look great. How long did it take you to get so big and how did you do it?

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